Xbox 360

Microsoft's press conference is over, and as usual here comes the new medias for some of the upcoming games. Let's start with Ninja Gaiden 2 !

GDC images

  • Ninja Gaiden 2 trailer and images - GDC images
  • Ninja Gaiden 2 trailer and images - GDC images
  • Ninja Gaiden 2 trailer and images - GDC images
  • Ninja Gaiden 2 trailer and images - GDC images
  • Ninja Gaiden 2 trailer and images - GDC images
Commented on 2008-02-20 21:25:51
Thanks, looks awesome!
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Commented on 2008-02-20 21:27:40
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Commented on 2008-02-20 21:28:25
amazing as ever, bring on the demo!!!!!!!!!!!!! If not..................bring on the game!!!:)
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Commented on 2008-02-20 21:29:50
Hope the a video of the demo comes out, all the people who were blogging the Microsoft Conference were creaming over it, trailer looks awesome aswell though, thanks!
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Commented on 2008-02-20 21:30:08
Wow that new area looks great. Game looks about 10 times better than in any other video I have seen this far. Really big areas, smooth frame rate and lots of nice effects. Game seems to have quite a many new enemies too :)

Hahah those chainsaw dudes look interesting.
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Commented on 2008-02-20 21:43:04
Yup, didn't expect the environments to get this huge. All at 60fps, it's impressive. :)

Character lighting looks like a big improvement over when we first saw it at TGS.

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Commented on 2008-02-20 21:55:58
holy smokes. That was amazing. I sooooo cannot wait! :D
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Commented on 2008-02-20 21:58:07
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-02-20 22:00:53
#1 NG2
#2 Fable 2

My most wanted 360 games, without them, I wouldnt own one.

June NG2...hurry up!!!
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Commented on 2008-02-20 22:35:51
Now this smells like quality. With every new preview, it seems that DMC4 days of thunder are counted.
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Commented on 2008-02-20 22:43:36
This is the reason i bought the 360.
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Commented on 2008-02-20 23:28:15
What's up with the image quality, or rather...the lack there-of? Every video I've seen of this game looks like it's running at a low bitrate!? That obviously isn't the case, so I wonder what's up with that...
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Commented on 2008-02-20 23:31:05
I hate how EVERYTHING is slimy looking, the bones, the trees, EVERYTHING.
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Commented on 2008-02-21 00:18:04 In reply to Jato
Posted by Jato
What's up with the image quality, or rather...the lack there-of? Every video I've seen of this game looks like it's running at a low bitrate!? That obviously isn't the case, so I wonder what's up with that...
don't know about gamersyde's videos but the marketplace video is heavily compressed.

same with the old TGS07 video.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-02-21 00:27:12 In reply to McDragon
Posted by McDragon
don't know about gamersyde's videos but the marketplace video is heavily compressed.

same with the old TGS07 video.
I wouldn't say heabily, but it's there alright.
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Commented on 2008-02-21 00:50:43 In reply to JediMasterMalik
Posted by JediMasterMalik
I hate how EVERYTHING is slimy looking, the bones, the trees, EVERYTHING.
This is the best it's looked!
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Commented on 2008-02-21 01:43:39
nice lightning improvements. I hope there will be more stages with a dark setting
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Commented on 2008-02-21 02:32:15
UNBELIEVABLE!! This game is looking incredible in all areas......
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Commented on 2008-02-21 05:54:07
gameplay looks great, graphics a big MEH. I guess they'll do though....
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Commented on 2008-02-21 06:51:06 In reply to mkk316
Graphics suck! Of course I'm obviously comparing it to all the other blazingly fast, 60fps action games out there that are obviously better looking!!1! [/sarcasm]

I was worried that shit was going to be flat and boring; everything I had seen except for a few enemies looked smooth despite attempts at conveying texture. This vid alleviated those fears in a big way.
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Commented on 2008-02-21 07:23:02
Aspect ratio on the MP4 version is jacked up.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-02-21 09:20:17
I really enjoyed the graphics on NG Sigma, NG2 is the same, but with a bit added extra, nothing big to notice, but it's definitely there, small details.

I like the graphics, looks great, gameplay...mindblowing fast blazing action!

One thing that I am tottaly still shocked is the recording gameplay!
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Commented on 2008-02-21 10:14:43
Now that was sick!

THe game looks awesome, monster design is superb, this game is going to be epic!
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Commented on 2008-02-21 12:03:25
Fabulous !
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Commented on 2008-02-21 13:07:17
wow that was very impressive
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
Team Ninja

$135 of $400 per month

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