
Capcom releases a few dirty images of Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop. We miss the camera angle of the original game, and some of the gameplay changes make us cringe a little, but all in all it's a very good news to see a game like this on Wii, and it sounds like fun nevertheless. No right to complain !

4 images

  • Images of Dead Rising Wii - 4 images
  • Images of Dead Rising Wii - 4 images
  • Images of Dead Rising Wii - 4 images
  • Images of Dead Rising Wii - 4 images
Commented on 2008-10-03 12:31:31
I hope it looks better in real life, cos this looks like a DS title. A ps2 can do a far better job then this. Wow. Having such a graphic downgrade, just to get a new control scheme? I'll give it a pass.
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Commented on 2008-10-03 13:05:59
for anyone who has never played this game.... plz god play the xbox Ver!! plus it costs super cheap
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Commented on 2008-10-03 13:06:30
Yeah man the wii library is really mixing things up now! A two year old game and with crappier graphics too! That's why i love the wii, the troves upon troves of goood games ;)
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Commented on 2008-10-03 14:04:29

By seeing these images, the game seems very nice. But I particularly sick play on Wii, and I am wondering how it will be boring to be spinning and turning this control in this game.
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Commented on 2008-10-03 14:25:31 In reply to helcio30
Posted by helcio30
By seeing these images, the game seems very nice. But I particularly sick play on Wii, and I am wondering how it will be boring to be spinning and turning this control in this game.
Dude........what did you just say exactly? lol.

To be honest, I got rid of my Wii a long time ago and I`m glad that I did due to the sheer poor quality of the graphix. I know that people say it`s all about the gameplay (which does play a large role for sure), but come on....this looks terrible!.

When people start talking about how the next gen consoles may sacrifice raw power in favour of a `Nintendo-esque` feel to their hardware, it scares the living shit out of me as I`d rather pay £300+, £400+, even £500+ for a next-gen console that delivers in the graphix department!.

Forget trying to get mums, dads, aunties and kids involved because as a gaming enthusiast (for the last 30 years), I think that these devs owe it to me and you alike to keep pumping out better graphix, AI, audio and all manners of technical prowess into their next iterations otherwise I may just start seeking a new hobby......one that`s less costly and actually honour`s it`s hardcore user base !!.

This game wasn`t even `that good` on the 360 either, so I can`t see what all the fuss is about.
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Commented on 2008-10-03 14:42:45 In reply to fr0sty
Posted by fr0sty
This game wasn`t even `that good` on the 360 either, so I can`t see what all the fuss is about.
I know what you mean. I preferred the demo to be honest. Much more fun!
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Commented on 2008-10-03 14:49:41 In reply to fr0sty
Posted by fr0sty
When people start talking about how the next gen consoles may sacrifice raw power in favour of a `Nintendo-esque` feel to their hardware, it scares the living shit out of me as I`d rather pay £300+, £400+, even £500+ for a next-gen console that delivers in the graphix department!.
Totally agree, especially in the area of the motion controls. Despite at first believing it would be the second coming for FPS games, having now used the Wii extensively I can't stand the control scheme. My leg gets in the way? It shorts out. Not sitting perfectly aligned with the TV? Need to recalibrate. I can play my 360 with the controller behind my head in another room and it still works.

I'm with you 100%, if the next gen of consoles becomes kiddy waggle-boxes with gamecube graphics, I'm probably going to have to come crawling back to my PC.
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Commented on 2008-10-03 15:16:13
yeah the wii motion controls actually make games more fiddly i find, leading to more slower paced reactions to make them the second coming for fps games.

The only games that truely benefit from the wii controls are sports ones... i'd love to see a game that looks like fight night round 3 use a motion sensor control scheme.

