The E3 is still not over for us, and Snoopers uploaded this nice quality video of Resistance 2, as usual in Multiplayer mode.

Commented on 2008-07-23 08:50:49
Resistance is nice and all, visually.... but i just can't get into the gameplay and feel of the game...just feels weak compared to many other FPS shooters, the grenades, effects and animations seem rather real satisfaction, etc.

The pace of the game is a little to fast for my liking too. also, some weapons are just ridiculous, IMO.

BTW can't stand the whole aliens in WW2 setting...just silly.
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Commented on 2008-07-23 10:02:59
Game just seems like its missing something for some reason. I cant quite put my finger on it, something about it just makes me feel like i will not be playing it long on the mutiplayer side.
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Commented on 2008-07-23 10:05:36 In reply to GangstaNip
Posted by GangstaNip
Game just seems like its missing something for some reason. I cant quite put my finger on it, something about it just makes me feel like i will not be playing it long on the mutiplayer side.
I was thinking the same thing..
Ps: Were those 2 bubble shields at the beginning of the vid? LOL
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Commented on 2008-07-23 10:09:00 In reply to Nervz
Posted by Nervz
Resistance is nice and all, visually.... but i just can't get into the gameplay and feel of the game...just feels weak compared to many other FPS shooters, the grenades, effects and animations seem rather real satisfaction, etc.

The pace of the game is a little to fast for my liking too. also, some weapons are just ridiculous, IMO.

BTW can't stand the whole aliens in WW2 setting...just silly.
Pretty sure the aliens don't give a fuck about our wars... in fact, when we are weakened is a good time to attack. We were already at eachothers throats, that hardly makes things easy. Strategicly it is quite sound. And its not like aliens just started existing in the 21st centuary, to think so would be incredibly ignorant. Chances are we are no where near the first intelligent sentient beings to evolve, and even less so that we are the most supirior.
Also, I have to say, it isn't the only hype machine of a shooter feeling week. KZ2 is suffering a bit in that regard. Not bad, but some things, namely the pistol we saw in the last video, sounded like a BB gun, despite resembling a magnum. Nice to see the same issue isn't in this game Though it hardly seems to be effective...

And I think the "bubble shields" are just a modification on the old shield thing, better fitting for the mobility of players in a competative MP enviroment.
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Commented on 2008-07-23 11:12:41
Wow that is pretty much the worst hud i have ever seen, it's like they where trying to make it as intrusive and disruptive as possible.

Minimal hud's for the win.
Posted by pythxvii
Pretty sure the aliens don't give a fuck about our wars... in fact, when we are weakened is a good time to attack. We were already at eachothers throats, that hardly makes things easy. Strategicly it is quite sound. And its not like aliens just started existing in the 21st centuary, to think so would be incredibly ignorant. Chances are we are no where near the first intelligent sentient beings to evolve, and even less so that we are the most supirior.
That doesn't make it any less silly.
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Commented on 2008-07-23 11:23:33
nice I liked the first games mulit and this one looks visually better and i like the new scoring system like cod4 =} its rad! lol and that cheap ugly bubble shield rip off from Halo 3 LMFAO! =D this game is nothing special but average. definitely buying tho =}
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Commented on 2008-07-23 11:43:43 In reply to HYBRIDTH30RY
Posted by HYBRIDTH30RY
nice I liked the first games mulit and this one looks visually better and i like the new scoring system like cod4 =} its rad! lol and that cheap ugly bubble shield rip off from Halo 3 LMFAO! =D this game is nothing special but average. definitely buying tho =}
Err, Resistance 1 had bubble shield....which Bungie ripped for Halo 3. LOL
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Commented on 2008-07-23 12:35:48 In reply to Nervz
Posted by Nervz
Err, Resistance 1 had bubble shield....which Bungie ripped for Halo 3. LOL
R1 never had a bubble shield had a gun with alt fire that put up a shield SCREEN ........facts ....use em
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Commented on 2008-07-23 13:25:49 In reply to BLACKLAC
Posted by BLACKLAC
R1 never had a bubble shield had a gun with alt fire that put up a shield SCREEN ........facts ....use em
THANK YOU! it was only a lil orange rectangle shield that i don't even remember if you could even walk through like Halo 3's bubble shield...and even halo 1 had something similar to that one in R1, the one the jackals carry...Halo 3 didn't copy anything from r1...
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Commented on 2008-07-23 13:26:04
Same thing here man! I never bothered to finish the first Resistance. I am not connecting to anyting that the game sets out to do.

Same goes for the 2nd installment... nothing about it excites me!

Now you take Halo 3 for example... it has the same premise... man vs Aliens. But that game kicks ass! I love the visual style, weapons and the sound!

I guess what Resistance lacks is an Identity. A defining set of quality that draws you into that world and makes you accept everything it throws at ya.

Nevertheless I stopped playing Halo 3 long ago as you simply don't stand a chance againt anybody no more.

I might give this game a try... but probably only in solo mode.
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Commented on 2008-07-23 13:45:52
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
This game is so awesome, sadyl it has no vehicles in Multiplayer cuz that would kick Galyo 3 from its MP Throne!

Maybe R3 will do this!
Commented on 2008-07-23 13:54:24 In reply to vegettossj5
Posted by vegettossj5
This game is so awesome, sadyl it has no vehicles in Multiplayer cuz that would kick Galyo 3 from its MP Throne!

Maybe R3 will do this!
lol how old are you crazy cow 10?...I feel sorry for you that you will never experience such an amazing game like halo 3 ...cos it's way WAY! better than this lol it blows it out of the water and into another galaxy...WAY!!! lol
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Commented on 2008-07-23 14:10:52
yeah i was gonna ask.. whats up with the halo bubble shields?

