PGR4 flying under the radar?

Since 6858 Days
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Cars in PGR3 lack the feeling of weight, it felt like you were moving a camera around a track rather than an actual car, PGR3 cars handled like a go cart or F1, waay too much turn-in and grip, zero undesteer, whether you were going 80mph or 20mph, the level of turn-in was almost the same, PGR3 isnt in the slightest bit realistic, it was pure arcade unlike PGR2.
Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
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So what is NFS then Jin?

Super Pure Arcade?

PGR3 may not a) simulate every aspect of reality and b) take liberty in its model; but to call it a "pure arcade" game implies Outrun to me. Which if you look at the driving models in such a game, they have no relation to rules or forces (which PGR3 has) but instead to desired outcomes for user input.

FM2: User Input => Robust Simulation System w/ Realwork Properties => Output

PGR3: User Input => Limited Simulation System w/ Exaggerated Properties => Output

Outrun: User Input => Desired Output.

NFS games have some interaction with the world, but are EXTREMELY forgiving and do de-emphasize the driving model and aspects for the "race" (not racing).

PGR3 has physical rules (even if not based on our world), is unforgiving, and remains a road racer (albeit with a tip toward kudos).

Oh well, I am used to your hyperbole now days.

The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Since 6987 Days

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Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
Posted by RAZurrection
Oh yeah, that is great. They REALLY need to do a direct feed, HQ, of the Intro. And a demo :)
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The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Since 6997 Days
Wow... looks so good.

I'll give credit where its due, Bizarre know their lighting.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 6858 Days
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by Acert93
So what is NFS then Jin?

Super Pure Arcade?

PGR3 may not a) simulate every aspect of reality and b) take liberty in its model; but to call it a "pure arcade" game implies Outrun to me. Which if you look at the driving models in such a game, they have no relation to rules or forces (which PGR3 has) but instead to desired outcomes for user input.

FM2: User Input => Robust Simulation System w/ Realwork Properties => Output

PGR3: User Input => Limited Simulation System w/ Exaggerated Properties => Output

Outrun: User Input => Desired Output.

NFS games have some interaction with the world, but are EXTREMELY forgiving and do de-emphasize the driving model and aspects for the "race" (not racing).

PGR3 has physical rules (even if not based on our world), is unforgiving, and remains a road racer (albeit with a tip toward kudos).

Oh well, I am used to your hyperbole now days.
Ok, i'll make it easy for you, there is no aspect of PGR3 handling that shows a sense of realism, hence being pure arcade. And yes NFS/outrun/burnout is aracde too, more extreme yes, but arcade is arcade.

Arcade Racing = Over exaggerated performance
Since 7236 Days
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Posted by Jin187
Ok, i'll make it easy for you, there is no aspect of PGR3 handling that shows a sense of realism, hence being pure arcade. And yes NFS/outrun/burnout is aracde too, more extreme yes, but arcade is arcade.
Well said Jin.
deftangel - Hot stuff!
Since 6982 Days
I hate racing games, but I'll play PGR because it's that good. It's definitely not a sim but you are being grossly unfair to the game if you want to lump it in the same bracket as Need for Speed, OutRun or Burnout.

It's definitely in between the two, I can't see how anyone disputes that.

Hence really all we're arguing about is semantics and the definition of "arcade" racers, which to me is kinda silly. Surely the most important characteristic is if the cars in the game are fun to drive. There's plenty of options for those looking for sim or arcade racing.
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Since 7816 Days
Posted by Jin187
Ok, i'll make it easy for you, there is no aspect of PGR3 handling that shows a sense of realism, hence being pure arcade. And yes NFS/outrun/burnout is aracde too, more extreme yes, but arcade is arcade.

Arcade Racing = Over exaggerated performance
Actually PGR3's handling is a lot closer to life than any Gran Turismo I've played. Played with a force feedback wheel, aside from the feedback being weak, it feels quite realistic.

There are more than two types of racers. I'd consider Forza 2 a "sim", GT and PGR somewhere near "arcade" (in the traditional arcade sense like Sega Rally and Daytona), and games like Burnout and NFS I'd call "action racers".
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Since 6446 Days
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Posted by Jollipop
I wouldn't call PGR3 Arcade either, its far too unforgiving to be classed as that (at least IMO).

