Tecmo surprised a lot of people last week by announcing Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 for the PS3 only a few months after the release of the Xbox 360 "exclusive" Ninja Gaiden 2. Still, seeing Ayane playable and a coop mode is a pleasant surprise, at least for the ones who did not already buy the rather rushed Ninja Gaiden 2.
Update: Added the trailer, unfortunately only in low resolution.


  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 images - Images
Commented on 2009-03-25 11:47:12
If you guys can get the trailer that was released in HD, that would be great :)
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-03-25 12:14:55
The best franchise ever!
I like how clean and slick it looks, and adding Momiji and Ayane playable is just wow, including online co-op.

Before anyone says anything about the lack of OTs and is there, it only lacks blood and gore.

I am sad that the game doesn't have that bloodbank NG2 had, but at the same time, I happy it doesn't, looks riduculous alot and covered alot of stuff on screen that was hard to see.
Now it looks more cleaner and more slick to the visuals like the original NG we all loved (well those how liked NG), including adding that visual effects for the decapitations, i like it alot.

If people complain the lack of blood and all, then you must not like the original NG as well, considering the blood was minimum to some extend.

I personally think that the gore and blood splatter in NG2 was a art direction Itagaki wanted, and because its a art direction decision and not a gameplay mechanic, NGS 2 will do just fine without, considering NGS 2 still have the fast paced combat and OTs in it.

As Alimo said, if you guys can get a 720p trailer, please release it ;)

Here are the gifs I made that proves I am not wrong about OT and decapitations.

In reply to
Commented on 2009-03-25 12:14:59
where is all the blood? Sigma translated means weaksauce?

I still didn't understand if Co-Op is only directed at a couple of lazy challange rooms like a survival mode, or can we play on Story mode where it really matters.
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BlimBlim - Tyrannosaurus
Commented on 2009-03-25 12:15:33 In reply to alimokrane
Posted by alimokrane
If you guys can get the trailer that was released in HD, that would be great :)
I can't find it for the moment, sorry.
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-03-25 12:19:39 In reply to jesuschrist
Posted by jesuschrist
where is all the blood? Sigma translated means weaksauce?

I still didn't understand if Co-Op is only directed at a couple of lazy challange rooms like a survival mode, or can we play on Story mode where it really matters.
Co-op is ONLY through missions, no story.

Because for the story its all about Ryu, its his journey, you can later on play with Momiji and Ayane to see more of the story, kind of like a "extended version".

Lazy challenge rooms?
Give me a break, those are the ones that are so much fun and gives replayvalue to NG.

If by 30 stages with 4 difficaulty modes is "lazy challenge rooms" for a co-op mode, then wow.

Hayashi said they were gonna add what they liked in the original NG and NG2 into one full package for NGS2.
For example they are showing the "devil" in golden armor and such and he was NOT in NG2, but was in NG, I be damned if Fiend Ryu is back haha, he was awesome.
However, it would be weird because of decapitations, unless they won't use that feature when fighting him, who knows with Hayashi.

It already shows that Hayashi liked the feel and look of the original NG that he didn't want to add a bloodbank to it, rather clean and simple but yet very good looking.
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Commented on 2009-03-25 12:22:23 In reply to jesuschrist
Posted by jesuschrist
where is all the blood? Sigma translated means weaksauce?

I still didn't understand if Co-Op is only directed at a couple of lazy challange rooms like a survival mode, or can we play on Story mode where it really matters.
Online will be a different mode with 30 stages. So no co-story.

PS: Nice avatar Sath XP
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Commented on 2009-03-25 12:29:28 In reply to IIGrayFoxII
Posted by Sath
Lazy challenge rooms?
Give me a break, those are the ones that are so much fun and gives replayvalue to NG.

