After two episodes of Test Drive Unlimited, the franchise is literally back on track with Test Drive : Ferrari Racing Legends, an episode developed by Slightly Mad Studios, famous for the Shift series, and of course, their current ongoing project, Project CARS. No more open roads to cruise on, this new opus is only about racing on 39 tracks (in 16 different locations). The driving sensations are very similar to those of Shift 1 and 2, so they're pretty good overall despite the cars' tendency to drift, but the main problem is that the game is incredibly difficult. Very early on, you'll find yourself stuck, not being able to reach the finish line in time, even in easy mode. As you can't move on to the next challenge without completing the one before, it makes progressing into the game very frustrating, unless you stick to the first part of the career (1947-1973).
All comments (19)
edit: Graphics are superb what version you playing?
Edit: 360 version. The PC version has been delayed.
this stops me from being interested in the game.
Edit: not a single place on the internet in the UK seems to be stocking it.