Trailer PC PS4 Xbox One Xbox 360 PS3

A new trailer of Battlefield 4 has appeared, it's called Total War, it's in french and kind of a recap of the title's features but at least you get to see some footage of the game's land, sea and air warfare.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-08-09 18:49:31
Looks very nice, good that its finally 60fps on next gen hopefully it removes the bad clunky controls that was on BF3 on consoles, I just hope its 1080p as well.
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Commented on 2013-08-09 19:20:01
I wish they skipped current generation and focused on next gen consoles and PC.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2013-08-09 19:21:09 In reply to leon86
Posted by leon86
I wish they skipped current generation and focused on next gen consoles and PC.
DICE is huge. I have a hard time believing they're not completely different teams. 360/PS3 versions were probably ported by interns.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2013-08-09 19:42:13
looks like an expansion pack for Battlefield 3 (Which I didn't like)

More excited about Battlefront and Mirror's Edge 2
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2013-08-09 19:44:02 In reply to Doom_Bringer
Posted by Doom_Bringer
looks like an expansion pack for Battlefield 3 (Which I didn't like)
It looks like BF3.5. Which is better than things you like :P
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2013-08-09 19:46:30 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
It looks like BF3.5. Which is better than things you like :P
I will still give it a chance! I pre-ordered it during e3 2013 for $40. If I like it, I will buy the PS4 version as well.

Bad Company 2....jeez that game is amazing. Need Bad Company 3 ASAP
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Commented on 2013-08-09 20:07:15
Looks stupidly good. Gonna take some getting used to the jump in players from 24 to 64 on consoles. It's already hectic enough as it Best MP this gen though for me next to killzone. I want more. Even the single player looks good this time around. Characters with actual the bad company series. Roll on...november? (Ps4 launch)
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Commented on 2013-08-09 20:07:28
I hope they fix 3 things...

1) get rid of origin.. or at least not have the console versions having to go through it as it's down way too often. And who the hell in their right mind wants to have to open a browser before they can play a game?

2) Show the map you're going to play before you play it...rather than waiting blindly for the next map/game mode to load. Does BF3 even have matchmaking? would be nice if it got up to speed with COD.

3) Actually have a choice on if you wish to be revived or not. Countless times after I've been shot I get revived .. it offers the pointless option of pressing space to accept or hold E to respawn.. but if you get killed again before either (which I do often as i'm still lying in someones line of sight) its another death added to your scoreboard. I really don't get that.
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Commented on 2013-08-09 20:08:06
If you'd seen this trailer a few years back, you'd have shit your trousers at how good it looks. Falling buildings, dynamic water wave fights, huge city, explosions everywhere. I mean, come on: it looks mint. Meanwhile in COD, the fish are contemplating on whether or not they should move out of the way or stay where they are.
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Commented on 2013-08-09 20:15:06 In reply to MrWhite
but the fish aren't scripted.. they have AI!!!
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Commented on 2013-08-09 20:18:20 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
I hope they fix 3 things...

1) get rid of origin.. or at least not have the console versions having to go through it as it's down way too often. And who the hell in their right mind wants to have to open a browser before they can play a game?

2) Show the map you're going to play before you play it...rather than waiting blindly for the next map/game mode to load. Does BF3 even have matchmaking? would be nice if it got up to speed with COD.

3) Actually have a choice on if you wish to be revived or not. Countless times after I've been shot I get revived .. it offers the pointless option of pressing space to accept or hold E to respawn.. but if you get killed again before either (which I do often as i'm still lying in someones line of sight) its another death added to your scoreboard. I really don't get that.
On certain servers it allows for voting on which map you'd like to play next. Also, having to open a browser isn't really an issue for me. I found it to be a bit strange to why they went that way at the start, but it's actually fairly useful now. If anything, they really just need to implement a server list you can call up in game without having to go back into Windows.

As for the revives, I don't think it adds an extra death if you get revived and then killed again. Not that I'm aware of anyway, because once you are revived, it takes that initial death away from your K/D. What I'd really like to see them improve there is the ridiculous period of time it takes for you to fucking move after you've just been revived. You are literally paralyzed for a second or two, and then when you do get up, it's sooooo fucking slow and you can't quickly swap to your primary weapon. It was even slower before they patched it. Needs sorting, because it's really annoying. I'd personally love the option to quickly double tap left or right when you are prone so that you can quickly roll out of the way. That would be neat.

Another issue I have is the ridiculous fall height which causes stupid amounts of damage. It is extremely frustrating as fuck to fall 5 feet and do 50% damage. Whoever made that call at DICE needs fucking shot.

Load of "fucking" in that rant. But that's how you feel when you're revived, then sniped, then revived, then sniped again, because you CAN'T FUCKING MOVE!
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Commented on 2013-08-09 20:20:24 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
who the hell in their right mind wants to have to open a browser before they can play a game?
I thought the general consensus was that it actually works well; to use a browser to find a server. I never played on PC so I can't say.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2013-08-09 20:22:27
Battlelog rules. This is not something that needs to be fixed at all.
As for the revives, I don't think it adds an extra death if you get revived and then killed again.
It doesn't. This is typical of BF3 complaints here. Someone was hating on BF3 because it doesn't have smoke grenades once ;)
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Commented on 2013-08-09 20:25:51
There's no smoke in BF3? Hmm, yeah, I must be one of the few people that actually realizes there is smoke and that it is actually a very potent tool to have in your kit.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2013-08-09 20:32:12 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
I hope they fix 3 things...

3) Actually have a choice on if you wish to be revived or not. Countless times after I've been shot I get revived .. it offers the pointless option of pressing space to accept or hold E to respawn.. but if you get killed again before either (which I do often as i'm still lying in someones line of sight) its another death added to your scoreboard. I really don't get that.
I agreed!