I wouldn't call it a sim style racer either.. its somewhere in the middle.
Yeah, thats the point...
Since 6858 Days
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You all seem to be missing my point, for a game to be inbetween sim and arcade, there needs to be aspects of the handling that are done realistically, If there is no aspect of the handling that shows any sense of realism, how can it be called part-sim? Also, being an arcade racer certainly doesnt mean its a bad game, You need to try PGR2 to understand what a part-sim game plays like.
Since 7816 Days
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There ARE aspects of the handling that are realistic in PGR games. Oversteer and countersteer, weight shift, different grip on different surfaces. What's missing? Are you trying to say that PGR's cars don't behave like real cars? The drifting and braking are more forgiving than a sim racer but everything else is pretty accurate, or leaning towards accurate.
Since 7236 Days
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Posted by INDIGO
Actually PGR3's handling is a lot closer to life than any Gran Turismo I've played. Played with a force feedback wheel, aside from the feedback being weak, it feels quite realistic.
Whoa, now that's a good joke. GT isn't a masterpiece with physics/realism, but it is A LOT more realistic than PGR. And I say that having just made a really long post criticizing the GTHD physics, especially the joke of a drift mode they have.

And Jolli said the game is unforgiving when really, that has nothing to do with it being realistic or not.
Posted by INDIGO
There ARE aspects of the handling that are realistic in PGR games. Oversteer and countersteer, weight shift, different grip on different surfaces. What's missing? Are you trying to say that PGR's cars don't behave like real cars? The drifting and braking are more forgiving than a sim racer but everything else is pretty accurate, or leaning towards accurate.
I do think there are realistic elements to PGR games, but you are left with little to nothing with PGR3.

Anyways, I don't think I'll be discussing this anymore. I agree with deft it's kind of silly and pointless. The PGR series are amazing, and my favorite ARCADE racer :P

Here are some Youtube videos of PGR4 since MS is not releasing shit: GC 2007

(the sense of speed in the following video is amazing....the driving is awful)
Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
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Posted by Jin187
Ok, i'll make it easy for you, there is no aspect of PGR3 handling that shows a sense of realism, hence being pure arcade. And yes NFS/outrun/burnout is aracde too, more extreme yes, but arcade is arcade.
PGR3 = Pure Arcade = 100% Arcade

NFS = More Extreme Pure Arcade = 1000%

That makes a lot of sense you know :|

Anyhow, I already outlined how I approach the issue using my grasp of how the cars interact with a physical system. The issue is whether someone sees a physics system with exaggerated properties (and SOME not, which I think you are wrong in) as "pure arcade".

Btw, all games have elements where they don't mimmick realism. In that sense Forza and GT are arcade games. So I guess we have PGR3 as a pure arcade game, and FM/GT has arcade-sim games.

I can live with that definition.
You all seem to be missing my point, for a game to be inbetween sim and arcade, there needs to be aspects of the handling that are done realistically, If there is no aspect of the handling that shows any sense of realism, how can it be called part-sim?
And you seem to be missing the other side's point. PGR3 *does* take realistic physics domains -- like friction -- and then exaggerates them for the driving model. So there is an element of realism -- friction -- that is balanced for gameplay. You are looking for elements that are sim-like, instead of systems of rules and dependancies that are sim-like.

No one is argueing that PGR3 accurately replicates every element, or even most, to a "t" of real life driving. It isn't trying to nail the exact breaking distance or friction -- but instead to give a general feel for the different cars, and then toss in their "dream world" exaggeration fun. PGR3 plays, to me, like a car in a movie. It is still bound by physical rules and dependancies, has the quasi-authentic feel of the cars unique features, but is plunked down in this dream world where you can do things only seen in movies.

I don't care what you call it :P

I call it fun.

The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
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Posted by deftangel
I hate racing games, but I'll play PGR because it's that good. It's definitely not a sim but you are being grossly unfair to the game if you want to lump it in the same bracket as Need for Speed, OutRun or Burnout.

It's definitely in between the two, I can't see how anyone disputes that.
And that is my point. The classic arcade racers -- Outrun and NFS -- are a starting point for most of us when we talk about arcade games. GT/FM are what we would call sims (shortcomings and all).

And PGR3 is right in the middle. It has a system of physical properties and rules, but they are exaggerated and balanced for "fun" over simulation.

Pure Arcade?
Simmy Arcade?
Movie Sim?

Whatever label one wants to slap on it, there is no argueing that it isn't a FM/GT game, but it also is not a NFS/Outrun game, and sits right between the balance of Sim and "traditional/classic" Arcade games.

Thanks Deft.

The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
For those wondering about the building detail in game, there is a newer video from Egames that shows off the detail fairly well. It is compressed and non-HD, but between 0:55-1:30 you can really see a lot of detail in the buildings.

And only a Youtube video, you can get a good feel for the game from this recent GC 2007 footage.

Kind of sad that you have to hunt down media (why no Marketplace stuff? Why is it the same old story with MGS marketing?). I did find a few previews though after some hunting.

Short Ars preview from X07
From the get-go, this is readily apparent. PGR4 is a noteworthy improvement in just about every area: the controls feel slightly tighter, the presentation sharper, the in-game GUI more stylish. Even in this demo build, everything just felt cleaner and more accessible.
Aside from the graphical differences and a more forgiving chaining length for Kudos tricks, PGR4 plays identically to its predecessor albeit with a slightly more responsive control.

