We are very late with these ones, but until today we simply couldn't find these in good quality. Anyway, here are some images and a video unveiling the multiplayer mode on Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

Coop, mp and sp images

  • Uncharted 2 images and video - Coop, mp and sp images
  • Uncharted 2 images and video - Coop, mp and sp images
  • Uncharted 2 images and video - Coop, mp and sp images
  • Uncharted 2 images and video - Coop, mp and sp images
  • Uncharted 2 images and video - Coop, mp and sp images
  • Uncharted 2 images and video - Coop, mp and sp images
  • Uncharted 2 images and video - Coop, mp and sp images
  • Uncharted 2 images and video - Coop, mp and sp images
  • Uncharted 2 images and video - Coop, mp and sp images
  • Uncharted 2 images and video - Coop, mp and sp images
  • Uncharted 2 images and video - Coop, mp and sp images
  • Uncharted 2 images and video - Coop, mp and sp images
  • Uncharted 2 images and video - Coop, mp and sp images
  • Uncharted 2 images and video - Coop, mp and sp images
Commented on 2009-05-08 13:54:10
Looking forward to SP gameplay, becuase this CERTAINLY isn't as pretty as Uncharted: Drakes Fortune.

Where did this bloom come from? Naught Dog don't do bloom :/

Conversely, I like the motion blur and smoke a LOT. So I really want to see SP.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-08 13:59:18
Looks nice, but MP aside I'm not convinced it'll play any better than the snooze-fest that was Drake's Fortune. I'm sure had it been one of the only games available on the console I'd have loved it, but hey... but the time I bought it I'd already played Halo 3.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-08 14:37:40
And now Halo 3 has got boring you enrolled in console warriordom I see....

Uncharted was really superb. I always think of it as the anti-Gears. They are totally different controlling games, but very similar. Uncharted is all about control and darty movement, whereas Gears is lumbering and visceral.

I love both of those, but Uncharted defintely has a better story and characters.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 15:02:16
PLease please PLEASE make the water look better up close...

And would it be possible for developers to make sure they only release high quality videos? This one was pretty poor on the quality, making it look a lot worse then it actually looks. Looks pretty action packed, it might be pretty great.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 15:04:03
Well no, I never really enjoyed Halo 3 that much. It's just that Uncharted was probably a lot of people's first glimpse into this generation of consoles, but I only played it last November by which time I'd bought about 50 Xbox360 games. Console wars aside, it just meant that I'd played a ton of new games and seen a ton of new tech, so there wasn't anything about Uncharted to make it stand out. I actually thought the graphics were quite ugly... too bright and jaggy, seemed a mess.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 15:55:00
better late than never guys, when the quality is this good. however try to be on-time next time.:)
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Commented on 2009-05-08 16:11:28 In reply to pythxvii
Posted by pythxvii
PLease please PLEASE make the water look better up close...
Yeah, i mean. i quit playing the first one once i saw the water up close! i was like: " OH crap, look at that horrible water! how do they expect me to play this awesome video game when the water looks this crappy UP CLOSE!- I WANT TO ZOOM IN TO THE WATER AND HAVE IT LOOK LIKE MEGAN FOX! - MAKE IT HAPPEN "
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Commented on 2009-05-08 16:50:41 In reply to pez_Q
Posted by pez_Q
Yeah, i mean. i quit playing the first one once i saw the water up close! i was like: " OH crap, look at that horrible water! how do they expect me to play this awesome video game when the water looks this crappy UP CLOSE!- I WANT TO ZOOM IN TO THE WATER AND HAVE IT LOOK LIKE MEGAN FOX! - MAKE IT HAPPEN "
i sense the sarcasm strong in this but seriously, i can't wait to see the snow in U2.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 17:10:54
the first game is still one of the best games this entire generation (even visually) so i cant wait for the sequel.

this game is going to rape your face with awesomeness.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 17:32:23 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
this game is going to rape your face with awesomeness.
Hmmm... You might want to consider wearing a condom while you play this game :P

I'm looking forward to this but I have to finish the first one still. Only thing I didn't like so far is the rather loose control/aiming. It's one of those games where I wish I could use my 360 controller with it.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 17:42:13 In reply to ASURAshadow
Posted by ASURAshadow
Hmmm... You might want to consider wearing a condom while you play this game :P

I'm looking forward to this but I have to finish the first one still. Only thing I didn't like so far is the rather loose control/aiming. It's one of those games where I wish I could use my 360 controller with it.
i never had an issue with that, but i've had a sony pad in my hands for 14 years of my 23 year life (man, didnt realise it was that long) so i'm used to the pad just as much as i am with using any other.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 17:52:59
I still fail to see how the first one impresses graphically. Extreme bright areas combined with extreme dark areas make for the worst jaggies you can imagine, add to that the fact that leaves (and shrubbery in general) are bad for jaggies by nature and you've got some rotten visuals. The animations were pretty sucky too, I didn't like the way the jumping felt so automated... you press jump near a ledge and it goes into some preset canned animation which automatically places you exactly where you're supposed to land.

