Square-Enix FINALLY released a new trailer of Final Fantasy XIII, announcing the demo to be bundled with the new version of the Advent Children movie. And what a trailer it is!
Update 2: It looks like every site out there has posted the video last night, so it should be safe to have it here too. I've captured the Xbox Marketplace trailer, with subtitles.
All comments (114)
Now... the gameplay. I'd always prefer a more old-school Final Fantasy. I just find that old-school FFs tend to have more endearing characters. Too many of the futuristic-themed FFs with annoying characters already. But of course, when it's Nomura at the helm, nothing we can do about it. I'm not REALLY complaining though.
And the graphics remind me of Xenosaga :) Not Xenogears, Xenosaga :P
Too bad they cut alot of the battle stuff out and just showed us the bits with the most action going on, notice how they editted where the player had to make choices to make it look faster.
But tbh the trailer itself sucks because of its cut and misplaced voice over. Square-Enix can do better than that.
Anyway good to see some real footage instead of CG only crap.
The game isn't even in consideration for 360, till the Japanese PS3 version is out. (see the plataforms that appear at the end of the trailer)
The US/EU PS3 versions and 360 port only begin when the "PS3" game is finished.
If the game is underwhelming is because it a ps3 game from the getgo... they should've just canned it and made it a 360 game, then it would be trully amazing.
At least it will be the better version, as all the multiplataform games on 360 are.
Looks pretty good, although the lighting was less then spectacular, which is a pity cause I likes lighting =( Also, all those people shooting the guns didn't really impress me, which is surprising, cause the gameplay looks spectacular. I am really gunna be pissed if there isn't an english demo. I don't want subs or anything, but I'd like to be able to read the menu's +) I don't think the engine is really gunna steal the spotlight from anything like Gears 2 (or sadly Killzone 2, which looks miles worse then this) or Resident Evil 5 or whatever other game looks spectacular rigth about now, its not super impressive, but the game better kick some serious ass. I am a FF virgin (for the games anyway) and I really like the CG and shit they do, and the style is pretty cool (even if a bit unoriginal, I like that its not like, over the top anime style really, more a quirky style) so yeah. Kinda pissed that they can't release it based on CONSOLE rather then console AND location. I don't wanna wait =( Gameplay looks pretty awesome, much faster then a lot of stuff I've seen which should be great =)
The demo only comes with FFVI AC complete as far as i know and paying £50 for a demo (cause im not that interested in the film) is a bit expensive if you ask me.
SE are stupid if they don't release the demo on PSN.
The demo only comes with FFVI AC complete as far as i know and paying £50 for a demo (cause im not that interested in the film) is a bit expensive if you ask me.
SE are stupid if they don't release the demo on PSN.
but i guess it's the fanboy bullshit that make them do it, a ps3 fanboy would type meh for a 360 exclusive and vice versa without good reason, but then again grid was multiplatform.