First 10 minutes PC Xbox 360 PS3

When Square-Enix first contacted us regarding our copy of Sleeping Dogs, we thought we had a good chance to be able to write a full review. But when the game only arrived at Ghost_Deus' den yesterday, it was clear that he would not be able to make it on time for the game's release in Europe today. As you'll see in his videos, United Front Games' title oozes atmosphere and the Hong Kong setting is a nice change from the usual New York City landscape. Although not everything is perfect, it is great to see that the gameplay mechanics work well, especially combat, which is very satisfying. The console versions may not be as sharp as most AAA titles, even considering the open evironment, but they manage to be very immersive nonetheless. On PC, things look much nicer, as proven by the screenshots our good friend onirik took for us.

18 PC images

  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
  • Our videos of Sleeping Dogs - 18 PC images
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Commented on 2012-08-17 13:28:03
nice droezelke, got mine for PC also today, have not installed yet but cannot wait play this, how big was the HD upgrade? cannot wait see what it looks like maxed out
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Commented on 2012-08-17 13:54:37
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Commented on 2012-08-17 15:21:14 In reply to SplitTongue
Posted by SplitTongue
Lol, no one at Activision will cry for this game. :P
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Onirik - Le gouda c'est sympa
Commented on 2012-08-17 16:28:38
3.7 Go to be precise ! :)
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Commented on 2012-08-17 16:49:37
Posted by Seth
Lol, no one at Activision will cry for this game. :P
Probably, since they're already swimming in gold like Scrooge McDuck. Plus, im pretty sure that BlackOps2 will outsell this once it arrives (which is a shame tbh), but somebody tell me...
When exactly was the point when gamers turned into complete morons who will buy literally ANYTHING thats got written 'Activision' or 'Zombies' on it because i kinda missed that day completly ?
In past times i was wishing "Man, there should be more ppl like us gamers out there..." Today i'm wishing all those mainstream gamers should all just fuck off and die. THEY turned gaming industry into what it is today, not some asshat CEO like Kotick...
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Commented on 2012-08-17 17:31:09 In reply to SplitTongue
You werent aware of that day because that days yet to come. I dont believe prototype 2 sold in huge numbers..or spiderman. When did the day come that 'real gamers' suddenly decided that anybody playing an Activision game were morons? The Call of Duty franchise has always offered quality and value for money... it may be cool to dismiss the games, and gamers of the games, because you nolonger enjoy them but the fact is their quality is continuesly reflected in reviews and the fact that gamers still play them years after their release.

If you want to have a gripe at a successful studio then EA's surely for the taking above Activision. I've not played a COD game yet, or for that matter activision game in general, that charges for an online pass, closes servers after a couple of years, rushed out bug ridden, promoted content locked on the disc as 'supporting' their game, or had a tacked on single player.
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Commented on 2012-08-17 18:36:18
Well said bleachedsmiles.

It's rather sad how some people rush to dismiss any one who gets value from the COD franchise as morons or zombies.
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Commented on 2012-08-17 19:02:06
If what you said was actually true how come the discrepancy between reviewer scores and user scores of MW2 is so big ?
Apparently im not the only guy thinking so... and im not even starting with MW3 (which btw is just a copy of a copy). But if you're happy with Activision fooling and screwing you all over and over again you just need a bullet like the rest. (Sorry for expressing it this drastically, i dont mean to offend you).

PS: ...and im not bying that ea shit either (only once in a while, since most of the time this applies for ea too). Its a good thing that kickstarter emerged, this way we can at least see some innovation from time to time.
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Commented on 2012-08-17 19:32:21

How is Activision screwing people if said people enjoy the games?
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Commented on 2012-08-18 00:12:25
COD is garbage,but lets get back to sleeping dogs shall we?I just finished this game and its excellent....worth every penny.
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Commented on 2012-08-18 01:34:19 In reply to OGNeckleather
Posted by OGNeckleather
COD is garbage,but lets get back to sleeping dogs shall we?I just finished this game and its excellent....worth every penny.