Sadly the wii's made way too much money on adverage games...theres very few classic wii games out. And its a shame that Microsoft in paticular has taken note of this and has dedicated alot of their MGS first party developers to focus on casual games..rather than focus on the 360's actual existing gaming audience.
I seriously doubt there was anybody here who would choose their "at the movies" game over say..crackdown 2. Or would prefer the wallet invading mii stype avators over say a new killer instinct, or a perfect dark done right?
And we all know its only a matter of time before they announce their own motion controler.
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Commented on 2008-10-03 15:25:42
Totally Totally agree guys,

This gen is great though, 3 big players, alot of options!
altough you have a pretty good point bleachedsmiles.

I saw this message by accident though, I had to turn off the wii filter option to reply.
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Commented on 2008-10-03 16:10:21
Don't worry people graphics will be a major part of the next-gen consoles...sure they may adopt a similar control scheme, but to lose the core like Nintendo has done would not bode well for either Sony or Microsoft.

Also this is a great game...at least on the 360.
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Commented on 2008-10-03 17:15:04 In reply to romeolives
Posted by romeolives
I hope it looks better in real life, cos this looks like a DS title.
What DS game looks like this? Yes they are bad but not DS bad!
Why cant they just drop this crap and make Dead Rising 2 with some better controls and more stuff to kill zombies with!
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Commented on 2008-10-03 22:10:40
Now with fewer zombies!
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Commented on 2008-10-03 22:11:46
I hate graphic whores. Leave.

The game look sick! Its good that it comes to the wii. It should be fun with the wii controls
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Commented on 2008-10-03 22:39:55 In reply to Drsw36
^Yeah if you'd like a severely downgraded version with less zombies (one of the selling points was the massive amount of zombies), absolutely repulsive graphics, crappy camera angle, and pretty much just a handicapped retarded-cousin of the original version... but you can wave your wand to kill things now! Wooptie doo!
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Commented on 2008-10-03 23:02:42 In reply to Drsw36
Posted by Drsw36
I hate graphic whores. Leave.

The game look sick! Its good that it comes to the wii. It should be fun with the wii controls
I hate people who don't accept that graphics is a big part of a game. Leave.

This game looks terrible compared to the 360 version and i bet the stick waggling isn't going to help much.
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Commented on 2008-10-03 23:21:59
You two make me hate graphic whores even more.
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Commented on 2008-10-04 00:46:47 In reply to Drsw36
Posted by Drsw36
You two make me hate graphic whores even more.
They're not whores, they just know the standard for modern games. They're not asking for groundbreaking Crysis-killers, just stuff that doesn't look 10 years old. That does not make a graphics whore.
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Commented on 2008-10-04 00:52:39 In reply to Drsw36
Posted by Drsw36
You two make me hate graphic whores even more.
So you get to be an ass because i think graphics are important, but when i point out that the wii version is basically downgraded bullshit with a high possibility of bad controls and jest about your arrogant attitude towards other posters, i'm suddenly the bad guy? That's great man.

What the wii needs, aside from a major hardware upgrade, is new original IPs. Not downgraded old games that are decent at best.
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Commented on 2008-10-04 09:00:06
Jesus my Dreamcast looks nicer than this pile of cack, that Wii must be the biggest overhyped pile of rubbish i have ever seen in my 32years of gaming....

Rather play Syndicate on my old Amiga.....
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Commented on 2008-10-04 14:02:04 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
So you get to be an ass because i think graphics are important, but when i point out that the wii version is basically downgraded bullshit with a high possibility of bad controls and jest about your arrogant attitude towards other posters, i'm suddenly the bad guy? That's great man.

What the wii needs, aside from a major hardware upgrade, is new original IPs. Not downgraded old games that are decent at best.
Fully agreed and thanks for the support on this topic guys. It`s safe to say that the Wii`s overall presentation (even via component) makes my eyes bleed lol. This game is a brave one to be ported over to the Wii but it does look terrible in my opinion.

