Video Xbox 360 PS3

The great DjMizuhara dusted off his Xbox 360 to record us some videos of Bayonetta, released today in Japan. The first one is now available, with many more to come!
Update 2: First 15 minutes of the game available, at 30 fps though. Still more than enough to confirm that Kamiya is utterly crazy.

Commented on 2009-10-28 12:51:55
Not bad but not my type of game
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Commented on 2009-10-28 12:53:55
Can't wait to play this game. DMC4 and NG2 were disappointments on the whole. DMC4 had so much running around and no damn fighting, and Ninja Gaiden 2 was exactly like Ninja Gaiden except with blood (which they removed in Sigma 2 anyway so whats the point?). Bayonetta might bring something fresh to the table. It certainly looks exciting at least.
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Commented on 2009-10-28 13:04:18
Wow, could this game BE any better ? /chandler style ;)
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Commented on 2009-10-28 13:36:00
sweeeeeet, omg @ whats going on the screen :) madnessss :D. Me like +1
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Commented on 2009-10-28 14:24:14 In reply to zlimness
The gore looks kinda out of place. Putting the guy in the coffin was alright, but them exploding just looks weird. Gameplay looks like DMC, except more fluid. Combat song is horrible...

I think the game will end up being good, but I probably won't enjoy it as much as Ninja Gaiden 2.
Posted by zlimness
Can't wait to play this game. DMC4 and NG2 were disappointments on the whole. DMC4 had so much running around and no damn fighting, and Ninja Gaiden 2 was exactly like Ninja Gaiden except with blood (which they removed in Sigma 2 anyway so whats the point?). Bayonetta might bring something fresh to the table. It certainly looks exciting at least.
Ninja Gaiden 2 is actually completely different from the first game. The addition of OT's, focus on dismemberment and fighting against bigger and more aggressive enemy groups that have less health, completely changes the way you need to play the game.

Seriously, they will only seem the same to someone who's only gone through the easiest difficulty. Also, Ninja Gaiden Black is hailed as one of the best action games ever. Even if it was more of the same... WTF is wrong with it, considering no other game offers that kind of gameplay?
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Commented on 2009-10-28 15:00:33 In reply to zlimness
Posted by zlimness
Can't wait to play this game. DMC4 and NG2 were disappointments on the whole. DMC4 had so much running around and no damn fighting, and Ninja Gaiden 2 was exactly like Ninja Gaiden except with blood (which they removed in Sigma 2 anyway so whats the point?). Bayonetta might bring something fresh to the table. It certainly looks exciting at least.
Bayonetta is AWESEOME!!! At least the JP demo is. And this coming from someone who did not care too much for DMC4 and NG2 either.
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Commented on 2009-10-28 15:16:45 In reply to Nonexistinghero
Posted by Nonexistinghero
The gore looks kinda out of place. Putting the guy in the coffin was alright, but them exploding just looks weird. Gameplay looks like DMC, except more fluid. Combat song is horrible...

I think the game will end up being good, but I probably won't enjoy it as much as Ninja Gaiden 2.

Ninja Gaiden 2 is actually completely different from the first game. The addition of OT's, focus on dismemberment and fighting against bigger and more aggressive enemy groups that have less health, completely changes the way you need to play the game.

Seriously, they will only seem the same to someone who's only gone through the easiest difficulty. Also, Ninja Gaiden Black is hailed as one of the best action games ever. Even if it was more of the same... WTF is wrong with it, considering no other game offers that kind of gameplay?
So is Ninja Gaiden 2 dramatically different from Ninja Gaiden Black or not? First you said the changes made it entirely different, then you say its like Black. As I pointed out, it is exactly like Black except you cut off limbs now instead of enemies taking more damage to the whole body. The only major difference is the regenerating health, which makes NG2 a lot easier. Im not saying Ninja Gaiden Black is a bad game, what Im saying is that NG2 is unoriginal and I expected more from a sequel to that game.
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Commented on 2009-10-28 15:29:09
This game destroys every other action game out there and the ones that will come out next year Im 100% sure.

Action Game of the Generation and possibly of forever.
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Commented on 2009-10-28 16:41:53
who cares? famitsu score 40/40 say it all. No matter who say it sucks cause game A is better then bayoneta.
More action games are always welcome stop whining start playing .

