Xbox 360 PS3

Dot50cal sent us this nice comparison video of both demos of Devil May Cry 4 on PS3 and 360. Very slight differences indeed, but they exist. The WMV version has been encoded in very high quality.

Commented on 2008-01-24 17:56:46
comparison videos are the lamest thing in this generation of gaming ... all they do is promote fanboyism and flamewars.
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Commented on 2008-01-24 17:57:06
I hate these type of videos, and it saddens me when i see this site put them up :(
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:03:56 In reply to purbeast
Posted by purbeast
comparison videos are the lamest thing in this generation of gaming ... all they do is promote fanboyism and flamewars.
it's not necessary at times, but there are times when it can be very helpful, especially for those that own both the 360 and ps3.but they need to be fair as well, e.g ensuring settings like full RGB being enabled on the ps3 version so that the colours don't appear washed out and blurry.
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:08:21
Well, i for one like systems comparisons because i own both machines and when a game is released i just want the better of the two.

Here, well, the demo was released so i rather test the demo by myself. I still can see the usefulness of such video.

Silky smooth game btw, i like that.
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:13:57
Well, if it bother you guys so much, just don't watch it!
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:15:18
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
I think this video is well done and it pretty much shows that they are equal.

The 360 one does look slightly sharper and less blurred in parts. But it really is nothing to make one worth getting over the other.

The deciding factor for this if you own both is that the ps3 version is crap. It is not crap for the graphics its crap because you have to install it and it takes 20 minutes.

No game on a console should require installation with the exception of MMORPGs.

If you look at ps3 game rips by searching for nfo's only a few go over the 8.5GB limit of DVDs and you really need to question whether blu ray is holding the ps3 back.

I do like my ps3 for its blu ray player but the installation is gonna make me get the 360 version plain and simple.
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-01-24 18:17:19
I hate these type of video as well.

But as far as DMC4 goes, there are such small differences that you wont even notice it :)

The 360 has a bit better textures but more jaggies, while PS3 has less textures but also less jaggies which makes it smooth.
But even that it is very very small difference.

But when I played it on PS3 (the only verison I played) it looks great on HD, and I have full white and full RGB and those stuff turned on.

For me, I rather have a game that is running on a reliable console so I can enjoy this game without freezes, loud noises (the fan) and it doesn't get RROD, so I dont need to cry about it and say I cant play DMC4 now :(

Besides, when it comes to these type of games, I prefer the DualShock controller, and when DS3 comes out here in Europe I am picking it up.

I think it is stupid to make these type of comparisons if it isnt huge.

The game is running fast and all, and would you rather enjoy the game or keep noticing the graphics which has more or less pixels of the other version.

Just enjoy the game and have fun.
Not me, no sir.
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:20:06
By 20 minutes of installing, he means 45 seconds.
Yes it's still there but so what, it also cuts down loading times during the game.

I heard PS3 has worse shadows but the 360 is missing reflections and stuff, I dunno.

Game is the same on both, just subtle graphical differences.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-01-24 18:20:52 In reply to Ezekiel_Xz
Posted by Ezekiel_Xz
The deciding factor for this if you own both is that the ps3 version is crap. It is not crap for the graphics its crap because you have to install it and it takes 20 minutes.
You can't wait 20 minutes to let it install ONCE and then use the feature for smooth gameplay with alot less loading times.

I rather wait 20 minutes to have it install, lets me go and take a piss, drink some water prepare myself for the game, by then its done and its ready to unveil itself to me.

I thought I was picky, but I guess I am not compared to that comment by you.

Sorry to hear that man .
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:21:25
Thanks Blimblim for the comparison video ... it's very well made.

these videos are fine if you take them for what they are i.e. videos to help people that own both consoles to make a decision on which one to get and not a reason to laugh at another console owner.

Anway, the two version seem IDENTICAL to me apart from a very SLIGHT difference in textures- being richer on xbox 360 for obvious reason - more RAM. other than that. brilliant work from capcom on treating both version equally.
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:24:38 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
I hate these type of video as well.

But as far as DMC4 goes, there are such small differences that you wont even notice it :)

The 360 has a bit better textures but more jaggies, while PS3 has less textures but also less jaggies which makes it smooth.
But even that it is very very small difference.

But when I played it on PS3 (the only verison I played) it looks great on HD, and I have full white and full RGB and those stuff turned on.

For me, I rather have a game that is running on a reliable console so I can enjoy this game without freezes, loud noises (the fan) and it doesn't get RROD, so I dont need to cry about it and say I cant play DMC4 now :(

Besides, when it comes to these type of games, I prefer the DualShock controller, and when DS3 comes out here in Europe I am picking it up.

