Trailer PS4

Last night, Guerrilla Games impressed with the reveal and gameplay demo of Horizon: Zero Dawn. Now you can get a bit more with the E3 trailer cut and new screenshots. The PS4 title is set to release in 2016.


  • E3: Horizon is back with trailer, screens - Artwork

E3 Screens

  • E3: Horizon is back with trailer, screens - E3 Screens
  • E3: Horizon is back with trailer, screens - E3 Screens
  • E3: Horizon is back with trailer, screens - E3 Screens
  • E3: Horizon is back with trailer, screens - E3 Screens
  • E3: Horizon is back with trailer, screens - E3 Screens
  • E3: Horizon is back with trailer, screens - E3 Screens
  • E3: Horizon is back with trailer, screens - E3 Screens
  • E3: Horizon is back with trailer, screens - E3 Screens
  • E3: Horizon is back with trailer, screens - E3 Screens
Commented on 2015-06-16 12:42:31
It feels like Enslaved in much better coat. Beauty!
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2015-06-16 12:51:27
Why not merge the other thread with this one? :)

Two threads of the same game and same content, going back and forth to two threads will be a chore lol
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Commented on 2015-06-16 12:55:04 In reply to Zat
From someone who really like Enslaved, this blows it out of te water! Really beautiful game, and it's an Action-RPG. I love them!

During the bow fighting scene, I was comparing it with Dragon Age: Inquisition's bow fighting, which is very simple. Feels like this is heaven and that is hell.

Anyway, Horizon looks stunning, the story is interesting and the gameplay seems fun. If this is what Guerrilla Games is capable of, I hope we never see another Killzone ever.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2015-06-16 13:12:49
Lets hope the animations and facial expressions are as great as Ninja theory's style like Heavenly Sword and enslaved.
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marklola25810 - Grouchy Smurf
Commented on 2015-06-16 13:45:19
looks good though id have wished for a more sci-fi game, other than just the robots I mean. im not so keen on games where you use bows and arrows and tribal stuff
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Commented on 2015-06-16 13:57:21 In reply to Zat
Posted by Zat
It feels like Enslaved in much better coat. Beauty!
Just my thoughts damn you LOL
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2015-06-16 13:57:23
Thank god its not another full out sci fi with guns (as much as i enjoy that).

This is the most unique looking games, visually for a AAA title for a long time.
Tbh i sometimes feel like she is in the Transformers world with all those "dinobots" lol
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Commented on 2015-06-16 14:44:03 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Thank god its not another full out sci fi with guns (as much as i enjoy that).

This is the most unique looking games, visually for a AAA title for a long time.
Tbh i sometimes feel like she is in the Transformers world with all those "dinobots" lol
Agreed, this game looks really promising and different from the usual fare.
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Commented on 2015-06-16 15:07:44 In reply to 2040
Posted by 2040
Just my thoughts damn you LOL
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Commented on 2015-06-16 15:17:44
Seriously, this was probably the best kept secret at E3 - GG came out of nowhere with this - fawk - I love the post post post post I am legend setting. It's kind of weird that they are apologizing to the machines when they take them down but I'm guessing that's how far along the time line is ... def interested in this setting and the gp. GG said they are going to throw RPG elements into this, taking a serious departure from FPS.
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Commented on 2015-06-16 15:33:42 In reply to deafwing
Posted by deafwing
Seriously, this was probably the best kept secret at E3 - GG came out of nowhere with this
Artwork and title of the game were leaked quite a while ago. But this is the first time they've acknowledged the game.
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Commented on 2015-06-16 15:34:51
I always thought enslaved was one of the most underrated games of last gen, so I am very happy to see GG making a game that seems very similar. I just hope gameplay can match up to the very lovely visual style of the game. I have really high hopes for this game, but I always found Killzone to be full of crazy design choices so I'm trying to keep my hype more realistic for now.
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Commented on 2015-06-16 16:00:44
Game of the show!!
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Commented on 2015-06-16 17:28:26
Can we give her a new hairstyle because the current one looks horrific. Outside of that I'm extremely hopeful for this.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2015-06-16 17:39:33
I love her hairstyle, its loose with nice few braids, like the vikings had it.
Thank god its not dreadlocks, then its ugly.
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Commented on 2015-06-16 17:40:35 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
I love her hairstyle, its loose with nice few braids, like the vikings had it.
Yeah that hairstyle even makes sense because there aint no beauty salons out there with robo dinos around.
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Commented on 2015-06-17 00:52:39
Meh. Not that excited about this game yet. I LOVE GG, but not sure about this title. I'll wait to see more though. GG has earned that much.
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Commented on 2015-07-23 06:08:48
Will keep my eyes on this one despite the mediocre Killzone: Shadow Fall.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Guerrilla Games

$135 of $400 per month

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