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Commented on 2009-10-28 16:53:52 In reply to zlimness
Posted by zlimness
So is Ninja Gaiden 2 dramatically different from Ninja Gaiden Black or not? First you said the changes made it entirely different, then you say its like Black. As I pointed out, it is exactly like Black except you cut off limbs now instead of enemies taking more damage to the whole body. The only major difference is the regenerating health, which makes NG2 a lot easier. Im not saying Ninja Gaiden Black is a bad game, what Im saying is that NG2 is unoriginal and I expected more from a sequel to that game.
I'm saying NG2 is dramatically different from Ninja Gaiden Black, but you won't notice the difference if you've only played them casually. It's much like how someone that doesn't listen to rock music much wouldn't hear a difference between heavy metal and death metal.

And Ninja Gaiden 2 is very original. Every action game takes the easy way out and uses QTE's these days, while NG2 came up with the unique and original OT system, that are much better than QTE's and actually affect the gameplay. Dismemberments are also pretty original, considering the enemies keep fighting and change their fighting patterns and moves once you dismember them, with some of them suiciding on you. And there's of course the enemies that stick on of their limbs in you and make it explode. It also expands on fighting groups of aggressive enemies that work together.

If you say NG2 is unoriginal, you really need to play the game more. It's one of the most original action games that came out in the past 5 years.
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Commented on 2009-10-28 16:55:07 In reply to DeadSaint
Posted by DeadSaint
bad game but not my type of game
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Commented on 2009-10-28 17:03:59 In reply to zlimness
Posted by zlimness
and Ninja Gaiden 2 was exactly like Ninja Gaiden except with blood (which they removed in Sigma 2 anyway so whats the point?). Bayonetta might bring something fresh to the table.
The point with NG2 was to bring the fans a new game of the franchise without changing the gameplay that much. That's normal in the game industry :D And the game was a success (but mostly because of the blood, at least for casuals LOL. For me, even as a fan, the gore was unnecessary).

The delimbing-feature makes the game very easy, yes....but also forced Team Ninja to threw in some retarded things like offscreen-projectile attacks (wasnT in NG1), non-stop projectile spamming with rockets, lasers, exploding kunais and so on. THAT was the biggest difference. And the game became almost unplayable on the highest difficult just because of this bulls... (but I made it :) ).

NG1 gave you few but challenging enemies. NG2 gives you 10 or even more dangerous enemies at the same time on the screen.

Sigma 2 is better anyway :D


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Commented on 2009-10-28 17:15:50
And what the hell as NG2 and NGS2 had to do with this Bayonetta videos?

Bayonetta is miles better than both combined anyway.
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Commented on 2009-10-28 17:19:11
Bayonetta plays like DMC for me. I dont like slow moving enemies. In DMC and in this game here you are an unstoppable killing machine. The player isn't very vulnerable giving him a more satisfying feeling. These games are so easy that even DMC4 has a one hit kill difficult (for the player AND/OR enemies) to make it at least a little bit challenging (what's the point of having luck or some kind of a try & error system in a game? Yeah, its funny for the first time but also pointless)

It's a normal game designed for casual gamers to make maximum profit. Just a game with nothing special in gameplay or so. It tries to build on the success of DMC, just like Ninja Blade which copied Ninja Gaidens cool ninja style action and the charakter (but of course in DMC design). And the game failed, btw.

My opinion of course. Doesn't mean that the game is bad or so. But if I wanna watch tits and a hot ass I play other games. Good gameplay is important to me.
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Commented on 2009-10-28 17:29:47 In reply to FemaleTengu
ups, sorry, double post. plz delete
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Commented on 2009-10-28 17:40:06
But you see this game its better in gameplay than those games and I completly disagree with everthing you said,are you played the demo?

If not well the enemies in the game block and counter and are agressive and its only in normal so I guess this game will be very hard in harder difficulties.

I like DMC too but this is nothing like it seriously this plays like a fusion of NG and DMC and VJ in gameplay terms so with that in mind it is better than them in everything.

Im saying this knowing that Ive been a fan of Ninja Gaiden games like since the first Ninja Gaiden came out the Black and then NG2 and I can say with out any doubt in my mind that in terms of combat gameplay this game its miles better so thats why I said I disagree completly with you.