I think it is stupid to make these type of comparisons if it isnt huge.

The game is running fast and all, and would you rather enjoy the game or keep noticing the graphics which has more or less pixels of the other version.

Just enjoy the game and have fun.
Not me, no sir.
the ps3 version only looks less sharp than the 360 version because full white and full RGB were left off, this is something that alot of sites fail to do.
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:25:11 In reply to Ezekiel_Xz
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by Ezekiel_Xz
The deciding factor for this if you own both is that the ps3 version is crap. It is not crap for the graphics its crap because you have to install it and it takes 20 minutes.
Seriously how dumb are you ?

There is a perfectly good reason to install the game as it speeds up loading times later on, which then makes the 360 look crap. (your wording not mine)

Don't get me wrong im not trying to start a fan war here but just think before you type.
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-01-24 18:26:40 In reply to alimokrane
Posted by alimokrane
Thanks Blimblim for the comparison video ... it's very well made.

these videos are fine if you take them for what they are i.e. videos to help people that own both consoles to make a decision on which one to get and not a reason to laugh at another console owner.

Anway, the two version seem IDENTICAL to me apart from a very SLIGHT difference in textures- being richer on xbox 360 for obvious reason - more RAM. other than that. brilliant work from capcom on treating both version equally.
Is it the RAM that lets the texture to be better?
I didn't know, although I knew PS3 had less RAM, but I didnt know what it was for :P

I am a real tech guy ain't I :P

But yeah, its only a very small difference with the textures, and you wouldnt notice it if you didnt have a controller or console infront of it to know which is which. I know I wouldn't.

Actually, in the full game gamma and such will help the games graphics, but the demo doesn't even have options, so, its a shame.

I am sure I am gonna change the gamma with the full version to my own needs.
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:27:28 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
You can't wait 20 minutes to let it install ONCE and then use the feature for smooth gameplay with alot less loading times.

I rather wait 20 minutes to have it install, lets me go and take a piss, drink some water prepare myself for the game, by then its done and its ready to unveil itself to me.

I thought I was picky, but I guess I am not compared to that comment by you.

Sorry to hear that man .
But this is not true. People who have played both say that the ps3 version still has loading of around 2 seconds to go into a new scene and that the 360 version is only on average around one second longer to load.

It would take you 1200 loading screen to make up that 20 minutes you just wasted.

My other problem is I have a 40GB hard disk, in the future when bigger games come out requiring more install space, im gonna have to delete games to play others. This means my ps3 is now a pc where I have to remove games to play others. This isn't acceptable, at least not to me.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-01-24 18:30:19 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by jmd749
the ps3 version only looks less sharp than the 360 version because full white and full RGB were left off, this is something that alot of sites fail to do.
Well I dont know if the guy who made this have those settings on or off, but it my playthrough which was around 20 times, sure didnt look like that, looked alot sharper, and better.

I love the scene were Nero is talking to Berial, the visuals, the lighting, fire...etc. looks awesome, and Neros face looks detailed to cool.
Posted by Jollipop
There is a perfectly good reason to install the game as it speeds up loading times later on, which then makes the 360 look crap.
I agree with you.
If a person have waited years or months or weeks or even days to this game to come out, you can't wait 20 minutes or 45 seconds to let it install for a GOOD reason that makes the wait short and the gameplay come faster.

I would be angry if Capcom would leave this part out seriously, which they aint :P
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:33:37
It would take you 1200 loading screen to make up that 20 minutes you just wasted.
Again, which game made you wait 20minutes?

The longest pre-load I waited was Heavenly Sword and that took around a minute at most and there were (except for restarting a section) no loadings during the game so it was very worth it.

Can you tell me which game you KNOW for a fact makes you wait 20minutes! to pre-load?
I'm really curious.
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:34:47 In reply to jmd749
Posted by jmd749
the ps3 version only looks less sharp than the 360 version because full white and full RGB were left off, this is something that alot of sites fail to do.
They look like they're turned on to me
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-01-24 18:35:19 In reply to Ezekiel_Xz
Posted by Ezekiel_Xz
But this is not true. People who have played both say that the ps3 version still has loading of around 2 seconds to go into a new scene and that the 360 version is only on average around one second longer to load.
No offence, but you are freaking kidding me?

People are so fucking spoiled with next-gen!

They even count the seconds of the loading, absolutely stupid!

People should stop being so damn picky and just appreciate what they got.

