Here are the first screenshots of Suda 51's Killer Is Dead. The game is set in a near future where some people travel to the Moon and modify their body. Mondo Zappa, the main character becomes an executioner for the private agency "The Execution Office". His left arm being modified, he can change it into different weapons (drill, guns etc.) and upgrade is available as the player progress. Another gameplay feature is the Adrenaline Burst, an attack you can use by absorbing enemies' blood. Set to release this Summer in Japan on Xbox 360 and PS3.
All comments (18)
I need pure gameplay of the combat but trailer showed promise.
Fantastic use of colors too. Main character looks like your typical high dress code male anime guy, just with a robotic arm and a typical katana, nothing special...but could be worse hehe.
Never played Suda game so I dont know how that will turn out, that and if it will show up in the west.
I need pure gameplay of the combat but trailer showed promise.
Never played Suda game so I dont know how that will turn out, that and if it will show up in the west.
Oh, look..SO original ;)
Kidding aside, the game does look cool :)
Also having Ryu as a boss...bring it.