Xbox 360 PS3

Eidos didn't release a new trailer for Tomb Raider: Underworld for this E3, and that's a bit strange, but at least we get these nice new screenshots.

E3: Images

  • E3: Tomb Raider Underworld images - E3: Images
  • E3: Tomb Raider Underworld images - E3: Images
  • E3: Tomb Raider Underworld images - E3: Images
  • E3: Tomb Raider Underworld images - E3: Images
  • E3: Tomb Raider Underworld images - E3: Images
  • E3: Tomb Raider Underworld images - E3: Images
  • E3: Tomb Raider Underworld images - E3: Images
  • E3: Tomb Raider Underworld images - E3: Images
  • E3: Tomb Raider Underworld images - E3: Images
  • E3: Tomb Raider Underworld images - E3: Images
Commented on 2008-07-17 10:12:05
nice game - but they just want to sell the game only with the character IMO
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Commented on 2008-07-17 10:17:49
It would be nice if a developer somewhere knew how to do hair. But still, that is looking very lovely indeed.
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Commented on 2008-07-17 10:21:36 In reply to rochedo
Posted by rochedo
nice game - but they just want to sell the game only with the character IMO
It depends what you mean by Character here ? If you mean that they're trying to sell the game by expanding on the story behind Lara and what happened to her family i.e. expand on her character story then YES , that's definately what they are trying to do especially since legend (but I dont think that's what you mean obviously).

If you're referring to the Sex-ification of Lara (which I think is what you're implying), than you couldn't be more wrong. I think since Crystal Dynamics took the franchise, Tomb Raider games have never played better and the OMG Lara'z hotzzzz has been toned downed considerably.

Now, I was a bit disappointed with the swimming animation in the preview video @ IGN but I am willing to let that go, it seems the problem is only with the swimming animations. Other parts looked pretty good. Those screens are real nice and seeing the game in motion is a nice treat for the eyes. I cant wait for the first official trailer, it's debut-ing tomorrow at [source: ]

I have another concern here. As great as Tomb Raider games have been recently, the games are still trying to play catch up to be honest - I wonder if Crystal Dynamics is aware of this - they need to come back with a Big Bang to reassert themselves as the leaders again. It's such a shame given that the orignal Tomb Raider was *the* game that started it all.
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Commented on 2008-07-17 10:32:44 In reply to alimokrane
Posted by alimokrane
If you're referring to the Sex-ification of Lara (which I think is what you're implying), than you couldn't be more wrong. I think since Crystal Dynamics took the franchise, Tomb Raider games have never played better and the OMG Lara'z hotzzzz has been toned downed considerably.
How is it toned down? As far as I can tell she still wears the same outfit, tight fitting short pants and an equally tight shirt. Just a different color. It's not like her "assets" have gotten smaller since they still seem absurdly big.
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Commented on 2008-07-17 10:37:57 In reply to willdabeast
Posted by willdabeast
How is it toned down? As far as I can tell she still wears the same outfit, tight fitting short pants and an equally tight shirt. Just a different color. It's not like her "assets" have gotten smaller since they still seem absurdly big.
Yeah because Lara is the only game character that wears tight outfits. Her assets have gotten smaller.

Anyway, I hate these types of discussions. I personllay dont play Tomb raider for those reasons. It just seems to be the trend in the games industry to comment on these matters, which is sad.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-07-17 10:47:57 In reply to alimokrane
Posted by alimokrane
Yeah because Lara is the only game character that wears tight outfits. Her assets have gotten smaller.

Anyway, I hate these types of discussions. I personllay dont play Tomb raider for those reasons. It just seems to be the trend in the games industry to comment on these matters, which is sad.
I am with you, I hate todays devs (which are adults) making the female bodies like they belong in playboy magazine or something, and I know GrayFox would agree with me.

I want female characters too look like Sheva, Elika, Lucia (DMC2), Faith...etc. these normal porpotionate looking females that looks, well, normal.
No huge big boobs bouncing around with leather or skimpy slut outfit, those don't sell, unless you are under 18 or above and is just a gaming pervert who enjoys this stuff, which there are.

Anyways, Lara Croft has always been like this since years back, so yeah.
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Commented on 2008-07-17 10:54:32 In reply to Sath
Posted by droezelke
The graphics look a little better than TR Legend. But they are still one step behind current-gen if you'd ask me. I agree that to get TR back to the top of action adventures, they need to come up with something refreshing and new. But people keep buying it, so why should Crystal dynamics bother with innovation?
To be fair, Crystal D had some very neat ideas in both Tomb Raider Legend and Tomb Raider anniversary, they are very little innovations here and there but they are still far from WOW, this is Phenomenal.
Posted by Sath
I am with you, I hate todays devs (which are adults) making the female bodies like they belong in playboy magazine or something, and I know GrayFox would agree with me.

I want female characters too look like Sheva, Elika, Lucia (DMC2), Faith...etc. these normal porpotionate looking females that looks, well, normal.
No huge big boobs bouncing around with leather or skimpy slut outfit, those don't sell, unless you are under 18 or above and is just a gaming pervert who enjoys this stuff, which there are.

