First 10 minutes PC Xbox 360 PS3

After the mindless but fun Red Faction: Guerilla yesterday, here comes the also mindless but but Prototype. Here is a game that doesn't hesitate when it comes to violence and chaos, and it's strangely refreshing to see that Activision can release such a graphic game like this. Personally I'm enjoying it a lot, and like yesterday it's our friend Bombstrike playing in the video. 2 more parts coming a bit later.
Update: Added parts 2 and 3.

Commented on 2009-06-23 17:40:42
Great game I'm playing it atm on my PC
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Commented on 2009-06-23 17:49:52
Doesnt look my cup of tea, am currently playing god of war 1 and 2 on ps3 very impressed.
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Commented on 2009-06-23 17:52:59
Not sure why this game deserves the "mindless but fun" tag more than many others. Isn't God of War or Gears of War "mindless but fun"? Or Call of Duty and/or Halo? None of them require a brilliant mind, just decent enough reflexes. When it comes down to it, most games either live or die by fun and compelling gameplay, and prototype delivers very satisfying gameplay. Just gets boring after a while like every other sandbox game ever made, even the mighty GTAIV (though not as much as most).
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Commented on 2009-06-23 19:15:57
Why am I not allowed to watch this video? :-\
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Commented on 2009-06-23 19:37:26
The streams are very slow.

Nietzsche, the reason why it's mindless and Gears, CoD and Halo ain't is because in Prototype you don't have to worry about anything other than hitting the enemy as many times as possible while fully exposed to fire/hits yourself.

And no you don't need to have any reflexes to complete these games in SP either, just some fine motor skills and patience.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2009-06-23 19:47:12
awful! I pretty agree with what John Davison (the brit guy on Listen up podcast) said. This game is aimed at 15 year old goth males and feels like a Nine inch nails video. Just awful!
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Commented on 2009-06-23 19:55:34
Loads of fun. And towards the end, not mindless at all – you'll have your ass handed to you if you get careless with the military & hunters saturating the island and that's not even mentioning the boss fights (I think it took at least an hour to take down one boss, and that's without dying).
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Commented on 2009-06-23 21:11:30 In reply to Doom_Bringer
Posted by Doom_Bringer
awful! I pretty agree with what John Davison (the brit guy on Listen up podcast) said. This game is aimed at 15 year old goth males and feels like a Nine inch nails video. Just awful!
absolutely disagree. This is a great game, i've been having tons of fun with it. And the argument you present, is a very poor one, one which can be applied to many games (Gears of War, God of War etc etc).

For me, this is a great blend between crackdown and GTA, but of course without the great acting, script and animations of GTA, but still (for now 4 hours in) very competent and fun.
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Commented on 2009-06-23 22:16:51
I LOVE this game. Its such a raw game, just pure sandbox GTA meets Postal madness.
My main concern was if the combat would "feel" good or not, it makes or breaks a game like this, much like the feel of cars make or break racing games.
But it definetly feels great. I LOVE the whiplash, its so amazing to whip through a crowd of 50 people (achievement!) and watch them ALL dismember.

Great game, great physics, great feel of the combat. A sleeper hit for me, no matter what anyone else says :)
You buy GTA for sandbox racing and faffin about.
You buy this for sandbox slaughter fests and being an M-rated superhero.
Love it, it does what its supposed to do.
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Commented on 2009-06-23 22:53:26
Also love this game. Some reviews mention that the gfx aren't that great, but they forget to say that it runs much smoother than for instance Crackdown, practically without screen tearing, and this while the action and camera is moving tenfold the speed of previous sandbox games. I'd say that's a major accomplishment. What's more important: this game makes me believe in the world which is presented. Ok, it's a bit rough around the edges sometimes, but the design and style is consitent and the gameplay is smooth.
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Commented on 2009-06-23 23:15:13
I damn love this game, despite the camera problem.
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Commented on 2009-06-24 00:08:13 In reply to Doom_Bringer
Posted by Doom_Bringer
awful! I pretty agree with what John Davison (the brit guy on Listen up podcast) said. This game is aimed at 15 year old goth males and feels like a Nine inch nails video. Just awful!
I didn't notice any pig heads and trent in a gimp suit anywhere!? There certainly wasn't any f**king people like an animal either ;)

I really, really, really like this game, I don't tend to like sandbox games, they tend to bore me. GTA4 had a first class ticket to snoresville. Prototype is just so fun, I don't think I've had such fun playing a game since L4D.

