GSY Review PS3

We still haven't received our copy of Gran Turismo 6 and it's not even Sony France's fault. Desperate times, desperate measures, so we asked two of our French members (Tkaz and Orbbs) to review the game for us and they both agreed that this sixth installment in the series offers one of the best handling in a console sim racer to date. That being said, they also said the game is still plagued with the many flaws GT has had for decades (sound, AI, no damage system, etc.). GT 6 is undoubtedly old school in many respects, it's also unfinished and unpolished in many areas, but it's saved by its excellent driving sensations. Thanks to a friend of ours, we can propose four gameplay videos of the game but we'll post some more as soon as we possible.

12 images - Tkaz

  • Our French members reviewed GT6 - 12 images - Tkaz
  • Our French members reviewed GT6 - 12 images - Tkaz
  • Our French members reviewed GT6 - 12 images - Tkaz
  • Our French members reviewed GT6 - 12 images - Tkaz
  • Our French members reviewed GT6 - 12 images - Tkaz
  • Our French members reviewed GT6 - 12 images - Tkaz
  • Our French members reviewed GT6 - 12 images - Tkaz
  • Our French members reviewed GT6 - 12 images - Tkaz
  • Our French members reviewed GT6 - 12 images - Tkaz
  • Our French members reviewed GT6 - 12 images - Tkaz
  • Our French members reviewed GT6 - 12 images - Tkaz
  • Our French members reviewed GT6 - 12 images - Tkaz

3 images - Orbbs

  • Our French members reviewed GT6 - 3 images - Orbbs
  • Our French members reviewed GT6 - 3 images - Orbbs
  • Our French members reviewed GT6 - 3 images - Orbbs
Commented on 2013-12-12 04:11:27
If these guys don't usually do reviews, thanks for taking the time to do so.
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Commented on 2013-12-12 10:57:41
Thank You...looking great!
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2013-12-12 11:02:45 In reply to Jabosha
They don't, and if you check out what they've done on the French side, it's pretty impressive (even when you don't get French at all ^^).
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Commented on 2013-12-12 12:27:40
I always hoped, they will recreate some most famous and most beautiful roads of the world and do it like in first Need for Speed, that you will drive in three long segments for example and not on circuit. Sort of a sprint race. But still, mountain track is great!
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Commented on 2013-12-12 13:51:35
to @Gamersyde

Please run game in 720p, because 1080p mode have terrible frame-rate. Thanks!
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Commented on 2013-12-12 16:25:32 In reply to alucard0712
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Commented on 2013-12-12 17:52:29
What? What have happened to this game? I think PD is doing some social experiment with this. How many morons are there to buy the same game twice. Well PD you can take an example from COD series, the answer is ALOT.
First of all it feels the same as GT5, looks even worse, the engine sounds (i know patch is coming, but... ) are the same crap. Soundtrack is better on GT5 (atleast for me).
They could have done physics correction on 5 and patch the sound. It would've been better result. Ad more tracks n stuff. But HEY, who does not want to milk treir user base. (SONY?) So dissapointed a skip for me.
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Commented on 2013-12-12 19:50:59
is it still running up and down from something like 20 to 60fps?
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Commented on 2013-12-12 20:24:28
ive got GT6 and im yet to see this apparent frame rate dropping, seems non existent on my PS3 as the frame rate stays at a solid 60 fps, also for the morons who say GT6 looks and plays no different to GT5 seriously who are you trying to convince of your theory, its blatantly obvious you don't have GT6 besides the fact GT6 is running of the GT5 engine.

games have pretty much since the very first video games used the same engine on various versions of that game, do you honestly think every forza game uses a new engine every time, do you honestly think game developers have an endless cash flow to develop a new engine for every sequel, PD have done what every other developer is also doing.
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Commented on 2013-12-12 20:42:08
I play on 720p mode runs smoothly but shadows and flickering issue is pretty disturbing. The game at times looks better than dc and forza on next gen console but very inconsistent. PS3 can't handle this game. They should release it on PS4.

Menus are perfect, load times and gameplay is great. Also only 6 cars in a race so far. Online it will be 16 but as I said PS3 cannot handle it. Pass this game and wait for PS4 unless you are really really into racing sim.
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Commented on 2013-12-13 13:07:50
Hmm. Quite a lot of pop-in, but I guess that's to be expected. What is jarring, however, is the sensation of speed, or complete lack of. It doesn't look very exciting.

For some reason, my wife wants a PS3 for Christmas. Might get her a key-ring instead ;)
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Commented on 2013-12-13 19:18:57
again people who don't have this game and go by videos of replays should just stop right there, the PS3 CAN handle GT6, my PS3 is set to 1080p so the game runs at 1080p with no problems, pop-in is very slight most of the time its not that noticeable, i have also raced online in a 10+ player race and no slow down at all,.

GT7 is coming to PS4 so stop getting your panties in a twist, you should be glad GT6 is even out as if it was released on PS4 you lot would all be moaning about the graphics and sounds as GT6 is running off the GT5 engine, PD will no doubt have created a new engine for the PS4 game so with any luck it will not only look,play and sound better than GT6 but also reclaim it's status as the number 1 racing sim on the consoles.
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Commented on 2013-12-14 14:35:22 In reply to r3tr0gam3r1337
Posted by r3tr0gam3r1337
again people who don't have this game and go by videos of replays should just stop right there, the PS3 CAN handle GT6, my PS3 is set to 1080p so the game runs at 1080p with no problems, pop-in is very slight most of the time its not that noticeable, i have also raced online in a 10+ player race and no slow down at all,.

GT7 is coming to PS4 so stop getting your panties in a twist, you should be glad GT6 is even out as if it was released on PS4 you lot would all be moaning about the graphics and sounds as GT6 is running off the GT5 engine, PD will no doubt have created a new engine for the PS4 game so with any luck it will not only look,play and sound better than GT6 but also reclaim it's status as the number 1 racing sim on the consoles.
no, 1080p mode is terrible. you just did not noticed.
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Commented on 2013-12-15 14:18:48 In reply to alucard0712
Posted by alucard0712
no, 1080p mode is terrible. you just did not noticed.
maybe because i have a very good quality monitor and you have a cheap monitor, i don't know why you insist 1080p looks bad when it blatantly works very well, i think you need to update your TV/monitor because there is nothing wrong with the game.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2013-12-15 17:23:56 In reply to r3tr0gam3r1337
Or maybe it's because you're a retrogamer and you don't realize what those technical issues are. :p
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Commented on 2013-12-16 04:15:12 In reply to Driftwood
Posted by Driftwood
Or maybe it's because you're a retrogamer and you don't realize what those technical issues are. :p
if by that you mean aliasing, shadows, pop-in etc then sure those are technical issues but the frame rate stays at a pretty consistent 60 unless it's in replay mode where it drops to 30.
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Commented on 2013-12-18 13:38:55
I was horribly wrong about 6 cars on track. As you progress in career then there are 10cars on track now. On arcade mode as well at higher difficulty there are 10 cars. Really liking the game. It is pretty easy but fun too. Earning credits is a problem. I have anniversary edition so got 1million already but those with standard edition will have to play many many hours more.
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Commented on 2013-12-19 18:38:08
not anymore, the new DLC with redbull gives a daily login bonus so on the 5th day you get a 200% bonus plus the redbull races give quite a bit or winning credit, the whole micro transaction debate is over as its pretty much no longer needed, ive earnt over 700k in less than 6 hours just doing the kart races over and over.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Polyphony Digital

$135 of $400 per month

What's up?
  • Driftwood

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