Xbox 360

Here are quite a few new images of Frame City Killer, and after seeing this and Love Football I'm starting to wonder if Namco is really serious about Xbox 360...

49 images and artworks

  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
  • Images and Artworks of Frame City Killer - 49 images and artworks
Commented on 2005-12-22 09:20:13
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Commented on 2005-12-22 09:25:49
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Commented on 2005-12-22 09:43:15
So BlimBlim, I see you also agree that Namco may be mocking the Xbox360 with its two poor excuses for next gen games. There is no way that this game was meant for HD televisions. You could play this game 30 feet away from the monitor and would probably still see all of its flaws. Namco isn't supporting the 360. They're just using the 360 by waiting and seeing. Namco is seriously over-rated.
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Commented on 2005-12-22 09:43:40
What is wrong w/ namco? LOL
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Commented on 2005-12-22 09:44:19
WOW, I guess these Japanese developers are not used to American hardware and software. That's just pure crap right there.
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Commented on 2005-12-22 09:47:36
I took another look at these pics and I tried to give this game a chance, but I have to face it; this looks sad. I smell conspiracy. No way are they expecting this game to sell well. Maybe it will be downloadable for Live Arcade. I'm not being sarcastic either.
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Commented on 2005-12-22 09:53:13
Do I smell something? Oh, it's this game...
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Commented on 2005-12-22 09:53:18
Someone please tell me that those are not the vehicle models. Someone please tell me that those car tires aren't hex-shaped. Someone please take my gun away from me before I do something awful..........................
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Commented on 2005-12-22 09:55:50
The damn thing looks worse than what they had at E3. You have to admit though, it takes talent to make such a beautiful game engine (Unreal engine 3)look like complete shit.

I think this is going to get my ASSTASTIC!! game of the year award.
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Commented on 2005-12-22 10:08:02
Okay NOW this game (and Namco) can fuck off. Do they even have ANYONE who knows how to model or texture?

I hope Microsoft fail this game.
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Commented on 2005-12-22 10:12:41
Those car models are among the worst i've seen.
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Commented on 2005-12-22 10:14:35
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Commented on 2005-12-22 10:23:49
no no you guys. this game is real realsistic. its set in a real time and place between ps1 and ps2, so these graphics are photo realistic. LOL
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Commented on 2005-12-22 10:26:37
WTF is this? Namco should just not make games for this system if that is really how it's going to look when it comes out.
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Commented on 2005-12-22 10:28:45
actualy i take that back, the textures, the models, the environments are ALL place holders. you see, namco can do much better than this. there games are usualy the top of the technical line. they are very good at making games. they have made tons of great games. there was pacman. galaxian, pole position, and ... umm ,,, and ... umm ... GOD DAMN THERE MUST BE SOMETHING ELSE!
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Commented on 2005-12-22 10:35:13
namco get the #1 achievement for making an unreal 3 engine game look like an unreal 1 engine
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Commented on 2005-12-22 10:37:54
The Soul Caliber series is probably the only real 'cutting edge' games Namco has made in recent memory regarding visual effects. Katamari Damacy and Ridge Racer are fun but nothing special to look at.
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Commented on 2005-12-22 10:53:51
A few months ago I had faith that namco would have the graphics drastically changed, especially since the first shots we ever saw were probably from an alpha build. I thought there's no way the unreal engine could spew out this rubbish.... but half a year later, here they are, still looking awful... I was kind of looking forward to the game aswell. :(
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Commented on 2005-12-22 10:53:57
This is F'n ridiculous!!!!
WTF is Namco's problem?! Did they forget how to make games look good?
I mean RR6 is their best looking 360 game and that is saying alot, all bad.

I call sabotage.
They are trying to destroy the 360's credibility, Namco are Sony spies.
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Commented on 2005-12-22 10:59:28
namco is commiting suicide! this is the worst looking game ive seen for a long time...
wonder if this game will ever be released.
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Commented on 2005-12-22 11:05:17
Woaoaoa ! That's the nicesest Graphics i've ever seen, lol :)
But the Trailer was great ;)
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Commented on 2005-12-22 11:32:44
Well, to be fair to Namco, Ridge Racer 6 is plenty good looking on an HD set. It's minimalistic, sure, but any other look wouldn't be RR. This game, however, has shaken off even MY wait-and-see attitude I used to carry. I'm 100% sure it'll look BETTER running on our tellies despite the tale screens tell, (Amped 3 looks ace) but it's just not a pretty game, art direction wise nor technically.

And really, HD is a fairly sure fire way of making anything look good as long as the texture work is sharp. It's sort of like co-op and multiplayer for FPS games.
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Commented on 2005-12-22 11:50:07 In reply to SimonM7
Oh common these models are placeholders.. namco is actually being very smart to use these terrible models. Its a huge game and they are probably working on the style and physics. No need for huge textures and etail there.. Its just not good they brought out these pictures allready. The world is going to be huge with lots of things going on.. do you guys really thinks it's smart to use the super detalied models while programming and stuff in a huge world with lots of thins going on? please...
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Commented on 2005-12-22 11:55:40
The E3 trailer looked much better, what the hell have they done? I can't believe this is Unreal Engine 3.... look at Gears of War, UT2007, Huxley....This is just pathetic!!!
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Commented on 2005-12-22 12:07:24
This doesnt look next-gen sadly.
But i wanna see it more in motion and in other places before....
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About the game
Published by
EA Games
Developed by
Bandai Namco Stu...

$135 of $400 per month

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