Those of you who are old enough to have known the Super Nes will be glad to hear that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled will hit Xbox Live Arcade no sooner than tomorrow. What's more, the price of 800 points will be much easier to swallow than what was originally announced. Here is the launch trailer of the game.
All comments (7)
As soon as I saw the Ubisoft logo and their trademark screen tearing (uh-oh) I knew it would be. Sure enough in-game there's tearing whenever the push scrolling kicks in and absolutely no anti-aliasing whatsoever, something of a letdown given how graphically basic the upgrade is. I was playing the demo at 1080p though so maybe v-sync and AA were sacrificed for native 1920x1080 support?
Even before the end of the demo level though I was getting bored of it. One for fans only I think.