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CD Projekt RED has released new screenshots of the much awaited Cyberpunk 2077, some of them already depicted in the trailer. We also share the official E3 trailer again, watermark-free this time.
Update: artworks added.

Introducing Cyberpunk 2077 — the role-playing game of the dark future!

CD PROJEKT RED, creators of The Witcher series of games, are proud to share the first official details about their upcoming title — Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 is an open world, narrative-driven role-playing game set in the universe of the classic pen & paper RPG system — Cyberpunk 2020.

The game follows the story of V — a hired gun on the rise in Night City, the most violent and dangerous metropolis of the corporate-ruled future. A robust character creator will allow players to choose V’s gender, visual appearance, character class, as well as historical background — all of which may influence the shape of the game.

With dozens of hours of main story arc quests, and many more of additional activities, there’s always something to see and do in Night City. Players will experience all of it entirely through V’s eyes, with an interactive dialogue system that gives them greater narrative agency.

Returning in Cyberpunk 2077 is CD PROJEKT RED’s hallmark of choices and consequences. As they make their way through the streets of Night City and its sky-scraping megabuildings, players will face difficult decisions that will ripple through the entire game.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be releasing on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. For more information, visit, and follow the game on Facebook and Twitter.

E3: Screenshots

  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Screenshots

E3: Artworks

  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Artworks
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Artworks
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Artworks
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Artworks
  • E3: Cyberpunk 2077 new screens - E3: Artworks
Commented on 2018-06-12 22:38:13
shall i make a countdown for the "real trailer", or countdown to "another downgrade"?
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Commented on 2018-06-12 22:43:31
First person is a bit of a bummer for me. Especially if they have loot and armour and stuff to wear. If you're just some unchangeable Adam Jensen-type then I guess it doesn't matter much. But I would have prefared this to have been third person in all honesty if they have character customisation.

Im anticipating a downgrade like the Witcher 3 tbh, but it would be nice if that didn't happen.
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Commented on 2018-06-12 23:07:01
FPS is a big disappointment for me. Everything else sounds great, but I am disappointed.
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Commented on 2018-06-12 23:12:49
Can't remember the last time I enjoyed looking at screenshots this much lol
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Commented on 2018-06-12 23:18:25
It being first person is a net positive over 3rd for me but I can understand how people would feel otherwise; given that there's character customization maybe it'll be toggleable or there'll be other ways to enjoy the aesthetic.
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Commented on 2018-06-12 23:21:17
I feel sorry for anybody who writes off a game entirely because it is an FPS.
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Commented on 2018-06-12 23:28:42
I truly don't understand the gaming community. When this game was shown we all predicted it was going to be a shooter. Sure, most of us expected 3rd-person, but y'all are acting like there is such a drastic difference between 3rd-person shooters and 1st-person shooters. Either way this isn't the point I am trying to make before some gamer tries to show me the differences between the two. What happened to all that trust we had in CD? So, just because there are a lot of 1st-person shooters in e3, all of a sudden this game is not worth the interest? It is a new game by CD that is going to receive the same love and attention as The Witcher 3. Just because it is an FPS does not mean it all of sudden is not worth the hype. How about we wait and see the gameplay before we criticize? Fallout and Elder Scrolls are FP-RPG.
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Commented on 2018-06-12 23:38:55
Additional info on Cyberpunk 2077:

Reddit - New Cyberpunk 2077 info from Gamespot stream:

IGN - Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Details: First-Person, Driving, and Character Name, More:

IGN - Cyberpunk 2077 Trailer Message Discusses Release Date, Free DLC, No DRM:

IGN - Cyberpunk 2077 Doesn't Look Like The Witcher, But It Does Look Incredible:

A page from the pamphlet given to journalists, talks about the 6 districts comprising Night City:

A fan recreated the Night City Metro Map: (Image)

PS. CD Projekt Red:
"Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?"

CDPR also gave a bunch of free codes for The Witcher 3 - they were hidden in the trailer.
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Commented on 2018-06-12 23:39:31 In reply to RedArrow
it seems like a lot of us as gamers are always complaining and are never satisfied with games nowadays.
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Commented on 2018-06-12 23:41:12
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Commented on 2018-06-12 23:42:20 In reply to toelessfoot
Posted by toelessfoot
Can't remember the last time I enjoyed looking at screenshots this much lol
Yeah, some of the details that went into the little subtools on the models is superb. CG quality assets.
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Commented on 2018-06-12 23:44:56 In reply to Voids
Posted by Voids
I feel sorry for anybody who writes off a game entirely because it is an FPS.
Or has a different camera than what they were expecting.

As if that matters. You want an example how that's bollocks? Just look at the likes of Metroid to see how that works. Or more recently RE7. Game design trumps everything else.
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Commented on 2018-06-12 23:48:55 In reply to MrWhite
Posted by MrWhite
Or has a different camera than what they were expecting.

As if that matters. You want an example how that's bollocks? Just look at the likes of Metroid to see how that works. Or more recently RE7. Game design trumps everything else.
From the point of a game developer it is so much more than just "giving an option". It mean going back to engine work and honestly could mean extra years of waiting. This isn't just a simple thing its a total redesign.
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Commented on 2018-06-13 00:08:23 In reply to WaterBottle
Posted by WaterBottle
it seems like a lot of us as gamers are always complaining and are never satisfied with games nowadays.
That's how a lot of mature and sensible people - including a lot of developers - feel about "gamers" nowadays, they're mostly a bunch of "whinning people" on the internet who get offended and whine at everything that isn't exacty the way they want/like.

