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Ubisoft has just announced the For Honor beta will be open February 9-12 and it will include the new Elimination mode. A good way for more people to try the game and be ready before the game ships on February 14.

Commented on 2017-02-01 02:03:19
Yeah, I wouldn't call what I played a beta at all. It was basically a network and response test. That said, the game itself lacks in a lot of areas and just didn't do anything for me. Which is sad, because I wanted it to be good.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-02-01 02:04:28 In reply to crookedmind
Posted by crookedmind
Which is sad, because I wanted it to be good.
It... is. It wasn't even on my radar before the beta.

It's essentially a fighting game, and a pretty fresh one. And as a fighter it has loads of content.

Someone was just crying about the lack of original fighting games. Well, here it is. I had a lot of fun with duels in the previous beta. The combat systems and character variety are rich enough. I enjoy the variety of dueling modes as well. The team objective/musou stuff... not so much... but it adds variety and accessibility for folks who don't want to deal with the learning curve. Orochi is my main. For now.
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Commented on 2017-02-01 03:01:58
Nice. Elimination was not in the closed beta. Overall i really liked the game but I really want a rush mode with multiple phases similar to battlefield and dedicated servers. The faction war metagame is pretty cool but i want a better individual ranking system for duels
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-02-01 03:04:27 In reply to AndreasZ94
Posted by AndreasZ94
Nice. Elimination was not in the closed beta. Overall i really liked the game but I really want a rush mode with multiple phases similar to battlefield and dedicated servers. The faction war metagame is pretty cool but i want a better individual ranking system for duels
One of the unreleased game-types is like Battlefield's "Operations" mode. Sounds kinda similar.

And yes I want a ranked mode and deeper stat tracking too. I think it's a shame they set their sights on 30 fps on consoles :/
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Commented on 2017-02-01 04:24:08 In reply to GriftGFX
Thats awesome if true.
30fps for a game like this is a little bit disappointing but its still very responsive and has zero fps drops so im okay with it. Visuals sell more copies but atleast they did a really good job with the graphics too. Its a very polished and pretty game.
Playing against people with yellow and red connection so frequently was my biggest complain. The lag was really annoying. Hopefully that was just for a faster beta matchmaking
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Commented on 2017-02-01 11:24:47
Gonna give it another go, and luckily i'm free to play the entire beta period this time.

AndreasZ94: i heard there could be frame drops if you got too many NPCs on screen at the same time on the console versions?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-02-01 11:44:33
I wish they included the additional characters. I want to try Lawbringer and Valkyrie. Dat poleaxe.
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Commented on 2017-02-01 12:14:16
Yeah i really want to try the Valkyrie as well. Though i guess i'll have to keep on trying to git gud wiht the Warden if they don't include the last 3 classes. Though in the open beta i figure i'll have enough time to try all the classes out anyway.
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Commented on 2017-02-01 12:48:14 In reply to Megido
I played on ps4 pro and it didn't drop below 30 once. I think the ps4 version drops to 29 occasionally, don't know about the xb1 version. I think digital foundry has a video on the closed beta but only for ps4 and pro versions
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Commented on 2017-02-01 12:54:56 In reply to Megido
Im excited to play the 3 new heroes as well. The lawbringer's executions look awesome. In the closed beta i tried every class but mostly i was using the peacekeeper, raider and kensei. Getting really good as the peacekeeper was really fun. Two heroes that i found a little annoying to fight against people who were good at them were the orochi and nobushi.
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Commented on 2017-02-01 13:28:22
Did you get good as the peace keeper or did you just cheese people? Faced so many retarded peacekeeper players. It was super annoying at first, until i figured out how to counter all their stupid bullshit. All they do is rely on speed and try to get that goddamn bleed, but once you learn how to space that shit correctly and time your attacks...oops, no more bleed.