If by 30 stages with 4 difficaulty modes is "lazy challenge rooms" for a co-op mode, then wow.
Yes its lazy, for me.
Just screams like a forced bullet point "WE HAVE CO-OP" when it means almost shit if you can't play in story mode.
If the "lazy" expression seems so bad at your eyes, change it to some other that means "adding a bunch of useless crap without even telling if you're going to change the Core game", and call it a day, ok guy?
Posted by Sath
About the my past comment.
I've read and it
It your opinion. Go figure why it makes you glad? Seems more your polishing it's shortcomings. D:
Going to NG1 level of gore is like going from a "Awesome" to "Dull".
But if it means giving a better performance to the gameplay in chaotic scenes, well... its a different scenario, is it not? We wait.
Posted by IIGrayFoxII
Online will be a different mode with 30 stages. So no co-story.

A remake, hunn?
At least try to fix&polish the freaking thing and not just add some useless sprinkles and shove it trough the door, Tecmo.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-03-25 12:32:17
I still don't see any evidence of dismembering or decapitating from your gifs Sath. Have any larger ones by any chance?
Lazy challenge rooms?
Give me a break, those are the ones that are so much fun and gives replayvalue to NG
Dude, I get that you're all super-jazzed about the game, but come on. When people want co-op in a game, they want to be able to play the campaign with a friend.
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-03-25 12:34:09 In reply to jesuschrist
Posted by IIGrayFoxII
Online will be a different mode with 30 stages. So no co-story.

PS: Nice avatar Sath XP
Sorry Gray but Momiji is mine ;)
But hey, Gray, if you like NG, buy NGS 2, I can't wait to play online with you, would be neat.
Don't worry, I grew up with NG since NES and I am a NG pro, so I won't let them hurt you ;)
Posted by jesuschrist

A remake, hunn?
At least try to fix&polish the freaking thing and not just add some useless sprinkles and shove it trough the door, Tecmo.
Hayashi said in a interview that the camera would be the very first thing they will tweak. God knows, Itagaki said the samething with NG2.
I didn't have a problem with camera that much, I kept tapping the "camera center" button alot, was good.

But Hayashi said that this is a improved and definite version of NG2, and by the trailer, it truly shows, too much content and it deserves to be called definite.
But in terms of polish and fixes, non of us know until we play the retail version.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-03-25 12:36:38 In reply to BlimBlim
Posted by BlimBlim
I can't find it for the moment, sorry.
No worries :D THanks Blim.
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Commented on 2009-03-25 12:38:51 In reply to Ronsauce
It's difficult to pull RE5 co op thing (as in keeping the story good) when it comes to ninja gaiden.

Obviously they have put in the ladies just because so you can get more out of the story.

To be able to play the campaign mode in co-op it has to be build from the ground up with co-op in mind. Ofcourse that is not the case with NG2.

Co-op in NG2 is pure fan-service, nothing more. Maybe the next NG(3) will be co-op from the get go.

PS: Sath...2 bad she looks more like me. XP
But I can always cut my hair short and die it purple....hmmmm.
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-03-25 12:40:34 In reply to Ronsauce
Posted by Ronsauce
I still don't see any evidence of dismembering or decapitating from your gifs Sath. Have any larger ones by any chance?
Lazy challenge rooms?
Give me a break, those are the ones that are so much fun and gives replayvalue to NG
Dude, I get that you're all super-jazzed about the game, but come on. When people want co-op in a game, they want to be able to play the campaign with a friend.
A OT can't be done with one of the enemy limbs arent cut, thats why Ryu's Scythe move is a OT.
He does the same move when the werevolfes heads are cut off.

Momiji cuts the ninjas leg off, but look how he tries to move towards her.

Even look at the screen, carefully, the more purple essence thats were the limbs are cut.
Everytime you see a essence effect like that, the limbs are cut.
Even Hayashi confirmed decapitation and OTs are in NGS 2.

The reason why co-op won't work in story is because non of the other characters are with Ryu, he is going on one path and others are another.

If they didn't add co-op whatsoever, you wouldn't say that.

We are even lucky to get such content...30 stages with 4 difficaulty stages is enough for the NG players to enjoy.
Posted by IIGrayFoxII
It's difficult to pull RE5 co op thing (as in keeping the story good) when it comes to ninja gaiden.