My second race was arguably more interesting. A series first, the motorcycle proved to offer a completely different experience than the car while maintaining the important features that separate PGR from the pack. The Kudos system, in particular, is completely different for bikes. Bikes are obviously a different beast, so you can perform a variety of different tricks. After playing around for a bit on the track, I've come to the conclusion that a wheelie is the best trick in the game (especially when done so in succession with a powerslide).
Preview from Gaming Target
Quick: name the number one clutch player for Microsoft’s gaming console. If you said Bungie, you’d be wrong. Certainly Bungie and that Master Chief guy are the big stars, the ones who get all the press and ooze sex appeal. But as a clutch player, someone who consistently delivers when the pressure’s on and the deadlines are tight, it’s not Bungie Microsoft has turned to.

No, that honor goes to Bizarre Creations, who has been Microsoft’s number one launch developer since day one: the first Project Gotham Racing launched the original Xbox; the sequel launched Xbox Live; and PGR3 launched the Xbox 360 with Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved simultaneously launching the new Xbox Live Arcade. Whew! Best of all, they have proven time and again that they can deliver high quality products despite the tremendous pressure and deadline constraints of creating launch titles.
I know Moore was fond of BC... but this puts things into perspective: Why isn't PGR4 getting more of a push from MGS? PGR3 has broken 1M sales (albeit with the FM1 $20 bundles help) but BC has done a lot to help push the Xbox brand and PGR4 looks like their best effort yet.
The weather system is dynamic and will change during the course of a race but in a realistic manner; in other words, you won’t see dramatic changes like going from a sunny day to a raging downpour – instead, it may start off as cloudy and finish with a light rain. Fortunately, the weather isn’t too restricted by realism; for example, you can set conditions manually in Playtime Mode so you will be able to drive in the snow in Las Vegas (however, the weather is scripted in both Arcade and the new World Tour Mode). Also, just because it’s snowing it doesn’t necessarily mean the road has frozen over yet; the ten weather variations are not rigidly set and so there will be variations within the variations.
The weather conditions are:

Light Rain
Heavy Rain
Storm (like heavy rain, but darker clouds, thunder, and lightning)
Wet (post rain, puddles everywhere)
Light Fog
Heavy Fog
Normally, slippery tracks are the bane of racers but this is PGR we’re talking about here: that loss of traction can help you rack up some big time Kudos scores. Sweet! The Kudos system has also been tightened up to be a bit more realistic, which means you will only earn drift points while sliding through a corner rather than purposefully fishtailing on a straightaway. It should also be easier to chain Kudos together thanks to a small timing adjustment. There is also a new Kudos type but this is still under wraps.
Driving at 150MPH in icy weather still seems foreign to me... but the fact the kudos have been improved is good to hear.
Team Racing is a brand new online mode where you compete in club races. You first create your character by choosing a gender, nationality and customize his or her liveries. You then create or join a club and compete in up to 4v4 team races like Cops and Robbers, Capture the Flag, and everyone’s favorite, Cat and Mouse. Driving as a team will let you to pull off team-specific Kudos like blocking opponents and letting a teammate draft off of you. And as your victories start piling up, you will notice that the fans surrounding the track will start wearing your colors.
There is also a new mode called "Bulldog" which is basically zombie. One zombie, whoever he tags becomes a zombie, too. The kicker: It is played in an open city (and not a predefined track). Championship series return (multi race series) as well.

Quick Hits: There are about 130 vehicles in the game, about 30 will be motorcycles from Ducati, Honda, MV Augusta, Suzuki and several other manufacturers....As with the cars, you will have a variety of camera choices including a first-person in-helmet view....All Kudos that you earn, either online or off, will be added to your bank. You will need to rack up those Kudos to unlock garages and vehicles...Similar to the new video capture system in Halo 3, PGR On Demand will allow gamers to share photos and videos to show off their elite driving skills, spectacular crashes, or even helpful tutorials... 10 courses and over 200 "tracks, 5 old ones retouched and 5 new ones--Macau, Quebec City, Shanghai, St. Petersburg, and Michelin test track... you don't have to use the bikes... there is a new arcade game packaged in... 2 player split screen, 8 players online... drives more like PGR2 than PGR3... Single player modes include arcade mode (like PGR2), Gotham Career, Race against the clock, and custom race versus AI.

Gamespot Preview

IGN's Coverage of the New Tracks (over 200 "tracks" on 10 Courses):

Quebec City


St. Petersburg


No preview of my most anticipated track, the Michelin test track which is a... ring. Call me boring, but I really like tracks that are simple and emphasize racing skill with an easy learning curve, but take time to master.

I was pretty sketpical about the bikes (still am to a degree), but this (bad IQ) "first person" video is great looking, even if the driver stinks.

Some more Youtube videos:

And the really nice weather montage.

