Xbox 360

The very slow and very much flash based japanese Lost Odyssey site is finally online, and as always I've captured the few new (or not so new) images I could find there.
And just because I think it's great, you can also download the music I ripped from the site.

Flash site images

  • Lost Odyssey images - Flash site images
  • Lost Odyssey images - Flash site images
  • Lost Odyssey images - Flash site images
  • Lost Odyssey images - Flash site images
  • Lost Odyssey images - Flash site images
  • Lost Odyssey images - Flash site images
  • Lost Odyssey images - Flash site images
Commented on 2007-09-03 12:35:39
Really slow site, but waiting is just worth it, when you hear the Main Theme of the game :)
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Commented on 2007-09-03 12:43:29
Thanks a lot for the music rip, Blim!
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Commented on 2007-09-03 12:46:02
I really am hoping this is good. I honestly can say I still haven't played a more immersive RPG since FFVII
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Commented on 2007-09-03 12:54:52
more meh from japan by the looks of things, will this game offer anything new?
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Commented on 2007-09-03 12:56:46
I hope this would be better than Blue Dragon ^^
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Commented on 2007-09-03 12:58:53 In reply to Hellraizer
Posted by Hellraizer
Really slow site, but waiting is just worth it, when you hear the Main Theme of the game :)
That Themesong is so beautiful, it gives me the chills when I hear it :D I can just google it, but posting a link to the site here would be handy.
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Commented on 2007-09-03 13:07:44
Finally we can see a real JRPG for the next Gen... this is so great... not that Final Fantasy XIII, but what can we expect from a saga that after the seventh chapter is deceased (in quality)? Honestly I don't play a great JRPG from the times of Shadow Hearts Covenant... I hope Lost Odyssey will be at least like this!
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Commented on 2007-09-03 13:50:29
well i remeber the presentation last year and i was great but these screens look really bad...
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Commented on 2007-09-03 14:04:36
That THEME IS SO INCREDIBLE! Very nice screens! this is a final fantasy killer in the making. I really cant wait, Blue Dragon is fantastic but this is a lot more mature and should be very nice indeed :D
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Commented on 2007-09-03 14:31:30
Let me be the first to say this. That dragon in the first pic looks like Bahumut. I hope you can do summons in this game.
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Commented on 2007-09-03 14:32:50
damn timed edit, i was gonna add, the one positive from this game is its texturing, very beautiful, the gameplay looks bland tho from all the videos and offered nothing new at all, much like Blue Dragon
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Commented on 2007-09-03 14:43:08
By the way, Battle theme is much better than that theme. OST sounds incredible.
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Commented on 2007-09-03 15:32:13
They got a lot to prove now after the horrible Blue Dragon, I really do hope for there sake and mine that this will be loads of better.
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Commented on 2007-09-03 15:32:54
People who hyped up Blue Dragon are idiots. I could see from day one that the game would turn out mediocre at best. Lost Odyssey, on the other hand, secured my 360 purchase. Mark my words, I've been gaming long enough to know a good game when I see one. This has been it, and still is.

Also, nice loli. The duo in screen 5 reminds me Palam and Porom. The overall graphic style seems more like a next-gen remake of FF6, though. Both games are two of my personal faves in the FF series.
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Commented on 2007-09-03 16:01:55 In reply to synce
Posted by synce
People who hyped up Blue Dragon are idiots. I could see from day one that the game would turn out mediocre at best. Lost Odyssey, on the other hand, secured my 360 purchase. Mark my words, I've been gaming long enough to know a good game when I see one. This has been it, and still is.

Also, nice loli. The duo in screen 5 reminds me Palam and Porom. The overall graphic style seems more like a next-gen remake of FF6, though. Both games are two of my personal faves in the FF series.
I'm sorry i don't really understand your reasoning. You are saying the people who hyped up Blue Dragon are idiots and the people who hype up Lost Odyseey are not? As far as i'm concerned this has not revealed hardly anything to judge on whether the final game will be good or not.

All anyone can do is hope at this stage.
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Commented on 2007-09-03 17:03:33
I have to wonder just how many people who hate on Blue Dragon have actually played any more than the demo...