Not saying you were bad, but it seems like most people who had lots of success with the peacekeeper did so because of cheese. Seems to me like both teh orochi and the peacekeeper were the most popular characters because they are hard to deal with before figuring the game out. On the last day of the closed beta i finally figured out how to properly punished both, after that i think i only lost like one or two games against those classes.
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Commented on 2017-02-01 20:36:36
I think they are going to nerf Peacekeepr bleeds. A lot of people complaining about that, so I wont be surprise if it happen. If they nerf her bleeds, hope that they increase her defense or health with it.

She does a lot of damage with the bleeds but she also takes a lot of damages to.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-02-01 20:52:05 In reply to rayy
Posted by rayy
I think they are going to nerf Peacekeepr bleeds. A lot of people complaining about that, so I wont be surprise if it happen. If they nerf her bleeds, hope that they increase her defense or health with it.

She does a lot of damage with the bleeds but she also takes a lot of damages to.
They need to be a little careful about taking feedback from the beta too seriously. There are a lot of folks who won't have bothered to learn that match-up before complaining about it. Every beta is full of people crying nerf everything after all. It's a fighting game: you have to know the match-up and you have to read your opponent. A lot of people in the beta are probably just mashing and getting punished.
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Commented on 2017-02-02 01:55:12 In reply to AndreasZ94
Posted by AndreasZ94
Nice. Elimination was not in the closed beta. Overall i really liked the game but I really want a rush mode with multiple phases similar to battlefield and dedicated servers. The faction war metagame is pretty cool but i want a better individual ranking system for duels
This is literally an arena game, in third person, with a perk system. That is it. I doubt it will grow to be anything more than that. They may have a variation of play within that arena, but I don't think they'll extend to something like Chivalry or UT's assault/onslaught, etc.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-02-02 02:04:02 In reply to crookedmind
Posted by crookedmind
This is literally an arena game, in third person, with a perk system. That is it. I doubt it will grow to be anything more than that. They may have a variation of play within that arena, but I don't think they'll extend to something like Chivalry or UT's assault/onslaught, etc.
I thought there were additional objective gametypes, but I was mistaken. Elimination is the final multiplayer mode. For now. I definitely would not be surprised to see new modes in the future. The game is flexible enough to support that kind of content. There's also a full-on single player campaign.

The game is not trying to be Chivalry. The combat has more in common w/ more traditional fighters.

Thankfully there are no perks or gear stats in duels.
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Commented on 2017-02-02 03:00:56
If they did, all they would do is having a loading screen, or quick-load between arenas. I seriously doubt they would have a full map with points of progression from point to point like BF or UT.

I don't think it's trying to be Chivalry, even though it has similar traits, I think it's trying to be like all those Korean games I've tested with the exact same structure/model, which ultimately ends up with pay-to-perks or micro-transactions. There are so many games that this is like, that you hear about people loving at first and then a few months later their player base is bottom of the barrel. I don't see this as being anything different. Nothing sets it far enough apart.
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Commented on 2017-02-02 03:20:01 In reply to Megido
There are counters you can learn for every hero as you said but thats when feints come in to play. You can cancel heavy attacks with O and specifically with the peacekeeper you can cancel into a dodge or a fast poison attack. In terms of if i cheesed a lot of people, yes i did but it was kinda boring. Fighting against people who knew properly how to fight was way more fun. I was winning 7/10 times against good players which was very satisfying Also I get what you are saying that the a decent peacekeeper player can be really annoying but thats how the peacekeeper works though. Their defense is terrible so that dodging and dealing bleed and poison damage is how you are supposed to use them.
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Commented on 2017-02-02 03:34:35 In reply to Megido
You said you are using the warden right? The warden is definitely the best to understand initially how the combat works but he was actually ond of my least favorite hero to fight as because he's very predictable unless you are using feints to confuse people. The only special moves he has are the unblockable shoulder charge, the upper parry with R1 and the two quickly hit combo. Even against really good wardens it was way easier to win than against a skilled orochi for example.
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Commented on 2017-02-02 03:37:10 In reply to GriftGFX
I read that skirmish is the final mode which is basically 4v4 team deathmatch with respawns.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-02-02 03:40:53 In reply to crookedmind
Posted by crookedmind
I think it's trying to be like all those Korean games I've tested with the exact same structure/model, which ultimately ends up with pay-to-perks or micro-transactions. There are so many games that this is like, that you hear about people loving at first and then a few months later their player base is bottom of the barrel. I don't see this as being anything different. Nothing sets it far enough apart.
Example of a game with the exact same structure as this? Are those games fighting games? Did you learn how to duel? Game has deeper combat than you're crediting it for. There aren't even perks in the modes people are playing most. If dueling had perks and gear stats I wouldn't play this game.