You state your position in a definitive manner and then shut down the conversation, as if your being "mature"; you didn't need to say "COD is garbage", but you just couldn't help yourself.
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Commented on 2012-08-18 02:58:07
Hello?Is this not a sleeping dogs thread?You are clearly a COD fanboy who takes offense to anyone who dislikes it....i think we all know who the immature one is here buddy.Get a grip on your emotions dude,lol.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2012-08-18 03:05:28 In reply to SplitTongue
Posted by SplitTongue
If what you said was actually true how come the discrepancy between reviewer scores and user scores of MW2 is so big ?
Because it's really only pissed off users who post those "reviews." They really can't be taken seriously, sorry. I don't like Call of Duty either, but this is not a good point.

We literally just went through this in the BLOPS2 thread. Why are we even discussing that here?
Posted by b0vril

How is Activision screwing people if said people enjoy the games?
He sorta covers this with the following quote. It's really mass appeal that's ruining thing, so there are plenty of parties to blame. Pointing fingers isn't really going to prove productive here though. I say we talk about Sleeping Dogs instead.
Posted by SplitTongue
THEY turned gaming industry into what it is today, not some asshat CEO like Kotick...
Yup. And indies existed pre-Kickstarter. You like FPS games? Check out Natural Selection 2. Kickstarter free. And it's actually coming out. But uh.. back on topic.

This game is a lot of fun. I'm not sure that it's the best looking sandbox game overall, but certain aspects of it are certainly very nice looking.

I found some of the reviews rather unfortunate. Edge said the game produced solid entertainment, but panned the script and gave it a SIX, seemingly because of the story. Has GTA suggested to them that this is all the genre can do well? I quite like GTA4. I think the city is more well designed (still love Sleeping Dog's map!); I like the characters more, and I even like the car handling a good deal more (hoodcam!). But Sleeping Dogs does a lot of things really well. The combat is really fun. There are some fantasic little touches too. I love the collectables map. I love the left click to scroll through local objectives feature. And the little things and big things all add up to what is a really enjoyable experience. It's certainly not a fucking 6. That's just a bad damn opinion.

My only real criticism is the driving. It sucks. I'm shocked people like it.
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Commented on 2012-08-18 03:22:47 In reply to GriftGFX
you mention the driving alot.. is it too 'floaty'? You're playing it on the pc correct? did you play gta4/sr3 on pc too? i'm not sure if the pc version is control pad supported?... be interesting to hear if the driving feels abit 'off' on the console versions too, but i've not really heard anybody else voice issues with it.

I'll probably pick this up at some point as it does look decent enough. I do think this sort of sandbox game survives on it's story to push you through it though.. it seems alot more more level headed than say SR3, or just cause 2 - where you can waste countless hours simply being rediculas with the playground offered. This seems more akin to mafia 2 - the open world simply setting the scene rather than allowing you to create your own fun? And with no multiplayer/co-op attached pretty soon its bag of tricks is shown so a decent narratives needed to push the player on.
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Commented on 2012-08-18 03:38:06
Dead on bleached...the environment is simply there to help the story.This game is nothing like GTA where u can create your own style of play,but that said this is a great way to spend 20-30 hours.I had a blast playing it.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2012-08-18 03:57:01 In reply to OGNeckleather
Posted by bleachedsmiles
you mention the driving alot.. is it too 'floaty'? You're playing it on the pc correct? did you play gta4/sr3 on pc too? i'm not sure if the pc version is control pad supported?... be interesting to hear if the driving feels abit 'off' on the console versions too, but i've not really heard anybody else voice issues with it.
I've seen some comments about it on NeoGAF, but some people seem to dig it. It's very easy to control, and very fluid and fast. Ultimately arcadey. But here's the thing: I love arcade racers. There's no real sense of weight. It's fast and responsive, but it just doesn't feel right. You can plow through 90 degree corners with the accelerator held down. You can drift your bike while standing on your seat--and doing a wheelie. I appreciate the over-the-top appeal of these things, but I do wish some of it were a little more grounded. If this was primarily a driving game, it'd be a real problem. But it's not, so it's not. Ultimately, it's easy enough and there's enough over the top awesomeness that happens during driving bits of missions to make it completely forgivable. I just don't like it very much. And it's something that apparently appeals to some other folks.