Apart from that it had some platforming I've done in Tomb Raider and Sands of Time and run-of-the-mill cover combat. Nothing outstanding but nothing especially bad about it either.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 17:54:43 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
i never had an issue with that, but i've had a sony pad in my hands for 14 years of my 23 year life (man, didnt realise it was that long) so i'm used to the pad just as much as i am with using any other.
Believe me, you never get used to it and every time it looks even longer ago that you played your first game. ¬_¬

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Commented on 2009-05-08 18:13:54 In reply to DDRMidian
Posted by DDRMidian
I still fail to see how the first one impresses graphically. Extreme bright areas combined with extreme dark areas make for the worst jaggies you can imagine, add to that the fact that leaves (and shrubbery in general) are bad for jaggies by nature and you've got some rotten visuals. The animations were pretty sucky too, I didn't like the way the jumping felt so automated... you press jump near a ledge and it goes into some preset canned animation which automatically places you exactly where you're supposed to land.

Apart from that it had some platforming I've done in Tomb Raider and Sands of Time and run-of-the-mill cover combat. Nothing outstanding but nothing especially bad about it either.
visually it's still up there alongside killzone 2 and gears of war 2, which is impressive as hell seeing as it came out in 07.

texture quality and sheer variety has YET to be beaten imo. it also has some of the best animations in the business. varied and remarkably fluid. other games could and 'should' learn from it's example. characters dont have to move around like lifeless tanks. they can have CHARACTER. and uncharted had it in spades.

i honestly didnt experience any notworthy jaggies either (unlike infamous which has pretty bad aliasing) in fact. it's one of the smoothest looking games on the ps3...again, right alongside killzone 2....i heard yout TV can effect that stuff tho. i know people who had jaggies in killzone 2, but it's not noticable on my TV? so who knows.

amazing game tho. mixed the best bits of gears of war and tomb raider and created something better then both imo. great story and characters too. really captured that indiana jones summer blockbuster feel.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 18:27:21 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
i never had an issue with that, but i've had a sony pad in my hands for 14 years of my 23 year life (man, didnt realise it was that long) so i'm used to the pad just as much as i am with using any other.
I've been a ps1 and ps2 owner since the beginning too, but still prefer the 360 controller for shooters and racing games. Just like I prefer my ps3 controller for fighting games.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 19:05:38
seriously, uncharted 1 isn't one the best games this gen, including viscerally. It had a slight cartoonish look to it (excluding character models) and the explosions were horrific. And also korndog, I find it ironic you'd complain about how batman appeared all automated yet all the platforming sequences were largely automated, press direction and the jump button, game does the rest for you. But anyway, the first uncharted didn't do anything excellently, but it didn't do anything bad neither it just done everything on a "good" scale. So plenty of room for improvement lets hope Naughty Dog don't disappoint.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 19:16:35 In reply to Blue_Eagle44
Posted by Blue_Eagle44
seriously, uncharted 1 isn't one the best games this gen, including viscerally. It had a slight cartoonish look to it (excluding character models) and the explosions were horrific. And also korndog, I find it ironic you'd complain about how batman appeared all automated yet all the platforming sequences were largely automated, press direction and the jump button, game does the rest for you. But anyway, the first uncharted didn't do anything excellently, but it didn't do anything bad neither it just done everything on a "good" scale. So plenty of room for improvement lets hope Naughty Dog don't disappoint.
i dont think uncharted is anywhere close the the automated nature of batman, batman basically talls you to press a button, and the game does the rest for you. you at least have control over drake when your jumping, and can chose where to jump and which angle to approach said jump...there is still a level of skill involved. batman could almost be a QTE it's so automated....same goes for POP.

and thats what opinion are for. i think uncharted 1 is by far one of the best games this gen....but in the same way you'd probably say gears of war 2 was...i'd have to dissagree...the joys of opinions eh?