People can say anything they want its their opinion but this is seriously the evolution of action games,there its no game like it out there and it will be very hard to top this game in the combat gameplay, the bar Kamiya put with Bayonetta its way to high now that it can be no surprise if another ten years passed for another evolution of action games comes.
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Commented on 2009-10-28 17:41:51
I thought the combat song was awesome at first, but then... after a repetitive 10 minutes of combat, it really starts to get on your nerve.
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Commented on 2009-10-28 17:52:30
I'm personally excited about this game. And honestly, there is enough room for Bayonetta, DMC, and NG.
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Commented on 2009-10-28 18:14:46
any news on when the demo's out here? or where it can be downloaded from
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Commented on 2009-10-28 19:15:07
Yeah, the gameplay just doesn't look as satisfying on a hit-to-hit basis compared to NG. And the lock-on stuff just slows down the game. It's a gentleman's combat game, so every enemy waits for their turn to strike, and the AI is zombie-like. It's why I can't get into DMC games and why just from watching this game, I'm bored.
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Commented on 2009-10-28 19:34:19 In reply to Nonexistinghero
Posted by Nonexistinghero
I'm saying NG2 is dramatically different from Ninja Gaiden Black, but you won't notice the difference if you've only played them casually. It's much like how someone that doesn't listen to rock music much wouldn't hear a difference between heavy metal and death metal.

And Ninja Gaiden 2 is very original. Every action game takes the easy way out and uses QTE's these days, while NG2 came up with the unique and original OT system, that are much better than QTE's and actually affect the gameplay. Dismemberments are also pretty original, considering the enemies keep fighting and change their fighting patterns and moves once you dismember them, with some of them suiciding on you. And there's of course the enemies that stick on of their limbs in you and make it explode. It also expands on fighting groups of aggressive enemies that work together.

If you say NG2 is unoriginal, you really need to play the game more. It's one of the most original action games that came out in the past 5 years.
No what you mean is that only hardcore Ninja Gaiden fans would notice the difference. I played on Way of the Warrior and I have to tell you, it played exactly like Ninja Gaiden. Flying Swallow was nerfed not surprisingly, but you could still spam Izuna Drop just like in Ninja Gaiden. Ranged weapons were still rather useless and you can stick with the dragon sword for the entire game, just like in Ninja Gaiden. I would agree that the dismemberment played an important part in the game if it was strategic. But its not. You cut off parts randomly and have will have to deal with whatever comes after that. Its a bit different from Ninja Gaiden, but hardly impressive for 4 years of work.

If you think NG2 is the most original game to come out in the past 5 years, you're the one who needs to play more.
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Commented on 2009-10-28 20:56:17 In reply to digi_matrix
Posted by digi_matrix
Yeah, the gameplay just doesn't look as satisfying on a hit-to-hit basis compared to NG. And the lock-on stuff just slows down the game. It's a gentleman's combat game, so every enemy waits for their turn to strike, and the AI is zombie-like. It's why I can't get into DMC games and why just from watching this game, I'm bored.
This is not true at all dude the enemies attack you,they block and counter and stuff like that.
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Commented on 2009-10-28 21:25:27
the graphics aren't all that over the top but, it does look better than DMC4 and NG2.

the game even sports some pretty good HDR lighting and blooming effects.
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Commented on 2009-10-28 21:55:37
I wonder if the gold rings are an homage to a certain blue mascot.

Also, the butterfly wing double jump totally reminds me of Alucard's bat wing double jump.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-10-28 22:31:20
Bayonetta plays pretty much like DMC, and DMC, most of the enemies are punching bags where you keep pushing attacks buttons until they die. They will now and then do some attacks as well, but they are easy to dodge away.

Ninja Gaiden is different...NG1, most of the combat system is defensive as much as it is offensive. NG2/S2 is more offensive but also has a great defensive to it, but more offensive considering they wanted to push the action and intensity to a higher level.
NG is much more punishing with its AI and enemy attack designs...thats why up to this day, NG still holds the prize as the hardest 3rd person action game in this type.

So in my opinion, each title has their own combat system and thats how it should be considered, but in my opinion, NG is the king considering how visceral and polished the combat is, the weapons...etc.
But as I said, the combat is the number one thing in this genre so depending on my mood I will go for that one and I switch it up.

As for Bayonetta, I would get it if they didnt add the stupid artstyle it has now, but considering they did this on purpose, its not something for me.
So I will definitely look forward to Dante's Inferno and Castlevania Lords of Shadows (I already know how GOW3 will play out).
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
PlatinumGames Inc.

$135 of $400 per month

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