Anyways, Lara Croft has always been like this since years back, so yeah.
Ok, but do you feel that Tomb Raider is still trying to do that especially with the recent games ? I dont think so personally.
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Commented on 2008-07-17 11:00:49
Sheva? Man, whats wrong whith you? ))

When Im playing TombRider Im changing the racurs of camer to see her preshes. So what? Bad to me if I dont
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Commented on 2008-07-17 11:08:50
i like TR franchise but i think that maybe 1/3 of people will buy it because of the sexy character :)
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-07-17 11:25:52 In reply to CEZARR
Posted by alimokrane
Ok, but do you feel that Tomb Raider is still trying to do that especially with the recent games ? I dont think so personally.
They went back to see what made Tomb raider good on PS1 era and recreate that for this one.
So gameplay and story is their main focus.
Posted by CEZARR
Sheva? Man, whats wrong whith you? ))
Yeah I like Shevas design, really cool.
Got a problem with that?
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Commented on 2008-07-17 12:31:53
The environments are the main character in this game, not Lara. And they look good.
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Commented on 2008-07-17 13:01:37
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Commented on 2008-07-17 13:05:33 In reply to szaromir
Posted by szaromir
The environments are the main character in this game, not Lara. And they look good.
/Claps for Szaromir. That's the best way to describe it :D
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Commented on 2008-07-17 13:22:38 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
I am with you, I hate todays devs (which are adults) making the female bodies like they belong in playboy magazine or something, and I know GrayFox would agree with me.

I want female characters too look like Sheva, Elika, Lucia (DMC2), Faith...etc. these normal porpotionate looking females that looks, well, normal.
No huge big boobs bouncing around with leather or skimpy slut outfit, those don't sell, unless you are under 18 or above and is just a gaming pervert who enjoys this stuff, which there are.

Anyways, Lara Croft has always been like this since years back, so yeah.
I totally agree.

The thing that kept the first Tombraider game in balance was: Lara Croft vs Good Story and Gameplay. So normal people didn't pay 2 much attention to her figure alone.

Ofcourse there are also people who buy the game for the sole reason of Lara being ... 'ballistically equipped'. But the world needs people with absolutely no life whatsoever to exist.

It's called equilibrium.

It's hard being a girl in the game-industry and Lara knows that. Hell...even I know that.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-07-17 13:46:38
I know what you mean Gray, when I played Tomb Raider on PS1 I didn't even cared about Laras sexual appearence, she just looked cool as a strong adventure girl who solves puzzles and just looking cool with guns.

But these days every concept art I look at or CG I see girls having alot of revealed clothes, if I want that I would go to the beach to see girls or just online for models, not in a video game.

But ah well, atleast we know some devs out there know some good female design choices, for example Mass Effect or Freya from Too Human.

Anyways, carry on.
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Commented on 2008-07-17 14:34:27
i don't know how CD does it, but they develop much faster than Core Design anno...and with much more talent...
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Commented on 2008-07-17 14:55:42 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
...when I played Tomb Raider on PS1 I didn't even cared about Laras sexual appearence,
This may have been true for you, but I can assure you the vast majority of people (read: mostly guys) weren't buying Tomb Raider for the epic treasure hunt.

Actually, proportionate to the size of her body, Miss Croft's breasts have shrunk over the years. Heres a quick pic I found. She is less 'ballistically equipped' that she was.

Plus, she's wearing a diving suit in these shots. It perhaps shows a bit more leg than it needs to, but the leg-less-ness, one could imagine, is to aid it unrestricted movement. Perfectly plausible in her line of work.

Besides, the environments look gorgeous, why the hell are you looking at her?

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Commented on 2008-07-17 15:58:18
I think it's looking great tbh, it finally looks like theyre using the power thats available instead of trying to shoehorn a couple of effects into an outdated engine.

I'm just praying they bring the epicness of the original TR games back, although the last 2 games have been decent they have been awfully linear with all the parts i have played being pretty much straight paths.
I want my claustraphobic sections mixed in with my huge breathtaking environments which is why the pyramids in the first game worked so well, the landscape varied and the areas varied within the one level. Heck i would even love to see the old save points return, or at least an option to play with or without them just to add that extra level of danger to the game.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-07-17 16:38:07 In reply to RC_Master
Posted by RC_Master
This may have been true for you, but I can assure you the vast majority of people (read: mostly guys) weren't buying Tomb Raider for the epic treasure hunt.
I was too young when I played Tomb Raider so I wouldn't know that type of stuff and I am glad I didn't.

And to this day I don't understand some of the guys saying "omg she looks hot!"...etc.
It's a videog ame, sure she is modelled very great and she looks beautiful but actually going into nerdish status for such things is scary.

For example I find Elika in the new POP beautiful because well, she is designed very good and looks beautiful thats as far as I go.

Anyway I am tired of this conversation, it can go on and on, and going off topic.
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Commented on 2008-07-17 20:14:27
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Commented on 2008-07-17 20:21:19
Her ass needs more polygons : D
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Commented on 2008-07-17 21:32:56
while i appreciate the fact the devs are actually using the current gen consoles power (unlike legend and anniversary) i have to say i think its time to put the old girl to rest. the idea is played out, they need to leave the franchise alone at least for a good few year imo.
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Commented on 2008-07-17 22:47:38
Wow feels like there's a lot of hating of this game. I loved the original, which i bought on the Saturn when it was first released and hadn't really liked any of the series until Legend came around which I thought was very good. I think Anniversary was very good and had some great new ideas which proved to me this next one if definetly one to look forward to.
I also think the graphics are decent to, don't understand why people don't think they're not current gen.
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Commented on 2008-07-18 02:19:01 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
while i appreciate the fact the devs are actually using the current gen consoles power (unlike legend and anniversary) i have to say i think its time to put the old girl to rest. the idea is played out, they need to leave the franchise alone at least for a good few year imo.
There aren't many games out there that deal with the adventure genre. As a matter of fact, currently there are too little, especially compared to last generation's offerings. So I think they should go ahead and keep making TR games as long as the gameplay and story are good enough. I wouldn't mind it if they would create another Kain's Defiance/Soul Reaver title, but I don't think that's happening anytime soon.
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Eidos Interactive
Developed by
Eidos Interactive

$135 of $400 per month

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