Images PS3

A big thanks to Sony who came this morning on tiptoe to slide a Playstation 3 Slim under my door. At Gamersyde we do not waste time, So here come thirty-something pictures of the machine from every angle, as well as the inevitable comparison shots featuring its two big sisters, the old Xbox 360 and more importantly the huge Playstation 3 which looks even more obese now, poor thing. I don't know what you think but as far as I'm concerned, without even mentionning the effectiveness of Sony's new design, I am totally charmed by its looks. Well done guys.

PS3 Slim

  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
  • We got our PS3 Slim, took pictures of it - PS3 Slim
Commented on 2009-08-28 22:19:07
Well now that the pics are out you guys should send it to me as a action of good will =)
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:21:48
I like the plastic finish, no more finger prints

Looks better then the other pics i saw.
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:25:00
This is the best console for your money.
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:28:37
Pretty sexy I'll wait for the next price cut :P
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:31:09
Posted by droezelke
Too bad I already have the fat one. Not ;o)

With all the price drops, now let the games begin. There is an balance now between Xbox360 and PS3, and that's a good thing for gamers. I hope this will lead to full concentration on developping the best games for each platform.
As exclusive games this year and the next year there is no balance , the PS3 simply has way more exclusive game then the 360.
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:32:18 In reply to ahlan
...unless its exclusives don't appeal to you...which except for GoW3, they don't in my case.
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:34:31 In reply to Ronsauce
Posted by Ronsauce
...unless it's exclusives don't appeal to you.
another lame excuse from the haters.

I heard this sentance so many times after the price cut,

like: "Yea.... its a great deal... but but the games don't appeal to me"
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:36:18
The original PS3 looks much better imo.

The Slim looks kinda ... cheap (well, at least it is).
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:37:52
I don't get why people care much about how a console looks. It just sits in your entertainment stand anyhow. It's not like my "fat" PS3 takes up tons of space or anything. Anyhow, nice to see a real price drop for the PS3, hopefully this will mean even more quality games to come.
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:39:29 In reply to Mac1988
Posted by Mac1988
The original PS3 looks much better imo.

The Slim looks kinda ... cheap (well, at least it is).
I just got one yesterday (slim), and it looks very good, at least it looks better then my 360.
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:39:31
I can't believe that's the final design... All those pics that were leaked, I thought it was just some Chinese knock off. Looks horrible!

Oh, and note to Sony: Don't call it slim if it has a convex design!
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:39:36 In reply to ahlan
Posted by ahlan
This is the best console for your money.
Why do these kids actually fight for a system like this??? I'll never get how someone can be a fan of a system or a company? It's just so sad and pathetic...
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:41:55 In reply to ahlan
It's not an excuse, it's a reason. Absolutely none of the exclusives except for God of War 3 appeal to me whatsoever. I've been saying this for probably over a year now. My roommate has a PS3 with Uncharted and KZ2, but I have literally no motivation to play either of them...though I will eventually give Uncharted a go as I know it'll obviously be good. Hell, my roommate hasn't even played more than a few levels of KZ2.

Essentially since we've had the PS3, it's been used 99.9% of the time as a BluRay player, not a console. It's not a fucking stretch to think that maybe some people aren't interested in its exclusives just yet.
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Snoopers - Gameboy
Commented on 2009-08-28 22:42:20
Oh come on...
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:43:31 In reply to Nietzsche
Posted by Nietzsche
Why do these kids actually fight for a system like this??? I'll never get how someone can be a fan of a system or a company? It's just so sad and pathetic...
I own both consoles, i have become a ps3 fan after my 360 got RROD 4 times.

that way i think for 300 bucks the ps3 is a better for your money, its my opinion.

don't get to sensitive about it KID.
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:46:58 In reply to ahlan
Posted by ahlan
another lame excuse from the haters.

I heard this sentance so many times after the price cut,

like: "Yea.... its a great deal... but but the games don't appeal to me"
Do you expect people to lie and all say the games are perfect? Not everyone has the same taste in games. Some don't like many 360 exclusives and others don't like all the ps3 exclusives. There's nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is when people like you have an apparent blind rage against anything that has to do with one of the systems. You're only hurting yourself by missing out on some great games. Fanboys are lame.