i love uncharted tho, so much character and charm. and the gameplay was awesome. i dont think a single third person title has come close to it in terms of every area being of a consistantly high quality. from voice work, story, platforming, shooting, animations, visuals. it just has prodction values through the roof.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 19:17:13
The game looks fantastic, probably the best animations around as well. Except, the transitions often stink and sometimes the character seems to lack "weight". I don't know, just doesn't seem right.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 19:30:42
the shooting in the 1st one was just "good" same with the platforming. Animations were decent, gunplay was decent, but nothing stood out as stunning...well apart from the character models and no I don't think gow2 is one the ebst games this gen, didnt like it as much as gow1, didnt play it anywhere near as much mp wise etc namely due to the maps werent as fun. But yeh, every area of uncharted 1 in my eyes was just "good/decent/ok" nothing more nothing less. I'm not for one console over the other, hell I have a pc that can run crysis pretty much maxed out and my gaming taste varies incredibly and I can quite easily get into most games. I don't think uncharted 2 will be bad by any stretch, but I feel they can very easily improve over the foundations they laid out in the 1st one.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 19:36:21 In reply to Blue_Eagle44
Posted by Blue_Eagle44
the shooting in the 1st one was just "good" same with the platforming. Animations were decent, gunplay was decent, but nothing stood out as stunning...well apart from the character models and no I don't think gow2 is one the ebst games this gen, didnt like it as much as gow1, didnt play it anywhere near as much mp wise etc namely due to the maps werent as fun. But yeh, every area of uncharted 1 in my eyes was just "good/decent/ok" nothing more nothing less. I'm not for one console over the other, hell I have a pc that can run crysis pretty much maxed out and my gaming taste varies incredibly and I can quite easily get into most games. I don't think uncharted 2 will be bad by any stretch, but I feel they can very easily improve over the foundations they laid out in the 1st one.
i'd be happy if they just gave us more of the same but in new locations. since i cant really raise any complaints against the first one at all. the fact they've actually improved upon the foundation set in drakes fortune just makes me all the more excited. if i think the first was one of the best games this gen (MGS4 and LBP better it imo) and U2 is improving on every area...well...the thought of U2 just blows my mind.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 19:39:02
thinking of it like that makes me think "sweet, we'll actually get the awsome game they were meant to make in the 1st place."
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Commented on 2009-05-08 19:49:33 In reply to Blue_Eagle44
Posted by Blue_Eagle44
thinking of it like that makes me think "sweet, we'll actually get the awsome game they were meant to make in the 1st place."
they did make the awesome game the where suposed to make in the first place....but uncharted 2 is going to be better. in the same way gears 2 was better then gears 1... "bigger, better and more bad ass" was the term cliffy B coined i believe?
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Commented on 2009-05-08 21:20:39
Cliffy B, your legacy to us will only ever be that poignant quote :P
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Commented on 2009-05-08 22:39:59 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
i'd be happy if they just gave us more of the same but in new locations. since i cant really raise any complaints against the first one at all. the fact they've actually improved upon the foundation set in drakes fortune just makes me all the more excited. if i think the first was one of the best games this gen (MGS4 and LBP better it imo) and U2 is improving on every area...well...the thought of U2 just blows my mind.
Funny, I thought they were three of the most overrated games this generation :P
MGS4 paled in comparasion to it's predecesors and felt like filler up until the last few parts of the game, and LBP just didn't play particularly well.. (and neither did MGS4 now that you mention it)

Uncharted I enjoyed, but I didn't think it was anything *that* amazing. I think I would have prefered less combat and more exploration/puzzles. That being said, I'm still looking forward to this one.
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Commented on 2009-05-08 23:36:21 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by WinterSnowblind
Funny, I thought they were three of the most overrated games this generation :P
MGS4 paled in comparasion to it's predecesors and felt like filler up until the last few parts of the game, and LBP just didn't play particularly well.. (and neither did MGS4 now that you mention it)

Uncharted I enjoyed, but I didn't think it was anything *that* amazing. I think I would have prefered less combat and more exploration/puzzles. That being said, I'm still looking forward to this one.
i'm not saying uncharted is one of the best games this gen as some sort of fact (althoug visually i think it certainly is)...but for was.....MGS4, LBP and uncharted are amazing titles imo. nothing this gen comes close them as far as i'm concerned. in terms of gameplay (uncharted) graphics (uncharted) story and series fandom (MGS4) and general fun factor and longevity (LBP) those 3 games had all bases covered.

uncharted 2 i can safely say is going to be my GOTY. killzone 2 was great (played it back to back 3 times, infamous is looking to be really awesome going by the demo, but nothing can touch uncharted for me. characters that are genuinely likeable. performances that rival movies. summer blockbuster action and presentation. amazing graphics. second to non animations, i loved the first game so much. and i cant wait to try out uncharted 2, which wont be that long seeing as the multiplayer beta is just around the corner.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Naughty Dog

$135 of $400 per month

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