Before the Games Developer Conference (GDC) next week, where with a little bit of luck we will learn more about Silent Hill 5, here are some new screenshots of this creation. If you want my opinion, it's really far from my favorites (the two first entries) et it frustrates me. However, it's not a complete failure, only it does not oozes atmosphere like it used to. See it for yourself after the jump.
All comments (36)
Just because it doesn't have a clutered game enviroment doesn't mean it looks crap.
I sure hope The Collective can pull this off. Silent Hill is easily in my top 5 favorite game series and I would be a very angry if they can't keep the terrifying vibe that the other games had.
All he can do - is diying allways
my english so bad, I cant understand it myself
Just because it doesn't have a clutered game enviroment doesn't mean it looks crap.
Just let the series die already. It's lost all it's dignity