Games not the best graphically, but it seems to move fast enough. The only trouble with so many players though is that everything gets abit mindless.. less tactical. Same was seen in joint ops which would place 100 player servers. Hopefully it will be more like frontlines with its objectives.
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Commented on 2008-07-23 15:13:55
Damn, the R2 hate is too strong over here.
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Commented on 2008-07-23 15:50:25
Poor graphics and the gameplay seem to be awful as well!!! If you played Gears oF War and Call of Duty 4 , this game fells just s***
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Commented on 2008-07-23 16:15:06 In reply to BLACKLAC
Posted by BLACKLAC
R1 never had a bubble shield had a gun with alt fire that put up a shield SCREEN ........facts ....use em
Errr, not that shield, Guess you haven't played the game or used every weapon...R1 had bubble shields (called the backlash grenade).. If you've beat R1 on the 2nd play through you unlock new weapons.

The bubble shield in R1 is unlocked during single player. Get informed, or at least finish the game before debating.

Heres footage of R1 having Bubble shield:
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-07-23 16:27:00 In reply to Nervz
Posted by Nervz
The bubble shield in R1 is unlocked during single player. Get informed, or at least finish the game before debating.

Heres footage of R1 having Bubble shield:
Ironic to be honest, he said "facts...use em" :P
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Commented on 2008-07-23 16:34:22
The bubble sheilds in this video look terrible, holy. Hopefully placeholder textures.

R1 multi was fun 4 player splitscreen but big online battle we're chaotic because no one uses mics, arg!
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Commented on 2008-07-23 16:45:03 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Ironic to be honest, he said "facts...use em" :P
Not really, Usually the ones who use the term "fact" are the misinformed or fanboys to make up for their bad debating skills and low knowledge....they need something to make their reply seem strong. (yeh, them at least)

Quite funny...see it all the time.
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Commented on 2008-07-23 17:12:11 In reply to HYBRIDTH30RY
Posted by HYBRIDTH30RY
lol how old are you crazy cow 10?...I feel sorry for you that you will never experience such an amazing game like halo 3 ...cos it's way WAY! better than this lol it blows it out of the water and into another galaxy...WAY!!! lol
Yeah, ok. H3 was overrated. But comparing a MP-Video to a Game thats already istn that smart. I think u are 10.

Resistance 2 will show what Mulitplayer Gaming really means.
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Commented on 2008-07-23 17:43:11
Nervz, I fidn it even funnier you talk abouts facts being for fanboys, and gettign cocky when you are right, when these aren't aliens in WW2.

Learn some backstory, before you claim thigns, otherwise you are commiting the same fault he is.

Back on topic. I agree that the bubble shields are ugly. And I also think that I know perfectly well why this game doesn't 'feel' good. No head bob, and AWFUL gun perpesctive. It's as if you are shooting off to the left. And the perspectvie is too extreme.

Look at Killzone 2 or Call of Duty 4 for reference.

But I wills till be getting it, because to be honest, althoguh clusterfecky here, I have been in games where it all get's like that. Including Halo, the god of multiplayers (sarcasm).
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Commented on 2008-07-23 17:54:39 In reply to Cheboury
Posted by Cheboury
Same thing here man! I never bothered to finish the first Resistance. I am not connecting to anyting that the game sets out to do.

Same goes for the 2nd installment... nothing about it excites me!

Now you take Halo 3 for example... it has the same premise... man vs Aliens. But that game kicks ass! I love the visual style, weapons and the sound!

I guess what Resistance lacks is an Identity. A defining set of quality that draws you into that world and makes you accept everything it throws at ya.

Nevertheless I stopped playing Halo 3 long ago as you simply don't stand a chance againt anybody no more.

I might give this game a try... but probably only in solo mode.
im the opposite personally. while both games share similar things, i've never liked halo but loved resistance FOM, i felt the whole game was more exciting and better designed. especially the awesome enemies and weapons, and as long as those things are kept through to resistance 2, i should love it just as much.
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Commented on 2008-07-23 17:58:13
Whats wrong whit chimeras ??? they are very small.
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Commented on 2008-07-23 18:14:06 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
im the opposite personally. while both games share similar things, i've never liked halo but loved resistance FOM, i felt the whole game was more exciting and better designed. especially the awesome enemies and weapons, and as long as those things are kept through to resistance 2, i should love it just as much.
im with you, i enjoyed resistance more than Halo. cant wait to play this one.
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Commented on 2008-07-23 18:19:13 In reply to Cheboury
Posted by Cheboury
Same thing here man! I never bothered to finish the first Resistance. I am not connecting to anyting that the game sets out to do.

Same goes for the 2nd installment... nothing about it excites me!

Now you take Halo 3 for example... it has the same premise... man vs Aliens. But that game kicks ass! I love the visual style, weapons and the sound!

I guess what Resistance lacks is an Identity. A defining set of quality that draws you into that world and makes you accept everything it throws at ya.

Nevertheless I stopped playing Halo 3 long ago as you simply don't stand a chance againt anybody no more.

I might give this game a try... but probably only in solo mode.
Gotta agree.. love or hate halo's design but you cant argue that its instantly reconisable..there is an identity there. Where as when resistance hit it looked pretty generic and was ignored by most...although poor sales can be put down to the ps3's install base at the time, but then you could also argue that would it of got the praise it did if there wasnt such a limited amount of games on the ps3 when it hit. I guess R2 will answer that.

But anyway.. i think the fact that many people say this looks like the hl2 engine, or it looks like this, or that.. shows it doesnt have that unique identitity for itself. But thats all graphics, its all about the gameplay at the end of the day.. and every halo fan has said those words when its come to defending the halo brand. So we shall see if this has the gameplay and innovention to become the ip the ps3 needs to match the halo brand.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Insomniac Games

$135 of $400 per month

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