Trailer Xbox 360 PS3

As promised by Rockstar Games, here is the third official trailer of L.A. Noire which will be out next month.

Commented on 2011-04-07 18:30:39
amazing animation like always.. too bad everything else but the faces look lowres and outdated tho :/
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Commented on 2011-04-07 19:23:49
Looks great everywhere to me. I'd say outdated is an overstatement...
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Commented on 2011-04-07 19:34:46
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Commented on 2011-04-07 19:37:23
Yea sure it's not crysis but the style and facial animations more than make up for the fact that it's not on the bleeding edge of graphical prowess. I would rather have more subtle details in the animation and facial expressions than awesome graphics but unconvincing animations etc... I'm glad Rockstar focused on these aspects for this game especially, considering how important it is to be able to tell if a character in the game is lying or not.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 19:43:52
@ Loco123 well I guess if you were expecting it to be like GTA you undoubtably would be disappointed!..
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2011-04-07 20:06:22
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Commented on 2011-04-07 20:19:32
IMO they should've ditched the whole sand box style city and made it more mission based. Some of the textures look really dull and bad (cars, clues etc.) and faces look like they're glued on top. Well at least we'll get the awesome story in this one!
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Commented on 2011-04-07 20:22:25
i still think the difference between elements is far too jarring, like the best facial animations stuck on top of the godfather game or something. just looks weird to me. definitely looking forward to renting it tho.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 20:35:26
Amazing seeing this game in motion. a GOTY contender right here in my biased detective thriller book.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 20:52:00
hope we're not setting ourselves up for a fall here. Very little GAMEPLAY has been shown.. and at the end of the day i buy games because i want to play them, not watch them
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2011-04-08 00:12:54 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
hope we're not setting ourselves up for a fall here. Very little GAMEPLAY has been shown.. and at the end of the day i buy games because i want to play them, not watch them
correct me if i am wrong but we never see much gameplay when it comes to R* games

Red dead redemption for the most recent example, we only had glimpses of gameplay.
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Commented on 2011-04-08 00:26:15
This game looks boring as all hell!!!

NOthing wrong about that though, there are fans for that kind of stuff.
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Commented on 2011-04-08 00:50:47
GOTY for me
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Commented on 2011-04-08 01:37:27 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Graphically, it's such a mixed bag: the animations are incredible, but a lot of the textures do have a low-res feel to them, even if they are relatively detailed. I think the character models really look superior to everything else, and some aspects truly look dated. Regardless, I'll be playing this game to the fullest, and I love the increase in detective based adventure games lately.
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Commented on 2011-04-08 02:13:27 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
This game looks boring as all hell!!!

NOthing wrong about that though, there are fans for that kind of stuff.
I have to agree, beyond the amazing facial animations, this game looks pretty bland.
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Commented on 2011-04-08 03:43:56 In reply to GangStarr
Posted by GangStarr
correct me if i am wrong but we never see much gameplay when it comes to R* games

Red dead redemption for the most recent example, we only had glimpses of gameplay.
most of red deads videos consisted of gameplay..with a narrative over the top.

Here we've been given a very slight glimpse of gameplay amongst aload of cutscenes
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Commented on 2011-04-08 08:38:39 In reply to Estabon89
Posted by Estabon89
Graphically, it's such a mixed bag: the animations are incredible, but a lot of the textures do have a low-res feel to them, even if they are relatively detailed. I think the character models really look superior to everything else, and some aspects truly look dated. Regardless, I'll be playing this game to the fullest, and I love the increase in detective based adventure games lately.
The lighting is what's causing a lot of the texture funkiness. It looks off because of the bland lighting.
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Commented on 2011-04-08 15:11:08
Looks amazing to me, had they used bad actors I would have thought otherwise but this is some high quality casting they've done. Hell if this were an HBO series I'd be hyped as hell for it! I just hope the gameplay can match the budget for actors.
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About the game
Published by
Rockstar Games
Developed by
Team Bondi

$135 of $400 per month

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