Worst of all, is when these silly - and pathetic - people start complaining about something that isn't even out, even more so when they haven't played, seen it or even know anything about said something.

Like people in here complaining about downgrades when they haven't even seen actual gameplay - in engine rendering is NOT real graphics, it's absurd that this even needs to be mentioned, but some people are mentally challenged and believe it is. They also believe Santa and the Easter Bunny are real...

The same for people complaining about DLCs having certain things they want in the main game when they don't even know absolutely anything about what is, isn't, the frequency and the number of things that are or aren't in said game. But they always feel the need to whine and complain, because it's the internet.

There is a lot more to say about this, but when one takes all of this into consideration, it's no wonder so many developers are really tired of so many fucking whiners on the internet. Todd Howard's speech during Bethesda was because of this, Fallout 76 has online elements and the internet blew up.

Apparently, if something is different than what that someone imagined, that something is bad. Period. If they don't like it, it's bad. Period. It's for a different type of audience, it's bad. Period. The developer wanted to create something new, unique and "creative", it's bad. Period.

Everything needs to be the same all the time and exactly like people want. Because everybody has the same tastes and anyone successful isn't allowed to create something new and different from everything else they created.


When people do that, people also whine and complain that it's not original and new enough, that it should have been much different. But if it is different, people also whine and complain...

I say "FUCK IT!". Like the saying goes: "Haters gonna hate". So if they want to whine and complain like "snowflakes" about the most stupid shit ever instead of using their time to enjoy the things they actually like and ignore the things they don't like... fuck them and let them rot in all their negativity.

Me, I'm enjoying the things I like and recommend to the mature and sensible people to just ignore the whinning and hateful snowflakes. Go be happy, people, we only live once and every time you waste, you can never get back.
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Commented on 2018-06-13 00:11:45
CD Projekt Red:

"First impressions? Holy fuck. Also, it’s a first-person game, despite CD Projekt’s roots in 3rd person games with The Witcher series. Don’t fear though, as much as shooting and gunplay are crucial – and brutal – it’s very much a modern action RPG."

PS. The fact that they even have to address this to try and calm down the snowflakes is very sad.
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Commented on 2018-06-13 00:14:35 In reply to Sdarts
Thank you. Just when I thought nobody can understand that, you have explained it better than I ever could.
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Commented on 2018-06-13 00:21:47 In reply to Sdarts
Posted by Sdarts
CD Projekt Red:

"First impressions? Holy fuck. Also, it’s a first-person game, despite CD Projekt’s roots in 3rd person games with The Witcher series. Don’t fear though, as much as shooting and gunplay are crucial – and brutal – it’s very much a modern action RPG."

PS. The fact that they even have to address this to try and calm down the snowflakes is very sad.
Almost sickening some of the complaints. I mean we haven't even seen gameplay yet.
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Commented on 2018-06-13 00:40:43
Is there a way to get the picture to fit the screen when you open it? I would really like a download all pictures option :) Because i get a really zoomed it picture everytime i open one.
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Commented on 2018-06-13 00:49:55 In reply to Sdarts
Posted by Sdarts
fuck them and let them rot in all their negativity.
Posted by Voids
Almost sickening some of the complaints.
Posted by Sdarts
PS. The fact that they even have to address this to try and calm down the snowflakes is very sad.

can't really say much for you guys, but these pleasantries give me life.
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Commented on 2018-06-13 00:56:33 In reply to kellemann
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Commented on 2018-06-13 01:06:45 In reply to KORNdog
I was totally expecting a third person game. I am still totally in with it being a first person game.

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Commented on 2018-06-13 01:12:34 In reply to Voids
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Commented on 2018-06-13 01:27:33
"Cyberpunk 2077 is legit. I can’t even imagine this being current gen. Like holy shit. It’s like Deus Ex + Crysis + Witcher at a scale and level of detail that I’ve never seen. It’s the kind of game I’ve dreamt of for ages. That was one hell of an hour."
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Commented on 2018-06-13 01:31:07 In reply to Voids
Posted by Voids
I feel sorry for anybody who writes off a game entirely because it is an FPS.
This comment is weird given no-one has said they were going to do that? Lol.

Redarrows post is equally strange for the same reason.
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Commented on 2018-06-13 01:42:09 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
This comment is weird given no-one has said they were going to do that? Lol.

Redarrows post is equally strange for the same reason.
Perhaps I should rephrase my previous comment, try imagining the interiors compact and cramp, going through a small ass apartment in third person.

Also narrow alleys where the camera would have to automatically adjust to not glitch through the wall while still focusing on what you want. The world is designed for first person and that means it's not just as simple as chucking in a third person camera and animations. Either they'd have to program a dynamic camera system and then test that on half the city again to make sure it all worked properly, or remove/change parts of the city to fit it better.
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About the game
Published by
CD Projekt RED
Developed by
CD Projekt RED

$135 of $400 per month

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