Xbox 360 PS3

D3Publisher has today revealed more details about the multiplayer modes in Dark Sector, as well as some screenshots from it. The game, which also features bots, is planned to be released at the end of March.

Quoting D3Publisher:
Dark Sector – Multiplayer Features
Game Types - Dark Sector’s multiplayer is broken up into two distinct game types: Infection and Epidemic.

Infection - The Infection game type is a match between Hayden and the Lasrian military. One player assumes the role of Hayden while all others (up to nine) assume the roles of Lasrian Troopers. Hayden is considered the infected target, and it is up to the Troopers to bring him down. Once Hayden is brought down (“finished”), the Trooper responsible becomes infected and a new round begins. A match will run until either time expires, or a set number of points are reached. The ultimate goal of an Infection match is to have the most number of points when the match is over. Points are granted to Troopers by either stunning Hayden, finishing Hayden, or assisting in bring Hayden down and points are awarded to Hayden by killing Troopers (Troopers can lose points by committing suicide).

As a Trooper, the player will be armed with either an assault rifle or a shotgun, have a couple grenades, and one proximity mine. Troopers can only attack Hayden, and so they can either work together (communicating via a shared chat channel) or go solo. In order to bring Hayden down, they must inflict a set amount damage which will stun him, and then, while he is stunned, perform a “finisher.” The Trooper that performs the “finisher” becomes infected and plays as Hayden in the next round.

As Hayden, the player has no allies, but is armed with a Tekna 9mm, the Glaive, all three Evolutionary Powers, and any weapons dropped by the Troopers or lying around the various maps. Hayden also has access to the elements fire, ice, and electricity (depending on the level) to use against the attacking Troopers.

Epidemic - The Epidemic game type is a team based match between the Lasrian military, and the Agency. Players are divided into two teams where (on each team) one player assumes the role of Hayden, and all others assume the roles of Troopers. Matches end based on a time limit, or point total, and rounds end whenever a Hayden is brought down. Team points are awarded whenever an opposing team brings down the other team’s Hayden, and individual points are awarded to players based on kills and assists (players can also lose points by committing suicide). Players can only communicate with other players in the same team, and can only attack players on the opposing team. Both the Troopers and the Haydens retain the same functionality they have in the Infection game type.

In both game types, players will respawn at designated spawn points when they are killed.

Multiplayer Customization
On the X360, MP games can either be played using Xbox Live, or System Link. On the PS3, MP games can either be played on the Playstation Network, or LAN.

Each multiplayer game type supports up to ten players and has access to five different maps. The maps are unique in size, detail (such as weather effects), and layout. For example, the map called the Deck promotes a more close combat oriented play style, whereas the Court promotes a more team-based play style with its symmetrical layout and numerous opportunities to surround opposition. Multiplayer games can also be customized in terms of time limit, number of players, score limit, and the existence of bots.

A Leaderboard is available for both the PS3 and the X360, however the X360 board uses TrueSkill™ rank and the PS3 uses a traditional scoring system. A player’s score on the board (either PS3 or X360) is based on the multiplayer game performance game performance.

PS3 vs. X360
Both systems will allow players to create, join, and search for multiplayer games. However, only the X360 gives players a Quick game option, a Custom game option, and a Ranked game option. The Quick game option will pick a game for the player based on their preference of Infection or Epidemic. The Custom game option allows players to set up their own games with the customizable settings of time limit, score limit, number of players, and the availability of bots. Ranked games are directly linked to the X360 Leaderboard. A player’s performance in a Ranked game will determine their position on the X360 Leaderboard. The PS3 allows players to search for or create multiplayer games.

Multiplayer images

  • Multiplayer in Dark Sector - Multiplayer images
  • Multiplayer in Dark Sector - Multiplayer images
  • Multiplayer in Dark Sector - Multiplayer images
  • Multiplayer in Dark Sector - Multiplayer images
  • Multiplayer in Dark Sector - Multiplayer images
  • Multiplayer in Dark Sector - Multiplayer images
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-02-27 12:51:35
Looks so awesome, can't wait to pick it up!

I guess "Epidemic" is my favorite mode, atleast each team will take tghe role as Hayden.

I like this screen, reminds me of how Ryu meets Evil Ryu, or the Prince in Prince of Persia meets the Dark Prince.

I hope it doesn't get delayed, and I hope we get the damn demo already.
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Commented on 2008-02-27 14:39:49
Anyone know if this game features auto aim? I find precise manual targeting too fiddly with a joypad (GOW, etc...)
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-02-27 16:32:56 In reply to md99
Posted by md99
Anyone know if this game features auto aim? I find precise manual targeting too fiddly with a joypad (GOW, etc...)
I don't think the online part will have any, it would be "cheatful" to use auto aim. SP, I doubt it.

Practise is good.
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Commented on 2008-02-27 17:09:15
There's auto aim in just about every online game, so, yeah it might.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-02-27 17:17:23 In reply to TheBeagle
Posted by TheBeagle
There's auto aim in just about every online game, so, yeah it might.
There is? Well I dont cheat so I dont look for it :P
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Commented on 2008-02-27 17:32:42
It's nearly impossible to play shooters on a console without some kind of aim assist. Most games got a so called sticky aim, which makes the crosshair move a little bit slower when you aim at an enemy. Some games (like for example COD) also got some auto aim, in the way that when you aim at a target the game will automatically help you track it when it moves (You can't simply let go of the controller and it will aim for you, but it will help alot).

