Trailer Xbox 360 PS3

Tecmo has put online the extended TGS trailer of Dead or Alive 5. Set to released next year.

Commented on 2011-10-08 00:40:25
Will there be new characters?

I think so.

Nice trailer.
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Commented on 2011-10-08 01:44:40
I don't know how Team Ninja does it, even with Itagaki and the lead engineers gone they're still light years ahead of the competition. Must've watched this epic fight about 20 times now
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Commented on 2011-10-08 02:16:59
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Commented on 2011-10-08 03:08:11
Gotta say, I was expecting more counters and parries than this,'s pre-alpha, after all.
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Commented on 2011-10-08 04:13:58
Wow. I'm actually really impressed. They're bringing the environmental interaction to a whole new level. I'm looking forward to seeing what new characters they add and hope the returning characters get some new outfits.
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Commented on 2011-10-08 04:20:17
Looks very good.
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Commented on 2011-10-08 09:05:35
Cutscenes, cutscenes, cutscenes, Team Ninja Dog Go.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2011-10-08 09:11:28
What way to introduce a new DOA, Hayate vs Ryu fighting it out!
Best characters IMO from Team Ninja universe, Ryu has the upper hand obviously.

I also love those special moves with nice camera swap they do, especially Ryu doing a acrobatic move and lands and charges a ninpo and unleashes it, awesome stuff.

PS. Thank god the artwork looks less doll-like and more realistic, you can tell from Hayate's face.
Amazing music too, loved it.
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Commented on 2011-10-08 09:13:48 In reply to KING_The_Godfather
Posted by KING_The_Godfather
Gotta say, I was expecting more counters and parries than this,'s pre-alpha, after all.
lots of countering in the video.
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Commented on 2011-10-08 12:36:10
I hope DoA5 will be the only fighting game that looks like that. All those flashy moments get old after two days of playing and then you start to look for substance that just isn't there and you go back to real 3d fighters like Tekken or Virtua Fighter.
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Commented on 2011-10-08 13:30:18
nice :)

happy that this time DoA is also on Playstation again :)

looking forward to this one, Dimensions on 3DS was already gorgeous
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Commented on 2011-10-08 14:20:44
The environments look awesome and there seem to be lots of new ways to finish off your enemy. I imagine the new characters will either be even more muscular males wearing masks fighting mini skirted babes with lots of tit wobble. Great !
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Commented on 2011-10-08 19:40:05

That...was,,,,mind BLOWING!!!
Looks epic, I want to play a fighting game just like this!
I always loved DOA, this will be Epic for sure...

The Environments!!!! Maaaan
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Commented on 2011-10-09 18:32:24
Those transitions to new places in the environments, while cool, would get annoying to watch after the 10th time
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Commented on 2011-10-10 08:48:59
Never liked DoA series but this looks pretty good. Nice hit effects.
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Commented on 2011-10-10 16:00:58
As big DOA fan/competitive player I can only say: it's ok. Way too much cut scenes. And right before the first K.O. Ryu could have been turned things around (QTE?).

If the game will have some kind of a second bar you have to fill to perform Naruto-like-uber-moves, it's not a real DOA anymore.

Graphics are good and less anime-ish.
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Commented on 2011-10-10 20:50:12
Where are tha ladies???
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Commented on 2011-10-10 20:52:15 In reply to INDIGO
Posted by INDIGO
Where are tha ladies???
More importantly is where are the boobs?
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Commented on 2011-10-11 06:26:25
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Developed by
Team Ninja

$135 of $400 per month

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