Images PS3

Ubisoft sent us these comparison shots of Splinter Cell Trilogy HD, to be released on Playstation 3 very soon (no specific date has been given yet to this day). To find out if the HD versions are worth spending a few bucks/quid/euros, just have a look inside.

6 images

  • Splinter Cell Trilogy images - 6 images
  • Splinter Cell Trilogy images - 6 images
  • Splinter Cell Trilogy images - 6 images
  • Splinter Cell Trilogy images - 6 images
  • Splinter Cell Trilogy images - 6 images
  • Splinter Cell Trilogy images - 6 images
Commented on 2011-04-07 20:32:46
lol, comparing a update with the POS that were the ps2 versions.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 20:34:19
Haha, reminds me how screwed PS2 was with the Splinter Cell games.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 20:37:42
they're porting the PC version = awesome news
they're all going to be in 3D = awesome news

now the killer

they wont have multiplayer = terrible news
they wont even have co-op = even worse news.

rental at best with those 2 key elements missing. especially in regards to chaos theory.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 20:42:26
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
LOL, finally POS2 owners get to play splinter cell at Xbox quality
Commented on 2011-04-07 20:47:21 In reply to spacemanjupiter
Posted by spacemanjupiter
LOL, finally POS2 owners get to play splinter cell at Xbox quality
People like you still exist?
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Commented on 2011-04-07 20:49:19 In reply to spacemanjupiter
Posted by spacemanjupiter
LOL, finally POS2 owners get to play splinter cell at Xbox quality
PC quality actually.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 21:06:20 In reply to wazark
Posted by wazark
People like you still exist?
Sorry I'm still bitter over the 'PS2 can launch rockets' ordeal, then I got games that struggled against my Dreamcast. I guess it was my fault for equating 'PS2 can launch rockets' to 'PS2 games will look great'.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 21:08:52 In reply to spacemanjupiter
Posted by spacemanjupiter
Sorry I'm still bitter over the 'PS2 can launch rockets' ordeal, then I got games that struggled against my Dreamcast. I guess it was my fault for equating 'PS2 can launch rockets' to 'PS2 games will look great'.
clearly didn't play many PS2 games, massive generalization is massive.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 21:14:07
why is ps3 only getting these ubisoft hd remakes was a deal made that I was unaware of.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 21:17:05
Loved the first, everybody should play it, some say its even better than MGS.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 21:18:54 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
Loved the first, everybody should play it, some say its even better than MGS.
I've yet to meet such a person ;) But I agree, they're great. Everyone should play it, if they really haven't by now
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Commented on 2011-04-07 21:34:32 In reply to IRAIPT0IR
Posted by IRAIPT0IR
Loved the first, everybody should play it, some say its even better than MGS.
I'd be one to say the same. I've always thought SC was the better game but they are both great. My fondest memories of MGS though are from the PS1.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 21:38:12 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
they wont have multiplayer = terrible news
Nuts to Ubisoft.

A chance to (re)introduce people to one of the best MP modes, and they pass it up(again).

Not that it accomplishes anything, I'm compelled to never buy a Ubisoft product again until I get some proper Spies vs Mercs back.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 21:50:27
Posted by KORNdog
clearly didn't play many PS2 games, massive generalization is massive.
But he's right - and this coming from a very long time Sony diehard like me. Sony lied a lot about what the PS2 could do . . . all the way up until the launch, when they could not lie any more. If I had known the PS2 was going to be rubbish, I'd have bought a Dreamcast a lot earlier. I still would have bought the PS2, but at least for the year leading up to PS2, and for the year after the PS2 launch, when almost every high profile game released for the system was rubbish (The Bouncer, indeed), I could have been enjoying the greener pastures over on Dreamcast.

Yes, the great looking games did come (Jakk & Daxter, God of War, Klonoa, etc.) - eventually. But for most of the first half of the PS2's viable life cycle, it constantly struggled to match even Dreamcast's graphics. And during the second half of that life cycle, it constantly struggled to match Xbox 1 graphics (usually failing miserably at that task, once the Xbox got normal mapping capability). And during the entire lifespan of the system, it never once got anywhere near all those CGI level graphics that Sony told us, nay, promised us were realtime, when they first showed off the system back in March 1999.

The worst part about the entire thing, was so many small and medium sized developers were so convinced the PS2 was the ONLY way to go for their games, dozens of them, who had been in business since the NES and before, went out of business trying to program for what has gone down as the most difficult to program for console of all times (a title that used to belong to Saturn). The difficulty drove the expense of making games through the roof, and the smaller game companies simply could not keep up - many of them folding before their PS2 games could even come out. That's entire libraries of videogame franchises, some of which have been around seemingly forever, we will likely never see again.

The one awesome thing that I have to give the PS2 credit for, was that more than any other console/game/whatever, it is the reason I am no longer a blind, Sony fanboy trying to defend their products as if I had a personal stake in the company. I can thank the PS2 for that. I can thank the PS2 for the fact that these days I enjoy games for games again, on any platform, and not because they are Sony exclusives. Somewhere along the way with the PS1, I got blinded that Sony could do no wrong. I think everyone was really caught up in that for a while. I know now that was stupid, and I largely have the PS2 to thank for setting me straight.