I'm interested to know how they'll handle DLC. They said maps and modes are free, which implies that characters may not be. If they follow the Rainbow Six model it won't be too bad.
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Commented on 2017-02-02 03:50:08 In reply to GriftGFX
In the season pass you get 6 new heroes ( 2 for each faction) and some extra stuff like champion status for a month etc. Modes and maps will be free but there will almost certainly be microtransactions. I really hope the support this game well because it has a lot of potential
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-02-02 03:53:33 In reply to AndreasZ94
Posted by AndreasZ94
In the season pass you get 6 new heroes (2 for each faction) and some extra stuff like champion status for a month etc. Modes and maps will be free but there will be almost certainly microtransactions
I assume characters will be available a la carte too. And if this is right.. it's just early access like Rainbow:

Hopefully that's right.
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Commented on 2017-02-02 04:21:13
Yeah champion status sounds a lot like R6 VIP status. I'm cool with the R6 model.
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Commented on 2017-02-02 09:53:05 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
Example of a game with the exact same structure as this? Are those games fighting games? Did you learn how to duel?
KUF:PVP... GunZ... Sudden Attack... Cyphers... MOBAs without the third person... Structure doesn't mean genre and art-style... If you want similar genre, there's plenty of games that have melee dueling in them. Even Witcher and Assassin's Creed have sword dueling. I can only think of one that's medieval. Structure as it is is simply this: An arena to do battle in or duel. Small in scale, and it has a perk system with a potential payment/micro-transaction model. Even R6:S has a similar structure (course I haven't played in a year, so I don't know if their micro-transaction is beyond cosmetic)
Posted by GriftGFX
Game has deeper combat than you're crediting it for. There aren't even perks in the modes people are playing most. If dueling had perks and gear stats I wouldn't play this game.
I played the same game you did. Give it time... I vaguely recall you saying the same bullshit about Evolve and defending its similar structure. None of you believed it had a payment model. How's that game going anyway? Still playing it daily?

Save this post, Grift. If they don't have micro-transaction 6-8 months from now I'll buy you a steam game.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2017-02-02 09:58:58 In reply to crookedmind
Posted by crookedmind
I played the same game you did. Give it time... I vaguely recall you saying the same bullshit about Evolve and defending its similar structure. None of you believed it had a payment model. How's that game going anyway? Still playing it daily?

Save this post, Grift. If they don't have micro-transaction 6-8 months from now I'll buy you a steam game.
It's nothing like GunZ lmfao.. or Evolve (which.. I never even bought).

I believe their DLC model is pretty clear. It's the same as Rainbow Six. Not that Rainbow Six is perfect by any means. But you'll be able to play everything essential to the game experience with the vanilla package. This game isn't going free to play.

I'm not sure it'll be a hit on the PC yet, since fighting games don't get loads of traction on PC... but we'll see.
Posted by crookedmind
If you want similar genre, there's plenty of games that have melee dueling in them. Even Witcher and Assassin's Creed have sword dueling.
Two games with terrible combat. Did you learn to duel? This is a game with 12 (18 after season 1) characters with unique move sets and a much deeper 1v1 combat game than The Witcher or Assassin's Creed. I won't have mastered every match-up like.. ever. This is a fighting game and it's full of fighting game tropes.

And again the (really fun) duel mode has no gear stats or perks. Not that perks are unique to Korean free to play games.
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
Ubisoft Montreal

$135 of $400 per month

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