Sony released this brand new trailer of White Knight Story, and I think the vast majority will agree that this looks awesome. CG or not, it's just really good looking!
Loakum By FAR, the upcoming Game of Thrones King’s Road was the Game of the Show! It plays like God of War Ragnarok! :) (5 Days ago)
Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (5 Weeks ago)
Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (6 Weeks ago)
Loakum *takes a large sip of victorious grape juice* ok….my PS5 pro arrived early! So much winning! :) (6 Weeks ago)
Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (9 Weeks ago)
CraCra Y a un souci sur les forums ? (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood Download is now functional again on Gamersyde. Sorry for the past 53 days or so when it wasn't. (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood Another (French) livestream today at 2:30 CEST but you're welcome to drop by and speak English. I will gladly answer in English when I get a chance to catch a breath. :) (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood GSY is getting some nice content at 3 pm CEST with our July podcast and some videos of the Deus Ex Mankind Divided preview build. :) (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood For once we'll be live at 4:30 pm CEST. Blim should not even be tired! (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood More Quantum Break coverage coming in a few hours, 9:00 a.m CEST. (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood We'll have a full review up for Firewatch at 7 pm CET. Videos will only be tomorrow though. (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood Tonight's livestream will be at 9:15 GMT+1, not GMT+2 as first stated. (> 3 Months ago)
All comments (27)
However, I really look forward to this title. Think it's gonna be a great experience!
It really does look great.
It looks great ... can't wait :D
Anybody else had problems watching the WMV video ... It's staggering like hell :/ ... maybe my codecs are all messed up :/
It's the envioronments and the monster design that's amazing.
It looks great ... can't wait :D
Anybody else had problems watching the WMV video ... It's staggering like hell :/ ... maybe my codecs are all messed up :/
The best codec pak you'll ever need ;)
Besides, the only part of the trailer with 100% of pre-rendered stuff is near the end (you can see the clear jump in detail, effects & just what kind of things are happening in the trailer), pretty much everything else was done using the in-game engine. It's more like 70% real-time, 30% pre-rendered. The pre-rendered part doesn't start until 2:17 (& lasts about a little less than 30 seconds).
That trailer was awesome. Loved the music too. Sony has one hell of a lineup of software on the way.
I thought the character design of the knights was aweeessssoooomeee. The humans were a little less inspiring. Especially the sephiroth-esque villain at the end.
But the more often I look the trailer, the more I love the Charas.
Very weird, but that's the fact. Hmm... can't wait to play it...
actually, no one seems to know who sings the music :P
And Jedi the art design isn't European at all, it's clearly Japanese.
But yeah, Rogue Galaxy was probably my least favorite Level 5 game so far. Just couldn't really get into it. Wasn't bad, but wasn't nearly what I was expecting from them.