I'm really feeling meh about the Splinter Cell trilogy. I had no idea that multiplayer and co-op were not coming along as part of the port. Even though I know these are PC ports, looking at the screens, graphically these really do look like cleaner versions of the Xbox 1 games. Either way, it would have been a good thing had SCE had not already spoiled me with their God of War HD ports. I'm all for last-gen games getting HD ports, but Sony themselves have set the bar pretty high, and with the exception of the Beyond Good and Evil HD port, Ubisoft looks to be phoning it in - the Prince of Persia ports in particular were rubbish.

I think there is a very good reason Ubisoft is comparing the HD remixes to the PS2 ports. What I would really like to see are these compared to the original PC versions. I'm willing to bet, that just like the Prince of Persia HD ports, the jump in quality is almost non-existent. Shame really, as I really wanted these. As it stands, I could probably boot these up on my current PC, and they would look just as good . . . and I'd still have multiplayer and co-op.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 22:18:45
erm, tl;dr

@ ron - it is a frigging stupid decision. a decision i have a feeling comes from porting the PC versions of the game, rather then the PS2 version (possibly some sort of conflict with online code?) whatever the case it's annoying. i would have liked to dabble in the mulit and co-op again. as it stands a collection of SC single player campaigns isnt enough for me to re-buy these, even if they do look decent.

i was hoping for the full package. i guess that aint happening
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Commented on 2011-04-07 22:22:21
Splintercell HD YEY!....


NO FUCKING MULTIPLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
god damn it ... god mother fucking DAMN IT! fucking christ... bastards :(
I cant express how much this has gutted me :(
You fucking bastards.

No sell, No rent, i have these on xbox and they still look great, why the hell would i buy these if not for the multiplayer?
If the xbox online and pc online was still around i would STILL be playing this today on xbox, best multiplayer experience after ghost recon and grit.

so gutted now :( i was so happy when announced, been gagging to play it since that horrid day they turned xbox live off :(
Posted by KORNdog
erm, tl;dr
i was hoping for the full package. i guess that aint happening
I cant express how damn heart broken i am at this news
Posted by wazark
I've yet to meet such a person ;) But I agree, they're great. Everyone should play it, if they really haven't by now
*holds up hand*
This shit owns MGS
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Commented on 2011-04-07 22:28:59
Posted by ManThatYouFear
*holds up hand*
This shit owns MGS
some games of both series have bettered each other imo.

no SC comes close to MGS1 imo
but then chaos theory owns MGS2/3/4
but then MGS2/3/4 own pandora tomorrow, SC1 and double agent (360 version)
but double agent (original xbox version) and SC1 owns MGS2

you get the picture.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 22:29:39 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
they wont have multiplayer = terrible news
they wont even have co-op = even worse news.
plz say your joking right? as if so i wont bother
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Commented on 2011-04-07 22:30:37
lol yeah
But SC MP not only owns MGS online, it wipes its ass on it, i had more fun on the menu system of SC than the entire of MGS online.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 22:32:35 In reply to Sci0n
Posted by Sci0n
plz say your joking right? as if so i wont bother
nope, not if what i read it true.

scroll down to the dev answering user questions, second question related to multi, the dev replies:

"Unfortunately the answer to this question is no, the online part of the original games won’t be included."
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Commented on 2011-04-07 23:18:32 In reply to wazark
Posted by wazark
I've yet to meet such a person ;) But I agree, they're great. Everyone should play it, if they really haven't by now
Gameplay-wise SC, wiped the floor with MGSII.

And I am saying this as someone who really loved MGSII.
(mainly for its soundtrack and story-telling)

But the story of all of those SCs is utter patriotic-product-placemtental shit.

But still, fun to play.
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Commented on 2011-04-07 23:20:29
Not to really side with the troll but... he's not wrong. The PS2 versions were just flat out insults to the brand compared to the Xbox version. I had a hard time telling the difference between the new PS3 shots and the very very old Xbox games (which I still have and still play on my 360). It may not have been clear to gamers back then why the Xbox versions of Splinter Cell took off compared to the PS2 versions that sucked but... it had a lot to do with the presentation and level design (which were both radically different on the exact same title). But still, if there are PS3 only gamers out there that don't understand the love of Splinter Cell over Metal Gear Solid- now's a great time to play the games that redefined "stealth".
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Commented on 2011-04-08 01:11:04
IMO MGS1 owns all of the SC games in terms of overall presentation. but the other MGS's weren't as good. Wish conviction was ported to ps3 instead of this.
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Commented on 2011-04-08 02:19:18
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
You morons that are comparing the consoles rather than the games need to shut the hell up. Your arguments and opinions are pointless.

Splinter Cell 1, 2, & 3 are probably the greatest stealth games ever made, and I'm glad they're releasing a trilogy. Multiplayer was never meant for these games, nor did it improve them one bit. If you're let down by no multiplayer than you missed the point and this game wasn't for you to begin with.

The improvements look great, and I for one, minus the 3D gimmick, am looking forward to playing them in a higher res than they where originally released.
Commented on 2011-04-08 03:02:48 In reply to crookedmind
Posted by crookedmind
Multiplayer was never meant for these games, nor did it improve them one bit. If you're let down by no multiplayer than you missed the point and this game wasn't for you to begin with.
Get out of here with that bullshit. It's fine if you didn't care for the MP, but that doesn't mean others are somehow wrong for liking it. Christ, the MP in Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory was some of the most innovative and downright fun MP I've ever played...the inclusion of which netted me FAR more play time and entertainment from those games than all of the SP from ALL versions combined.

But, if you please, explain why MP was never meant for these games. Also, do explain what the point of the game some of us have obviously missed it.
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