It was a terrible demo that gave you absolutely no idea of the pacing of the game, the characters, the set pieces, or, most importantly, the really addictive, broad character customisation system. Infact, I have yet to meet someone who BOUGHT the game to be disapointed. The game gets like two 6.0's and suddenly its the worst game in the world!

Anyway, to avoid derailing the thread, Lost Odyssey looks fantastic as well, it's really nice to see such high quality looking jRPG's appear on systems other than Sony brand ones, and that music is spectacular!
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Commented on 2007-09-03 17:21:57 In reply to synce
Posted by synce
People who hyped up Blue Dragon are idiots. I could see from day one that the game would turn out mediocre at best. Lost Odyssey, on the other hand, secured my 360 purchase. Mark my words, I've been gaming long enough to know a good game when I see one. This has been it, and still is.

Also, nice loli. The duo in screen 5 reminds me Palam and Porom. The overall graphic style seems more like a next-gen remake of FF6, though. Both games are two of my personal faves in the FF series.
Please let's not turn this thread into a bashing of Blue Dragon :| If you want to discuss the game then join the discussion over here

And please dont refer to people who hyped the game as idiots, the least you can do is show some respect to others opinions. For me personally, Blue Dragon has delivered, I never expected anything better than what I got. it may not be the most revolutionary of games but it's damn good one that's for sure.
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Commented on 2007-09-03 18:45:37
very cool.

I just wish it had summons/Guardian Forces/Aeons
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Commented on 2007-09-03 18:51:14
Visually speaking this game is awesome, let's hope it's just as good to play.
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Commented on 2007-09-03 18:53:09
Looks good. Love the music.
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Commented on 2007-09-03 19:22:38 In reply to synce
Posted by synce
People who hyped up Blue Dragon are idiots. I could see from day one that the game would turn out mediocre at best. Lost Odyssey, on the other hand, secured my 360 purchase. Mark my words, I've been gaming long enough to know a good game when I see one. This has been it, and still is.

Also, nice loli. The duo in screen 5 reminds me Palam and Porom. The overall graphic style seems more like a next-gen remake of FF6, though. Both games are two of my personal faves in the FF series.
hahahaha *catches breath* hahahahah Have you played Blue Dragon? The game is fucking incredible!

Mugi I'm assuming you haven't played it either cause the game is so much better than a large number of the 360 titles released thus far its almost sad looking at the reviews it got. Playing the full game everything I thought about those reviews was dead on. They dislike the game due to the heavy anime inspiration the look of the characters and the traditional nature of it. Because this is definitely up there with some of the best turn based games I've played.

Some of you are right when you say they have a lot to live up to after Blue Dragon because if Blue Dragon is any indication Lost Odyssey is going to be an amazing game. Sakaguchi & Mistwalker took Artoon under their wing and they pumped out a game this incredible. If a sequel gets okayed they're going to do an even better job the second time around.

I'm not so sure people claiming to anticipate Lost Odyssey should keep up the act too much longer we all know what you'll say and do god forbid you see a video you don't like or a we get a demo you foolishly judge the entire game on not even considering reviews. Real jrpg fans wouldalteast give Blue Dragon a shot to find out for themselves so you can instantly tell the people bashing blue dragon and praising lost odyssey are setting themselves up for disappointment because they don't truly like the genre.

I don't know if some of you realized, but Lost Odyssey will have random battles *gasp* and will be just as traditional if not more so than Blue Dragon is and is likely to have similar anime influences even if it isn't as lighthearted. Don't go calling Blue Dragon horrible especially when you haven't even given the full game a try. I'll be awaiting to see how many people here also turn their backs on Lost Odyssey when the time comes just like they did with Blue Dragon lol.