I gotta say I think my original ps3 looks much better than the new one. The old one looks somewhat elegant while the slim looks rather cheap like my 360. Oh well, at least I don't have to worry about trading up.
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:47:28
I think there are plenty of people interested in games like God of War and Gran Turismo, or even Metal Gear Solid. Personally, I thought MGS4 was the most overrated game last year, but most love it so I must just be too picky for that kind of game.

Killzone 2 and uncharted, while not as great as they should have been, at least are good technical showcases. For me, the best for PS3 is Motorstorm and LBP, i really like those games a lot, way more than the overhyped stuff like Killzone 2.

But basically anyone who thinks either the PS3 OR the 360 are shitty consoles are just pathetic kids with a pathetic life and nothing better to do than try to convince other people to buy the system they, for some idiotic reason, have a dedication to lol....
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:48:30
Yup. The PS3 is now a better-value purchase (Blu-ray player anyone? :P). I'd go for the 160GB Uncharted "Fat" PS3 package for $300 instead of this slim one though :)
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:49:34
ahlan: god, just stop with your obsessive PS3 fanaticism. Anyone not shoving their genitalia inside their PS3 is a hater according to you.

I kind of agree with Ron on this one, none of the exclusives for the PS3 are all THAT interesting to me. Sure the console is totally worth buying if you like the exclusives but the only way i can look at it personally is that games wise they are now on about an equal footing. The PS3 generally ahs the edge on downloadable games while the 360 kicks ass when it comes to online play. That's how i look at it anyway.

Oh i actually forgot about The Last Guardian. I'm totally hyped for that one. But otherwise not so much.
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:50:00 In reply to ahlan
Posted by ahlan
I own both consoles, i have become a ps3 fan after my 360 got RROD 4 times.

that way i think for 300 bucks the ps3 is a better for your money, its my opinion.

don't get to sensitive about it KID.
lol, wether that is true or not (probably not), it's still funny (in a sad way) that you are a "fan" of a fucking system/company. I see you bashing 360 games, not just the system so nice try...
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:52:57 In reply to Ronsauce
Posted by Ronsauce
It's not an excuse, it's a reason. Absolutely none of the exclusives except for God of War 3 appeal to me whatsoever. I've been saying this for probably over a year now. My roommate has a PS3 with Uncharted and KZ2, but I have literally no motivation to play either of them...though I will eventually give Uncharted a go as I know it'll obviously be good. Hell, my roommate hasn't even played more than a few levels of KZ2.

Essentially since we've had the PS3, it's been used 99.9% of the time as a BluRay player, not a console. It's not a fucking stretch to think that maybe some people aren't interested in its exclusives just yet.
The same thing i can say about my 360, the only game that appeal to me was Fable 2, the rest were boring games no good story and repetitive gameplay (gears 1&2,halo3) hopefully i sold them and got Uncharted, kz2 and Bioshock for my PS3.

i didn't touched my 360 since January, the only 360 exclusive game ill be getting this year is forza 3. as for the ps3 im getting Uncharted 2, Ratchet and clank: a crack in time, Ninja gaiden sigma 2, Demons soul and batman(ps3 version).
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:53:19 In reply to ahlan
I dont agree with you on the "More exclusives" thing. Infact that is a matter of perception and taste. I like Fable 3, Forza 3, Alan Wake, Whatever Rare is upto (I WUVE RARE! I think I said that about 20 times YAY loved them since Gunfright on my C64) better then what Sony is offering me.

Basically it is a matter of taste, a Sony Fan will love Sony's franchises more because he became a fan of them for those franchises. To each his own and it isn't a clear cut fact which one has teh better exclusives. they are both good for their own fanbase.
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:55:48
Thing is, I have nothing against the console. I'll probably pick one up soon to have a BluRay player, and I'll be more than happy to buy some games as they are released. It's just at the moment, I'm not super-stoked for anything. Hell, I'm not even super-stoked for any 360 exclusives at the moment either. I've mostly been playing multi-platform games, and it just so happens I find the 360's controller much more comfortable(offset analogs ftw). As far as exclusives go, I'm really only currently excited for Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 :P
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Commented on 2009-08-28 22:56:04 In reply to Nietzsche
Posted by Nietzsche
lol, wether that is true or not (probably not), it's still funny (in a sad way) that you are a "fan" of a fucking system/company. I see you bashing 360 games, not just the system so nice try...
^ second that.
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