If they are gonna be picky I could say the entire game is wrong because Dante is not the main character, I dont want a love story in DMC4, remove the stupid metal rock music, this is not next-gen I have seen better.
The weapons are weak at times and clunky...etc.

If I keep up with that attitude I would never EVER enjoy a game for what it is.

I don't care if the PS3 version has 5 seconds loading for a cutscene, I know atleast I would continue my game.

Some people just disgust me with this picky attitude.
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:35:38 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
Seriously how dumb are you ?

There is a perfectly good reason to install the game as it speeds up loading times later on, which then makes the 360 look crap.

Don't get me wrong im not trying to start a fan war here but just think before you type.
No I am afraid the reason for installing is not to help you get faster load times its to bring the load times equal to the 360 version so you are not waiting ages for the data to be read off the blu ray disk.

I am a ps3 owner, but I am not going to act like this feature is a bonus to me. It is not a bonus it is work around to reduce loading due to slow read speeds.

It really annoys me when people get on their high horse about this, if you have both like me get the 360 one it is as simple as that. No install, 3 second loading between scenes.

If you only have a ps3 then by all means buy the ps3 version, I am not trying to start a war here, it just annoys me how people see it as a feature.


"The review also confirmed Sixaxis functionality in the form of tilting to adjust the camera, and noted a 5GB required installation before you can play the game. The 1UP podcast this week also confirmed this, saying it took 25 minutes to complete the installation process, so don't expect to play the game as soon as you get home from the store."

Not my words.
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:42:17
Well I will no doubt be getting the 360 version (only because I can get it cheaper), but I think you are just splitting hairs yo be honest, 20 mins out of someones life really isn't guna cause them to have a nerveous breakdown is it.

Although I may get the PS3 version because I want something to play on it for once and there is less risk it breaking down half way through a game.

All in all the games are basiaclly identical.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2008-01-24 18:47:00
Well I for one have decided all my multiplatform games are going to be on PS3 unless the graphical stuff is huge between the two.

I don't want to play a game and then all of a sudden I get RROD.

I wanted to play Assassins Creed (which I really like) but I got it.

I don't want to play DMC4 and then right when I am kicking ass and getting SS rank (I hope so) the game crashes on me and I can't play it for few weeks.
And I am not the kind of guy who turs up the TV volume so loudly so I don't want to hear the jet engine.

Like Jolli said, it looks identical, it is gonna play identical.
Even Capcom said, if there is any difference, it is the controls and slight of visuals, but it is so slight that it will pass unnoticeable.

For those who make a big deal out of it needs to stop and play the game and enjoy it.

By the way, is the Sixaxis enabled in the demo? It doesn't do anything with the camera. Ah well.
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:47:20 In reply to Ezekiel_Xz
Posted by Ezekiel_Xz
No I am afraid the reason for installing is not to help you get faster load times its to bring the load times equal to the 360 version so you are not waiting ages for the data to be read off the blu ray disk.

I am a ps3 owner, but I am not going to act like this feature is a bonus to me. It is not a bonus it is work around to reduce loading due to slow read speeds.

It really annoys me when people get on their high horse about this, if you have both like me get the 360 one it is as simple as that. No install, 3 second loading between scenes.

If you only have a ps3 then by all means buy the ps3 version, I am not trying to start a war here, it just annoys me how people see it as a feature.


"The review also confirmed Sixaxis functionality in the form of tilting to adjust the camera, and noted a 5GB required installation before you can play the game. The 1UP podcast this week also confirmed this, saying it took 25 minutes to complete the installation process, so don't expect to play the game as soon as you get home from the store."

Not my words.
but the ps3 has superiour controls for this series. which ultimately is more important then both the initial install, or loading times in general.
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:51:50 In reply to Haig07
Posted by Haig07
They look like they're turned on to me
and this is based on what? have you played the ps3 version with full RGB on???
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:53:04 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
but the ps3 has superiour controls for this series. which ultimately is more important then both the initial install, or loading times in general.
That is 1 point. Im on a break from my consoles at the moment due to work and stuff but when im back I will download both demos and try em.

I like the 360 controller better I think the ps3 one is too small. But for devil may cry its always been a ps2 game and im used to the controls. But if the 360 one is mapped correctly I will probably like that one better, the ps3 controller just hasn't evolved enough for me, it just feels a little awkward.
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Commented on 2008-01-24 18:54:02
Turning those features on will NOT improve texture resolution. The 360 seems to simply have more available memory for them, as has been shown in plenty of multiplatform games.
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$135 of $400 per month

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