When 1up gives lost odyssey a 7 what will you guys do then? (because they will) What will you say when edge gives it a 6? Because they will. The review scores are pre-determined simply based on its traditionalism. Best it gets outta IGN is 8.1 and gamespot will probably give it the same score enchanted arms got a 7.1. Will some of you still support the game then? I'm betting not because you weren't really anticipating like you thought you were :)

Come to the reality that games as traditional as Blue Dragon or Lost Odyssey will not be receiving glaring reviews outside of Japan with the way they are designed. People over here seem to want something revolutionary or new school as opposed to something oldschool and as such the game will be marked down severely.

acm2000's comment is a strong example of how this game will be received outside of Japan. :)

I agree totally millerwakka.
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Commented on 2007-09-03 19:28:48
If 1up give the game a 7 as well it juts prove that this game studio does not have what it takes to make RPG at today standards. I did play some of Blue Dragon, no I didn't buy it and no I never finished it, I played parts of it at a friends home and, All I can say, the story sucked really boring, the fighting system wasn't much better as some clames either, wasn't even fun to play at all. Graphics have nothing to do with it, I do hate Akira Toriyama's art but thats beside the point.

As for RPG lovers or not, just because you are one doesn't mean you will like Blue Dragon at all, I love RPG's and I've played way to many of them.

PS I never hyped myself over blue dragon either, I've never expected it to be anything, in fact it was worser then the crap I expected.
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Commented on 2007-09-03 19:43:42 In reply to MugiMugi
Posted by MugiMugi
If 1up give the game a 7 as well it juts prove that this game studio does not have what it takes to make RPG at today standards. I did play some of Blue Dragon, no I didn't buy it and no I never finished it, I played parts of it at a friends home and, All I can say, the story sucked really boring, the fighting system wasn't much better as some clames either, wasn't even fun to play at all. Graphics have nothing to do with it, I do hate Akira Toriyama's art but thats beside the point.

As for RPG lovers or not, just because you are one doesn't mean you will like Blue Dragon at all, I love RPG's and I've played way to many of them.

PS I never hyped myself over blue dragon either, I've never expected it to be anything, in fact it was worser then the crap I expected.
The very fact that you'd take such an attitude towards the game if 1up gave it a 7 just proves you aren't really looking forward to the game :) What are "today" standards exactly? Final Fantasy 12!? LOL

I've never seen a major fan of jrpgs let reviews dictate their opinions of a game. It may not apply to you, but I've never seen it happen personally. Now I really believe you didn't play the game you ever try changing your shadow class and then when you go to add abilities to your new shadow class the wealth of customization options available to you? The battle system and customization is EVERY bit as good as people said it was so I'm sorta skeptical if really bothered to give the game a chance.

Sorry the story doesn't suck and isn't at all boring. It isn't as mature a story as something like Final Fantasy VII or Final Fantasy VIII, but the quality is undeniable. There are so many incredible scenes in this game that I simply cannot understand how someone would try to overlook this game. Stop repeating what reviews said the game isn't boring. Its a very entertaining and fun experience, but alas I'm done arguing might as well not look forward to Lost Odyssey because you'll be very surprised to see the review numbers I put down will be dead on or very close :)

It wont get high 80s or low 90s on gamerankings or metacritic. It isn't "revolutionary" enough. Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey aren't named Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy they wont get those strong reviews people expect regardless of how good their story or characters are.
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Commented on 2007-09-03 19:50:07
I really love Jrpgs but BD was a major dissapointment..The story wasn`t too intruging and the fights were play boring! I must say the "summon" animations are nothing compared to the ones in FF!
I liked the Art style though!
Here is hoping for a MUCH better Lost Odyssey! (The SOundtrack rulz)
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Commented on 2007-09-03 20:14:02
Story is no , but its still cool and unpredictable enough. Like a pixar movie story only better. Nothing mindblowing or super complex, but its fun and enjoyable which is whats most important. I think Blue Dragon's story accomplishes those things which compliments very nicely the graphical style of the game. The whole point was to look pixar like.

I don't know I'm enjoying the combat especially when you play with the shadow classes and customize the crap out of it. I think Shu's corporeal Summon (didn't hit that part in the game yet where I have it myself but I've of course seen it before and done it in the demo) stands up nicely to some FF stuff (not all though of course). Just looking at some of them its very obvious it isn't due to a lack of talent or anything they just settled on those which look great. Wish there were more of em though!! I hope a sequel has many more of those because I think they could've made them even more amazing.
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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