I did wonder how it would work, after all you're super human, I thought it would be easy. Being chased down by hunters, black hawks and Apaches really isn't that simple.
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Commented on 2009-06-24 04:46:03
I love this game. There's no other game that you truly feel like you have super powers. All this game needed was destructible buildings and streets. The story is great although not exactly well attached to the gameplay,the missions are well varied, and you are challenged throughout the entire game. And really, doing the guard missions isn't the most "mindless" thing, i actually failed them quite a bit.
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Commented on 2009-06-24 05:42:07 In reply to hiscore
Posted by hiscore
Also love this game. Some reviews mention that the gfx aren't that great, but they forget to say that it runs much smoother than for instance Crackdown, practically without screen tearing, and this while the action and camera is moving tenfold the speed of previous sandbox games. I'd say that's a major accomplishment.
Yes, and with a far far greater view distance (where it matters, with cars and pedestrians) than both Crackdown and GTA4. You can literally stand on top of a building and throw down a container, watch as it drops all the way down to the street, and continue watching the cars brake to avoid collisions the same way as if you were standing right there.
Sometimes you can even hit pedestrians and fly down and view the corpses afterwards. Even though they were killed when you were way way above their visible range.

Awesome draw or interaction distance.
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Commented on 2009-06-24 20:18:33
I do love this game, it's kept me entertained for the past...well since it's been released, it doesn't seem to bore me! I know the graphics are not top notch (they are pretty damn good though) cannonballing apache's, body surfing and that snapkick are so damn fun, especially with the musclemass power.

I think this is a re-player for me. Constant fun.
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Commented on 2009-06-24 21:56:36
Prototype is a great game, I'm really loving it on the PC. A quick ten minute go usually ends up being a two hour session for me, it's that addictive.

As others have said the graphics might not look great as static images but the smooth tear-free and sheer amount of stuff on-screen more than makes up for it. I think critics forget things like that and that's probably why the consoles are plagued with games that have poor framerates and tearing, all for the sake of having pretty-looking screenshots on the game box.

If the city was a bit more varied in terms of building types - the rooftops tend to look all the same for example - then it would be perfect but as it is it's easy to lose track of where you are because everything looks so samey. Also you might be super-powerful but attract the attention of the military forces and you'll find yourself seeing the Game Over screen quicker than you'd like until you get the whiplash attack.

Those gripes aside, it's a great game, don't let those seemingly bland screenshots put you off.
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Commented on 2009-06-25 20:11:51
I'm 14.5 hours into the game. This game has raised the bar for how fun you can make just running around a world in a game. The power progression is excellent, every hour I'm either unlocking something new for my Whipfist, or I'm upgrading by myself. And surprisingly, I've only died 10 times.

The military chatter is so fun to just hear, it's super authentic and griefing soldiers in their bases, while they shove you around, NEVER gets old!
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Commented on 2009-06-26 17:06:36 In reply to krush
wat a coincide, that's wat i'm playing
GOW I, II, and CoO "can't find betrayal"
*crossing fingers 4 a PSN release*
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Commented on 2009-06-27 01:54:51
the tech is kind of lacking in this game.
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Commented on 2009-06-27 13:35:27 In reply to trey4life
Doesn't matter when the game is fun as hell.
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Commented on 2009-11-10 10:56:56
Alex Mercer.......Hmmmmm....:)
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Developed by
Radical Entertai...

$135 of $400 per month

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