Trailer PC Xbox 360 PS3

As you know, Catwoman will be playable in Batman: Arkham City so here is four new screens and a trailer introducing the sweet feline.

4 screens

  • Catwoman mews for Arkham City - 4 screens
  • Catwoman mews for Arkham City - 4 screens
  • Catwoman mews for Arkham City - 4 screens
  • Catwoman mews for Arkham City - 4 screens
Commented on 2011-06-02 16:44:10
Man if catwoman is actually playable that would be awesome!! looks like she will be... also this game is looking crazy Awesome!
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Commented on 2011-06-02 16:51:31
She is playable, but we dont know to what degree.

Awesome trailer though, love the way she moves and fights, seems like a fully realised feature rather than something tacked on.

Hope its more of a side story rather than part of the main campaign. The whole point of the game is that "you are batman" and any break in that mantra weakens it.
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Commented on 2011-06-02 16:53:44
She will be playable in the main campaign, there's an interview on gamespot confirming this:
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Commented on 2011-06-02 17:01:22
Hopefully for the whole campaign :)

Game is looking impressive!


You guys totally took this screen just for me :P
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Commented on 2011-06-02 17:25:52
great trailers.. i just hope the storys solid. Its always abit of a risk when playing as multiple characters
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Commented on 2011-06-02 17:39:24
She looks insane.

I wonder how they will balance it so Catwoman isn't just way more fun than playing as Batman
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Commented on 2011-06-02 19:56:27
Oh man, that looks fucking killer, and Catwoman does look like a blast to play.

So far, she's the only character in Rocksteady's line of Batman games that I'm not super keen on the design of. I'm just not a fan of the exposed face/goggles combo. Just a minor gripe that won't affect my enjoyment of the game one bit.

Do want!
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Commented on 2011-06-02 19:59:37 In reply to Tinks
Posted by Tinks
She looks insane.

I wonder how they will balance it so Catwoman isn't just way more fun than playing as Batman
Their (Batman and Catwomen) styles are so different that people will prefer one over the other. The balance will surround 'access' if each gameplay/ character type recieve enough air time so to speak, I think that the gameplay differences would serve as a change of pace instead of a hindrance for anyone that prefers Catwomen over Batman and vice versa.
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Commented on 2011-06-02 20:02:53 In reply to omniscient
Posted by omniscient
I think that the gameplay differences would serve as a change of pace instead of a hindrance for anyone that prefers Catwomen over Batman and vice versa.
Agreed. If she's in there as maybe a new way to get into places Batman can't access, AND she has new gadgets/moves/etc, then I welcome it. Pardon my language, but fuck anyone who would complain that they don't get to play as Batman the whole time if that ends up being the case.
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Commented on 2011-06-02 20:35:06
Also to hell those who don't want Catwoman as playable the whole game.

lols. :P
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Commented on 2011-06-02 21:18:36
I think Rocksteady is clever to make her being playable as part of the story, instead of another feature to tack on the box.

"As he wrapped up the demo, Ginn shared a few more details on what to expect from Catwoman in the game. Her narrative will only make up about 10 percent of the whole game which will amount to only a handful of switches to her for the story. However you'll want to invest some time with her and engaging in unique side missions to earn experience to level her up as well as collect those Riddler trophies."

Might sound like a bad thing, having so little of her, but I trust Rocksteady with their clever design decisions like not pandering to the fanbase with playable Bat vehicles.

Of course, it'd be extra fucking cool if there was a separate free-roam mode or NG+ where you can run around as Catwoman in a sandbox way.
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Commented on 2011-06-03 10:46:37
Well, it looks like Catwoman~ *puts on sunglasses* ~will be "playable"... YEAAAAAAAH!

... or imagine if you fall into a pool of water...

Well, it looks like this pussy~ *puts on sunglasses* ~has got herself wet...

Damn, there's like a TON of Horatio jokes you could do! :D

Anyway, I really enjoyed the first game. Don't think it will be any different with this one!
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Commented on 2011-06-04 01:29:06
Eh day one without a shadow of a doubt! Rocksteady shown what they are capable of and I'm sure they won't disappoint with this gem!
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Warner Bros. Int...
Developed by
Rocksteady Studios

$135 of $400 per month

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