Xbox 360

Last week was held the Xbox 360 Showcase in San Francisco, and we've had the great opportunity to spend some quality time with the bests game designers of the Microsoft pool. We start today with their boss, Shane Kim, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Games Studio.

Commented on 2008-05-23 14:03:50
I believe, thanks to online services such as "steam", that games are going to become more of a service in the future rather than a product you buy to own forever. Similar to movie rentals, except for a much longer time like a yearly WoW subscription.

Too bad you couldn't interview Denis Dyack, I would've looked forward to that :(
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Commented on 2008-05-23 14:16:01
Cool interview.
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Commented on 2008-05-23 14:17:01
Shane Kim after the Spring Showcase had, like... a trillion interviews.
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Commented on 2008-05-23 18:07:09 In reply to starfox14now
Posted by starfox14now
Shane Kim after the Spring Showcase had, like... a trillion interviews.
he's in a competition with Itagaki it seems lol.
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Commented on 2008-05-23 18:57:22 In reply to McDragon
Posted by McDragon
he's in a competition with Itagaki it seems lol.
Itagaki is in competition with everyone. If he were in the movie Deep Impact he would be the asteriod......
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Commented on 2008-05-23 20:37:43 In reply to FordGTGuy
Posted by FordGTGuy
If he were in the movie Deep Impact he would be the asteriod......
Total random. oO
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Commented on 2008-05-23 20:41:51
I do it myself, but I always find it funny how ones accent changes when they're talking to a foreigner. He's almost talking slower to make sure you un.der.stand.him.
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Commented on 2008-05-24 11:42:44
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Commented on 2008-05-24 12:49:13
All Interviews shane kim had after the Resident Evil Fiasco has redeemed himself.
He's as good as any other "decent" PR in the industry.

Fire Him to put WHOM in his position? There'ya go...
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Commented on 2008-05-24 12:53:26 In reply to starfox14now
Posted by starfox14now
All Interviews shane kim had after the Resident Evil Fiasco has redeemed himself.
He's as good as any other "decent" PR in the industry.

Fire Him to put WHOM in his position? There'ya go...
It's his fault that MS's 1st party isn't growing. It was his idea to do that. Not only that, hes relying too much on 3rd party. Sure, its working, but you need a strong 1st party as well.
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Commented on 2008-05-24 13:31:43
His idea to what? To Have the Studios like they've always been?
The Bungie situation was a wise decision, and the farewell of Bizarre (2nd party) was NOT his call (Activision).

What's really changed? Other than a great REAL 2008 Titles, contrary to some other systems, i don't see a big problem with their 1st Party line-Up.
They just seem to have way better 2nd party deals and nose to find/make them lately, than sony/nintendo... I don't see the problem with that.
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Commented on 2008-05-24 13:48:04 In reply to starfox14now
Posted by starfox14now
His idea to what? To Have the Studios like they've always been?
The Bungie situation was a wise decision, and the farewell of Bizarre (2nd party) was NOT his call (Activision).
First of all, the person that made the acquisitions of Bungie/Rare was Ed Fries, and he is gone. Shane Kim had nothing to do with those decisions, and now that Kim is in charge, buyouts or new acquisition isn't happening at all.
What's really changed? Other than a great REAL 2008 Titles, contrary to some other systems, i don't see a big problem with their 1st Party line-Up.
They just seem to have way better 2nd party deals and nose to find/make them lately, than sony/nintendo... I don't see the problem with that.
What's really changed? Lets see, nothing! But, I know what one change could be! Hmm, buy more developers perhaps?
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Commented on 2008-05-24 14:43:37 In reply to NeoNemesis
Neo like he said buying bioware for 900 million dollars just for Mass Effect wasn't worth it.
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Commented on 2008-05-24 14:56:04 In reply to FordGTGuy
Posted by FordGTGuy
Neo like he said buying bioware for 900 million dollars just for Mass Effect wasn't worth it.
It REALLY isn't just for mass effect ( bioware... oh, he potential).

But bioware really is a PC Dev at's core, and feeling cornered to just think to spend that amount of money for securing a franchise, is a little insane. Rare insane, to say atleast.
It's giving it's fruits now, but spending the big dollars that way isn't as wise as securing IP rights to publish "a title".
MGS strengths are all about the mix of good 1st & 2nd party. Hell, they have so much good internal IPs already they could explore ( motocross madness, midtown madness, rallysport challage, crimson skies, shadowrun ... both freely licensed to other dev studios, like they're obsolete ), why would they start a buying freenzy?
It's not like they are on the xbox early days when there Really was a need to secure software for the first debut in the business.
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Commented on 2008-05-24 21:44:33
You don't need to make a wii-mote, MS. Just make sure the new machines are stable and keep the prices low.
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Commented on 2008-05-25 00:03:52 In reply to FordGTGuy
Posted by FordGTGuy
Neo like he said buying bioware for 900 million dollars just for Mass Effect wasn't worth it.
There were rumors that MS were going to buy bioware back in the day. They should have.
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Commented on 2008-05-25 06:32:45
I fear PGR is gonna end up like RSC.. Meaning we'll probably won't see it again for a very long time, if ever.. For me as a racinggame fan and Xbox 360 owner it really sucks to see another AAA-title exclusive Xbox racinggame dissapearing like that.. Only exclusive racinggame left now is Forza..

PS3 is ending up more interesting that way with exclusive racinggames like GT and Motorstorm etc..

All other good racinggames are multiplatform.. So MS really needs to act if they want to stay on top when it comes to racinggames.. Atm to me it looks like they're dropping the ball in that department..

Expanding Turn 10, and letting them work on a awesome RSC3 next to Forza 3 would be a good move imho.. The next PGR can wait a little (already had 4 installments of that game)..
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Commented on 2008-05-25 19:25:07
MS own the PGR franchise so tis still an exclusinve, just a question of who they will get to develop the next one whenever that will be.
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Commented on 2008-05-26 02:30:08 In reply to Biffo
Posted by Biffo
MS own the PGR franchise so tis still an exclusinve, just a question of who they will get to develop the next one whenever that will be.
Turn 10 obviously.
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