I think I've mentioned it a bunch because it's really one of the only things that stands out as a negative for me. And it's not even a big one. It's not a design I care for, but it's executed pretty competently.

I just stick to bikes for transportation. They're super easy and make it easy to zip through traffic (I love you, world density slider).

Edit: Oh, and I'm using a Razer Onza (360 pad). I'm sure it mostly handles the same on other platforms. This game supports multiple simultaneous inputs (like GTA and SR), so you could use the kbm on foot/for combat, if you wanted, but I wouldn't recommend it. There's too much melee stuff. That's not the kind of stuff that translates especially well to the keyboard and mouse. I did nearly all of GTA4's on foot sequences with the kbm controls, because it improves GTA's combat quite a bit (you can ignore the awful lock-on and cover systems when you do this), but there's no such appeal here. This game works best with a pad.
Posted by OGNeckleather
This game is nothing like GTA where u can create your own style of play,but that said this is a great way to spend 20-30 hours.I had a blast playing it.
I spent most of last night steeling cars for Tran and just messing around. It was fun. I think it does the sandbox stuff pretty successfully.
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Commented on 2012-08-18 04:22:10
Well a sandbox to me is the ability to make your own fun,not doing predetermined activities like stealing cars.Thats what i was saying.After you 100% the game there is nothing left to do....try killing cops for wont last 5 minutes.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2012-08-18 04:30:13
Gotcha. And I might agree, but I'm not sure yet. I haven't played as much yet. I think the sandbox can get a bit dual by itself in GTA too though. But I could agree that it does offer more interaction and more interesting things to do.

I just don't know yet. I do think messin' around has potential in this game. It's a shame events like Trans car missions even end. They could just go on forever if they really wanted them to.. and they're fun. Some of the other little distractions are fun too. The martial arts clubs for instance. I was a bit worried that the side mission content in this game wouldn't be very good.. but it aint bad. I think this hits a lot of the marks that the genre aims to deliver, and it has a lot of its own interesting ideas to add too. I dig it. And all dat neon! And rain! OMG!

On, that's another thing about the PC port. It's great! I have experienced a couple of crashes, but nothing that I'd consider major. Maybe two in around 10 hours of gameplay. It runs well. It looks pretty awesome. Good stuff.
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Commented on 2012-08-18 16:54:07
This may not be the best looking game out there (console wise), but they completely nailed the art style, colors, lighting, and overall vibe of Hong Kong. I think the setting alone was almost enough to sell me on the game, very unique. Can't wait to pick this one up later today.

That said, does anyone else have an issue with the main character animation? I have yet to play it, but all the vids I have seen show the PC running like a child with a stick up his @ss. Not enough to turn me away, but it seems a little distracting, and could have been such an easy fix...
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2012-08-18 21:04:50 In reply to michaelob
Posted by michaelob
That said, does anyone else have an issue with the main character animation? I have yet to play it, but all the vids I have seen show the PC running like a child with a stick up his @ss.
It's not great, but it's not like.. Shepard bad.

The game does look perty. You really can't beat all that rain and neon :D

And Wei is a boss.
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Commented on 2012-08-18 22:19:58
Can I buy this game on getgames and install it via steam? Because it's 25% off or does that not work?

many thx, I'm so tempted ...
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2012-08-19 02:16:49 In reply to docLEXfisti
Posted by docLEXfisti
Can I buy this game on getgames and install it via steam? Because it's 25% off or does that not work?

many thx, I'm so tempted ...
I believe all copies use Steam. I bought it from
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Commented on 2012-08-19 05:50:24 In reply to docLEXfisti
Posted by docLEXfisti
Can I buy this game on getgames and install it via steam? Because it's 25% off or does that not work?

many thx, I'm so tempted ...
Steam will offer you nothing over buying it by itself, and resource use. You could always add the game to be launched through steam if you insist.
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Square Enix
Developed by
United Front Games

$135 of $400 per month

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