Obviously they have put in the ladies just because so you can get more out of the story.

To be able to play the campaign mode in co-op it has to be build from the ground up with co-op in mind. Ofcourse that is not the case with NG2.

Co-op in NG2 is pure fan-service, nothing more. Maybe the next NG(3) will be co-op from the get go.
Thank you for explaining it further more.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-03-25 12:46:28 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Hayashi said in a interview that the camera would be the very first thing they will tweak. God knows, Itagaki said the samething with NG2.
I didn't have a problem with camera that much, I kept tapping the "camera center" button alot, was good.
The camera.
That is the least of the problems NG2 has.

Well, if that is what they think is the Top priority, then they deserve the tag Team Ninja "B-Team". Let's hope they know what they are doing, and do a better job than they did on the Original Sigma. They didn't do anything that made better or supassed NGBlack.
Well, they didn't need... it was already perfected.

But now is a wholly difrent case, there is much work to do. I Just hope they don't waste time trying to make a new layer of content to diferenciate from the original NG2, without going further and fixing all that is needed (the f*****g projectiles spamm, for a start)
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Commented on 2009-03-25 12:49:42 In reply to Sath
Sath you obviously didn't know that the first game I played, was NG on the NES.

I'm curious how good you are at it Mr. Pro.

Time will tell hehe XP.
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Commented on 2009-03-25 12:51:43
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
He acts like he made the whole ninja gaiden games himself, like team ninja had nothing to do with it. He is like the opposite of kojima , not humble at all and he sleeps with M$.... Thank god he is gone and now the creators of Ninja Gaiden Sigma (fantastic game btw!) can create the masterpeice that they have wanted to but couldn't because of Itagaki and his M$ love. Thank you team ninja this is a day 1 purchase from me! & This is exactly what Microsoft gets for throwing its money around. They paid Team Ninja what, 50-150 million, for this game when Team Ninja wanted to actually develop for both systems. I'm glad to see Sony doesn't have to throw money at developers to get the to make games for them. ha-ha 360 owners.
I am loving it , team ninja will triumph now that they don't have that crazy arrogant, pompous Itagaki running things.
BlimBlim - Tyrannosaurus
Commented on 2009-03-25 12:56:02 In reply to zozi
Ok, we'll see if you calmed down in two weeks.
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Commented on 2009-03-25 13:16:27 In reply to BlimBlim
Posted by BlimBlim
Ok, we'll see if you calmed down in two weeks.
Busy day at the office, I see :)
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-03-25 13:19:15
Jesus, I know what you mean, I don't disagree with you.
Camera is the last problem, but in NG2, it had alot of tight places were camera would struggle, with IS and rockets would come at you from various places from the screen, made your vision blocked.

But they are improving from NG2, how much no one knows, they are improving and tweaking according to Hayashi, and all we can do is hope for the best.

Thank god you are a old school NG player as well, but how well you can play the current ones, thats the question?

But it is co-op so we have to work together, and hopefully we are both good.

Hehe did I made you switch avatar? Damn, sorry.

Its just that ever since I saw Momiji in NG DS, I thought her design was good, and she actually was a very good fighter, and I wished NG2 would have her in, but I guess Hayashi read my mind.

But Ayane and Momiji are my highlights of NGS 2, can't wait to play with them and master them.

Well I can't wait, thats all I can say.
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Commented on 2009-03-25 13:49:05 In reply to Sath
Don't be sorry lol. I actually love Ayane. It's just that finding a nice ayane picture is hard nowadays with all the hentai spreading the world.

But I will be using Ayane in co-op, because she is the only one I use in DoA.

I am in a big need for another DoA-game. This will keep me occupied until then hehe.

Also, I am purty sure I can handle the new-gen gaiden games. I just need some warming up before I truly shine at them.

(haven't played NG2 yet so this should be interesting)
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-03-25 14:03:40
Ayane (and Momiji being priority) is badass girl, my favorite one in NG and DOA universe.
She is incredibly fast, got cool hair a nice cute bow to look unique.