Personally, I don't like the second system as it often tries to help you too much, which sometimes results in your crosshair moving away from the target you want to hit because it has locked on, to something different (e.g. you are firing at an enemy, but then someone runs between him and you, which will make you lock on to him which leads to you hitting nothing as you are still trying to keep track on the first target).
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-02-27 17:39:00
COD4 nailed the aiming in shooters, and it is impossible to beat it, well until IW does another FPS :P

But to me, no shooter yet has ever come close to the great COD4 shooting/aiming.

Whats funny is that devs tend to see what other devs do to their games like characters, art...etc. and copy it but never tend to study a game that has the best aiming and shooting and copy that when making a shooter.
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Commented on 2008-02-27 18:33:04
Auto-aim and aim assist are both lame. I remember the early days of XBL back in UC when all the good players played auto-aim off. Those were the days.

It sucks that developers have to always cater to the casual player first for the $$$. If you need help to aim in a FPS you shouldn't be playing a FPS. I definitely don't want your noob ass on my team.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2008-02-27 18:38:12 In reply to most_hated
Posted by most_hated
Auto-aim and aim assist are both lame. I remember the early days of XBL back in UC when all the good players played auto-aim off. Those were the days.

It sucks that developers have to always cater to the casual player first for the $$$. If you need help to aim in a FPS you shouldn't be playing a FPS. I definitely don't want your noob ass on my team.
Come on back to PC gaming then :P
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Commented on 2008-02-27 18:58:50
I'm curious, is anyone else just not excited or impressed with what they've shown of this game?

I'm trying to be open-minded, but ever since they scrapped the space theme from the tech demo - which I and so many others fell in love with - I've found myself very disappointed with how this looks and plays... at least in videos. It feels like a bad knock on Gears of War.

Maybe I'm being too critical; after all I haven't even played a demo yet.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-02-27 19:10:05
Digital Extremes had this concept type from the beginning, they didn't even know how Gears of War was going to be played during the time, so you can't say its a knock off when it wasent by purpose.

And yes, I am excited. Just because people in this forum doesn't like it, doesn't mean the rest of the world share the same opinion on it.

I have seen alot of people out there that just loves it, because they like how it plays like Resident Evil 4 and Gears of War.
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Commented on 2008-02-27 19:15:35 In reply to most_hated
Posted by most_hated
Auto-aim and aim assist are both lame. I remember the early days of XBL back in UC when all the good players played auto-aim off. Those were the days.

It sucks that developers have to always cater to the casual player first for the $$$. If you need help to aim in a FPS you shouldn't be playing a FPS. I definitely don't want your noob ass on my team.
Casual? I don't think so. When originally announced for the PC, PS3 & 360 I was delighted as I'd have mouse and keyboard control. But faced with a slow, plodding inaccurate control setup since the canning of the PC version I'm not as keen.

And then there's the small matter of playing online against fu*king idiotic loudmouthed American Xbox Live morons shouting 'noob' abuse down their headsets.....
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-02-27 19:22:22 In reply to md99
Posted by md99
against fu*king idiotic loudmouthed American Xbox Live morons shouting 'noob' abuse down their headsets.....
You should edit that quick or you will get flamed.

But for some odd reaosn, I have only heard americans who bad mouths alot in online games, but that doesn't mean they are the only ones anyway.

Although I live in Sweden (not swedish btw) I have gone up against assholes as well, so you shouldnt name a country for your bad times in online gaming.

Who knows, maybe they we from a different country but their accent and english is so good that you mistake them to be american.
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Commented on 2008-02-27 19:33:40
Dark Sector sure has come a long way since we first saw the original futuristic trailer :)
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Commented on 2008-02-27 20:08:53
I like how gears of war has inspired so many games
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Commented on 2008-02-27 20:12:28 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
Come on back to PC gaming then :P
My 360 has been collecting dust since a week after GoW came out, once I realized the multi-player in that game was a joke.

I have been playing UT3 and CS:S off and on since. I love XBL and have seen some great competition on games on it over the years. UC and RTCW were amazing experiences that I've never had with an online PC FPS (mostly because not many people talk on PC).

Even now on PC games like UT3 are feeling the effect of the console versions "noobification." DE is just like Epic they are seeing no money in PC gaming and are attacking the consoles full force. I don't see PC gaming having that "leet" edge much longer as devs start going multi-platform and thinking more console-like.

It just sucks I can't ever get the full experience of a PC port on the console, not because its not possible, but because the developer thinks it's to hard for me to control/learn. UT3 for instance is 20% slower on the console and I'm sure has some sort of aim assist.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2008-02-27 20:15:46
Well being a UT diehard I can see where your point of view comes from (since UT3 bombed hard on PC). I find that there are plenty of people to talk to in the majority of PC games, but not necessarily through in game VOIP. Everyone I know from the COD and BF communities are pretty chatty, and we just all use Vent or TS.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-02-27 20:42:15 In reply to Splicer261
Posted by Splicer261
I like how gears of war has inspired so many games
I like how Resident Evil 4 and Kill.Switch has inspired to many games.
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Commented on 2008-02-28 00:58:54
I agree. Devs should push keyboard/mouse on console harder. Fck microsoft for now including kb/mouse support for the 360. Just because the 360's crippled doesn't mean the PS3 version has to be as well. Why can't there be a kb/mouse mode for FPS on the PS3 which turns off auto-aim and such?
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Commented on 2008-02-28 00:59:21
Oh, and I like how Pong has inspired so many games.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-02-28 08:26:23 In reply to itaintrite
Posted by itaintrite
Oh, and I like how Pong has inspired so many games.
Table Tennis :P
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Developed by
Digital Extremes

$135 of $400 per month

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