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Ubisoft has unveiled Far Cry 3 during its press conference. First screens of the game inside.
Update: E3 walkthrough (LQ) added.
Update2: HQ demo added.

4 screens

  • E3: Far Cry 3 unveiled - 4 screens
  • E3: Far Cry 3 unveiled - 4 screens
  • E3: Far Cry 3 unveiled - 4 screens
  • E3: Far Cry 3 unveiled - 4 screens


  • E3: Far Cry 3 unveiled - Artworks
  • E3: Far Cry 3 unveiled - Artworks


  • E3: Far Cry 3 unveiled - Wallpaper
Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2011-06-07 01:27:44
looks way better than the second but its probably open world (notice when he takes down the enemy by the waterfall he collects cash and the gun)...
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Commented on 2011-06-07 01:36:12
Looks awesome. Can't argue with taking a guy's knife from him, stabbing him, then throwing it at someone else. Excited!
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Commented on 2011-06-07 01:36:39
game look much better than I expected
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Commented on 2011-06-07 01:40:13
This has been my personal highlight of E3 so far! :D It looks fantastic and I really loved number 2, cant wait to see more :)
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Commented on 2011-06-07 01:44:37
Wow! this one looks phenomenal. Was there any gameplay demo or trailer?
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Commented on 2011-06-07 01:45:49
Yeah, a good chunk of gameplay. Gametrailers has it up.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 01:47:17 In reply to OldSchoolGamer
there was a lengthy gameplay demo and it looked stunning, and really original in terms of characters anyway, check it out :)
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Commented on 2011-06-07 02:20:05
Awww man i missed the unveiling!? Darn... was there a trailer or anything?!
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Commented on 2011-06-07 02:54:30
Gameplay Demo

Love that they're sticking with the heart of darkness vibe from Far Cry 2, but bringing back the jungle from Far Cry 1. Blew me away more than Battlefield 3.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 03:59:29
And this is console footage, oh my!!!!!
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Commented on 2011-06-07 04:16:49
looks awesome for wii 2 graphics.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 04:27:05
Woohoo <3 Gamersyde for the demo!!! Thought i'd have missed it.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 04:35:54
Never played FC2 but this one looks great.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 04:38:52
Wow, this is the best news of E3 yet! I loved the original FC, but wasn't a fan of the second. This almost looks like a remake of the orginal. Brutal and gorgeous, and looks to keep the hand-holding to a minimum. Cannot wait!!

BTW, just noticed something, WTF is up with showing points after you kill enemies? I hope that is toggle-able. Nothing kills the immersion of sneaking up and taking out an enemy in the fog like a giant flashing +15!!!! over his head. Is this a score based game or something.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 05:48:24
I hope the console version has a map editor included like FC2. That is what made that game for me. Awesome map editor!! hopefully FC3 will have one. (improved)
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Commented on 2011-06-07 06:09:18 In reply to anm8rjp
Posted by anm8rjp
I hope the console version has a map editor included like FC2. That is what made that game for me. Awesome map editor!! hopefully FC3 will have one. (improved)
highly doubtful when you look at the profitering aspects ther FPS's have flourished in.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 08:13:38
ZOMFG FINALLY totally loved second game, it's realism, it's freedom, destruction everywhere, unlike this shit crysis-2. FC3 definitely one of top 3 of my waiting list if they make it more like second than first.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 08:39:43
Looks good! Second game was ok.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 09:24:22
And its the Xbox360 version... wait for enhaced pc graphics... :) (if you're asking why about I say that it's 360, during gameplay appears the image of the "A" button... unless its a button from Wii2, it seems to be a xbox gameplay)

(Talking about gameplay, I doubt that the pictures are taken from a console version...)
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Commented on 2011-06-07 09:29:10
FarCry was a borefast pretty quickly. Expectations are low here.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 09:46:35 In reply to pZonaKo
Posted by pZonaKo
And its the Xbox360 version... wait for enhaced pc graphics... :) (if you're asking why about I say that it's 360, during gameplay appears the image of the "A" button... unless its a button from Wii2, it seems to be a xbox gameplay)

(Talking about gameplay, I doubt that the pictures are taken from a console version...)
I wonder why the A button was grey and not green like it should be if it was the 360 version.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 11:11:19
This looks incredible; very impressed with the walkthrough. Colour me interested!
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Commented on 2011-06-07 11:15:29
far cry 2 looked awsome when they demo's that too, and look how that turned out (most boring FPS in existence) so i'll reserve judgement on this one atm. footage looked good tho. just hope there is no maleria mechanics, or driving for 5 hours between locations mechanics, or any weapon degrading mechanics, or any repetative missions, or any samey environments with nothing to do...well, you get the picture. i just dont want it to be like far cry 2.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 11:36:26
Looks more like Far Cry 1 than 2 to me.
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Commented on 2011-06-07 11:38:32 In reply to blmbox
Posted by blmbox
Looks more like Far Cry 1 than 2 to me.
looks wise, yes, it's set on a tropical island, that's kinda obvious, but it's developed by ubisoft, so it has a far higher chance of failure. again, just look what they did with far cry 2.
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Developed by
Ubisoft Montreal

$135 of $400 per month

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