Well I will be using all 3 to be honest, if I am in need to feel like God, I will play as Ryu hahaha, but if I want some girl kickass action, I would go with Ayane or Momiji, both are surpringly fast, compared to what they did to Rachel.

One character that surprised me was Momiji. Her weapon looks like it has alot of weight and she would be clunky, but the trailer showed her to be very fast for such a weapon.

Team Ninja will not drop NG and DOA considering its their babies, I honestly think that Hayashi will do DOA5 and NG3 because he said he really likes the PS3.

NG2 is extremely fast in terms of combat and the AI is no joke (even though some of them are spamming Incendiary Shurikens, bastards), so you need warming up.
But, if you have played the original NG/Sigma, then you will get the hang of NG2 quickly.

One thing I hope Team Ninja does with online co-op is the lag, there wont be any, if so, very minimal would be great.

The trophies wont be a joke, my guess would be it will be the hardest game to get trophies on.

Gray, I hope you got DualShock 3 because NGS 2 is gonna have rumble support and sixaxis support.

I personally liked the sixaxis support in NG Sigma.
Whenever you do a ninpo you start shaking the controller to make it more powerful and get that extra punch into it.
We already saw Ayane's ninpo, but they didn't use the sixaxis considering the visuals change once oyu start shaking the controller.

I wonder what Momiji's ninpo is?

One small detail I liked (amongs MANY others) is that when the characters using ninpo they use old language to charge their ninpos (it was in NG DS), Ayane did it, hopefully Ryu and Momiji has it to, because knowing Ryu, he always says something badass.

Sorry for the long comments, I am just loving the NG games ;)
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Commented on 2009-03-25 14:11:36
ayane is hot
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Commented on 2009-03-25 14:27:09
Wow, Ayane, I love you. Marry me, plzzzz.

Her (almost) classic butterfly outfit is baaaaaaack. Great. She looks so goddamn good.

Good to see, that OTs are still there. It was a nice NG2 feature.

Reduced gore means no blacklisting in some countries *yay*

Looking forward to the Master Ninja Difficult. I played trough all Diffs in all Ninja Gaiden Games. Altough I played trough NG2 on the highest difficult, "Master Ninja" was just a big proof for having luck or not.
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-03-25 14:37:18 In reply to FemaleTengu
But in EU, NG and NG Sigma was censored, meaning no headcutting.
But they CAN'T censore this one considering OT and decapitation is a gameplay mechanic.
If they censor it, I will import the game.

Even the NG Sigma demos was censored.
I tried the EU version and I couldn't cut the heads off, but then I downloaded the US demo and I could.

I will download both US and EU demos of NGS 2 (obviously its coming) to see if EU is censored or not, which I hope not.
Posted by FemaleTengu
Her (almost) classic butterfly outfit is baaaaaaack. Great.
I want her NG classic outfit, the one with the hood, that looked good.

I hope they add extra outfits for each of the characters, and hopefully it is design and not colors (like NG2, only colors).

My guess is that Hayashi will add NG2 DLC outfits, one color of each design in for Ryu, and new ones for Ayane and Momiji.
I liked Momiji ninja outfit in NG DS.
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Commented on 2009-03-25 14:41:37
Im still gonna get it, i did prefer the feel of NG to NG2... as it felt like he just made it a bloody game an nothing else!
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Commented on 2009-03-25 14:56:27
@ sath

I said "reduced" :) not censored. Sure, they can't censor this OT part and cutting of limbs etc. but you cant see flying body parts like heads, arms, legs during these situations.

I live in germany and I had to import my NG2 from Austria. And in Germany there is also no DLC support for blacklisted games (no Gears of War Map Packs and so on) >>>>> yes sure, there are other ways, but it's very frustrating and annoying and an imported game costs more money. Maybe you can understand this.

And I can only hope that our USK will accept NGS2.
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
Team Ninja

$135 of $400 per month

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