I hated it in BF3 were you die, you DONT want be revived so you can swap your kit/loadout and whatnot, but get interrupted by a Medic then you are forced to play until you die unless you abort the revive and have to wait a few additional seconds on top on the stupid "fall and show hand animation".
I think its very stupid, on top of that they shouldnt force you to start with a damn handgun, makes no sense at all. You should get revived by the same weapon you died not with a handgun and then forcing you swap to your primary.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2013-08-09 20:33:33
It does not add another death to your score. And you're not forced to stand back up. Ever. If you get re-killed without standing up, you can not be revived again.

Press 1 as soon as you're revived. OMG. You switched weapons!

And ya know.. if you do survive, you're not being "forced to live!" That medic saved your life and your team a ticket. If you really hate it so much, go to the menu and suicide like an idiot! :D
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2013-08-09 20:36:42
Actual annoying thing: Everyone respawns before they bleed out instead of waiting for fucking revives. Then everyone complains that no one is reviving.
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Commented on 2013-08-09 20:43:14
an English version of the trailer would be much appreciated .. thanks gentlemen
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Commented on 2013-08-09 20:47:52 In reply to b0vril
Posted by b0vril
I thought the general consensus was that it actually works well; to use a browser to find a server. I never played on PC so I can't say.
Well after the xbox one reveal I thought the general consensus was that "always on" was a bad idea? Loading origin and going through a browser feels archaic compared to years of cod where it'll instantly matchmake me a game and i'll be playing within 60seconds. The die hard BF3 fans will tell you that it's great going through the browser and takes no time at all to find a game.. but in my experience battlelog has been down way too many times (usually abit dodgy after an origin update). Games take longer to get into (loading a client, browser, searching for game, going back to the browser to search for a new game, ect rather than doing it all from a games menu screen). And it's daft having to be online to play single player.

I also hope they do something with co-op more like spec ops.. where you get dedicated co-op missions rather than sp missions, and get to pick and choose from the start which missions to play..rather than having to complete sp first...which lets face it, for bf3 it's abit of a chore.
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Commented on 2013-08-09 20:51:19
My french is a little rusty, but does he say that the commander mode can be played on the pc, console or tablet? Because I was a little worried that they would restrict it to tablets.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2013-08-09 20:57:36 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
Well after the xbox one reveal I thought the general consensus was that "always on" was a bad idea? Loading origin and going through a browser feels archaic compared to years of cod where it'll instantly matchmake me a game and i'll be playing within 60seconds. The die hard BF3 fans will tell you that it's great going through the browser and takes no time at all to find a game.. but in my experience battlelog has been down way too many times (usually abit dodgy after an origin update). Games take longer to get into (loading a client, browser, searching for game, going back to the browser to search for a new game, ect rather than doing it all from a games menu screen). And it's daft having to be online to play single player.

I also hope they do something with co-op more like spec ops.. where you get dedicated co-op missions rather than sp missions, and get to pick and choose from the start which missions to play..rather than having to complete sp first...which lets face it, for bf3 it's abit of a chore.
The only thing right here is the thing about singleplayer. Battlelog is measurably faster than previous Battlefield games in terms of finding and entering games.
Posted by Anvil
My french is a little rusty, but does he say that the commander mode can be played on the pc, console or tablet? Because I was a little worried that they would restrict it to tablets.
The details on commander mode are still pretty shaky as far as I can tell, but I get the impression that you can do it on a PC as well. I don't really understand how it's going to work. Since the commander is not a player (65th player slot), it seems like they'll have a less direct interest in the game to me. I am a little concerned about how commander plays out. I think most of the other stuff looks pretty awesome though.
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Commented on 2013-08-09 21:01:01
Grift in this thread. :)

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Commented on 2013-08-09 21:10:23 In reply to GriftGFX
What are you talking about? its ALL right, as its based on my experience with it. Probably differs to yours, yes.

And Bad company was a lot faster for me on the 360 at finding and entering games. Hell BF3 on consoles is probably faster.

The only thing battlelog does better is allowing you to define your search more. But this is pretty pointless if you want to play full matches as only the same 5 maps seem to be cycled. I've still yet to see all the maps and game modes. How do you find the official dedicated servers? there must be some? where they cycle through all maps?

Plus, if somethings a typical bf3 complaint it means it obviously needs to be addressed?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2013-08-09 21:19:03 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
Plus, if somethings a typical bf3 complaint it means it obviously needs to be addressed?
The typical part is how it's factually wrong and misinformed. Such as the smoke grenade example. Or how you're getting extra deaths from being revived (you're not).

PS. All-expansion servers definitely exist. With map-voting and everything. I don't really like them personally.

Load battlelog bookmark. Click multiplayer. Click server. Click join. Alt-Tab/F4 back to interface in less than a second. Battlelog rules.
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Commented on 2013-08-09 21:20:37 In reply to MrWhite
Posted by MrWhite
If you'd seen this trailer a few years back, you'd have shit your trousers at how good it looks. Falling buildings, dynamic water wave fights, huge city, explosions everywhere. I mean, come on: it looks mint. Meanwhile in COD, the fish are contemplating on whether or not they should move out of the way or stay where they are.
Is the building destruction actually dynamic though? As amazing as it looks, to me it still looks scripted that they keep showing the same building collapsing the same way. To me it looks like they have one or two buildings that can be taken down and everything else is static as usual. I would love to see something like Red Faction Guerilla in a game like this, but it still seems a ways off with this level of detail...
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About the game
Published by
EA Games
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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