Drsw36: I am not a graphix whore and as `DDRMidian` & `Megido` stated, we just think of them as an intergral part of any modern game. At the young age of 30, I spent my youth playing games that looked like the Wii and alot worse too. All I`m trying to say, is that after dedicating my entire life and fortune to this `hobby`, I would hate it to lose one of the biggest things it has to offer with regards to the visuals.

Graphix, AI, Audio, Physics, Real-Time lighting FX, Fire FX, Water FX etc etc all play a major role as far as I`m concerned in keeping the developers pushing further and further ahead, ensuring that this whole notion and general `admiration` for gaming isn`t lost.

I mean come on....you can`t give gamers something and then take it away from them can you?.....well, yes you can, but I hope that they won`t be expecting me to pay out any more of my hard-earned cash on future machines if they do.

When Doom-3 came out it was great because it offered revolutionary new `in-game` techniques than any other game before it. It produced self-shadowing and a whole host of other important things that made it truly stand out in the crowd.

Then Half-Life-2 hit us all, offering the Havoc physics engine and Valve`s amazing ability to deliver gamers a truly `next-gen` experience.

Crysis then came along and offered even more great new technical shanannigans to boot and all of this keeps gamers interested and addicted at the same time. It gives us sleepless nights as we dream about the future possibilities and it`s all down to the above feats of modern day technology.

My main point, was that the days of old consoles and machines such as the Atari`s, the Commodore 64`s, the Amiga`s etc were great in their day, but they`re best left in the past and in memory as far as I`m concerned (apart from the odd killer-app that we were fond of).

We`ve all come own a looooong road and spent way too much time and money on machines in the past to suddenly be denied greatness from this generation and possibly the next one too.

All of those moms, dads, uncles, aunts etc that didn`t used to play games have suddenly found the Wii.....and all of a sudden they seem to know the name Nintendo. While older consoles didn`t appeal to them, they were completely oblivious to the names Microsoft, or Sony or Nintendo (apart from perhaps buying a Sony tv or an operating system from Bill Gates), but now that they`ve been granted this new `Nintendo machine of godliness`, they suddenly become more important than the hardcore market?......erm where`s the loyalty gone?.

The thought of future machines going down the casual road just to please parents and people who have only just found out that gaming exists (or now suddenly think it`s kinda cool) completely sucks ass and gets on my tits!!.

I don`t mind if these devs want to persue both talents in order to ensure sustained growth from both the casual and hardcore markets, but if having this `casual audience` involved somehow effects future games and the drive to push as hard as we have been for these last few years, then they should nip it in the bud right now and give the true gamers what we deserve!!.

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Commented on 2008-10-04 14:05:14 In reply to aphex187
Posted by aphex187
Jesus my Dreamcast looks nicer than this pile of cack, that Wii must be the biggest overhyped pile of rubbish i have ever seen in my 32years of gaming....

Rather play Syndicate on my old Amiga.....
*Respect* lol
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Commented on 2008-10-04 17:04:45
The biggest problem I have with this game is not specifically the graphics perse but the fact that the wii's lack of power kills this game since there seems to be about 1/10th of the original zombies so the game loses some of its appeal.

Its suppsoed to be a mall full of zombies not a mall consisting of about 20 zombies at a time.
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Commented on 2008-10-04 19:29:10
I don't understand why you would take a next gen game and try to squeeze it down into a system like the Wii. The whole game was built on how many zombies were on screen and you simply can't do that on the Wii.
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Commented on 2008-10-04 21:58:20 In reply to aphex187
Posted by aphex187
Jesus my Dreamcast looks nicer than this pile of cack, that Wii must be the biggest overhyped pile of rubbish i have ever seen in my 32years of gaming....

Rather play Syndicate on my old Amiga.....
See? Thats exactly what I mean. Its not that I don't respect your opinions its that you guys exaggerate way too much. This look nothing like a Dreamcast game.

Its always like that with Wii games. PS3 & 360 owner will bash it because they're use to better graphic and now everything else is automatically bad. Good graphic =/= Good game.

This gen is sad.
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