And still waiting for HD directfeed gameplay that isn't compressed to high heaven... Anyhow, I am excited about the game mainly because of the online modes and the driving model (not so over the top as most arcade games and it has a solid feel, although it is exaggerated).
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The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
Car, Bike, and Track List:
Alfa Romeo
'89 SZ [pic]

'03 RSV Mille R Tuono Ltd [source]
'04 RS250 [source]

'06 Atom 300 Supercharged [source] [pic]

Aston Martin
'05 V8 Vantage [source]
'08 DBS [pic]

'06 RS4 [pic] [pic2] [pic3] [pic4]
'07 R8 [pic1] [pic2]

'64 Mini Cooper S [source] [pic]

'03 Continental GT [source]

'79 M1 Procar [source] [pic]
'89 Z1 Concept [source]
'04 M5 [source] [pic] [pic2]
'05 K1200R [source] [pic]
'06 F800S [source]

Boss Hoss
'05 BHC-3 502 [source]

'61 Goldstar DBD34 [source]

'?? Unknown XB12 Model [source]
'88 RR 1200 [source][pic] [pic]

'03 Sixteen Concept [source]

'07 T1 [source] [pic] [pic2] [pic3] [pic4] [pic5]

'00 R500 [source] [pic]

'63 Corvette Stingray [source] [pic] [pic2] [pic3]
'69 Camaro Z28 [source] [pic] [pic2]

De Lorean
'81 DMC-12 [source] [pic]

'98 Viper GT2 Championship Edition [pic] [pic2]
'03 Viper Competition Coupe [pic]
'06 Challenger Concept [pic] [pic2] [pic3] [pic4] [pic4]

'01 998 (Matrix) [source] [pic]
'05 Monster S4RS Testastretta [source] [pic]
'05 999R Xerox [source] [pic]
'06 Sports Classic Paul Smart Edition 1000 LE [source] [pic] [pic2]

'?? 50s F1 Car [source]
'63 250 GTO [pic]
'87 288 GTO Evoluzione [source]
'87 F40 [source] [pic]
'96 F50 GT [source] [pic]
'98 355 F1 Berlinetta [pic]
'04 F430 [source] [pic]
'06 599 GTB Foriano [pic] [pic2] [pic3] [pic4]
'03 Enzo [pic] [pic2] [pic3] [pic4] [pic5]
'07 FXX [pic]

Fiat [source]

'66 GT40 Mk II [pic] [pic2]
'86 Sierra Cosworth RS500 Cosworth [source] [pic] [pic2]
'68 Mustang Fastback GT [source] [pic] [pic]
'95 GT90 [source]
'05 GT [source] [pic] [pic2] [pic3]

'05 Apollo [pic] [pic2] [pic3] [pic4]

Harley Davidson
'02 VR 1000 [source] [pic]
'05 V-Rod [source]
'06 FLHRSI Road King [source]

'60 RC161 [source]
'92 NR750 (RC40) [source]
'99 CBR1100XX Blackbird [source]
'05 CBR 600RR [source] [pic] [pic2] [pic3] [pic3] [pic4]

'55 D-Type [source]
'?? S-Type [source]
'93 XJ220 S TWR [source]

'04 Supercar [source] [pic]

'07 Ninja ZX-14 [source] [pic]

'06 CCX [source]

'72 Miura P400 SV [pic]
'78 Countache LP400 [source]
'04 Gallardo [source] [pic] [pic2]
'05 Murciélago [source]
'06 Murciélago R-GT [pic] [pic2]
'07 Murciélago LP640 [pic] [pic2]

'73 Stratos HF [pic]
'91 Delta Integrale Evoluzione [source] [pic]

'75 Esprit Type 79[source]
'08 Exige GT3RR [source] [pic] [pic2] [pic3]

'57 250F [pic]
'04 MC12 [source] [pic]

'95 F1 LM[source] [pic] [pic2]

'02 CLK GTR Supersport [pic] [pic2] [pic3]
'05 SLR [source] [pic]

'06 Turbine Superbike [source] [pic]

MV Agusta
'06 F4 Brutale 910R [source] [pic]
'06 F4 Senna [source][pic] [pic2] [pic3] [pic4] [pic5]

'05 M400 [pic] [pic2] [pic3]

'62 500 Manx [source] [pic]

'05 Zonda F [pic] [pic2] [pic3]

'97 GTR-1 [pic]

'07 Flux Concept [source]

'70 Barracuda [source] [pic]

'06 SR9 LMP2 [pic] [pic2] [pic3]

'87 CTR "Yellowbird" [pic] [pic2] [pic3]
'05 Supercar Concept [source]
'05 RGT [source] [pic]
'07 R Kompressor [pic]

'05 S7 Twin Turbo [source]
'06 S281 Extreme [pic] [pic2] [pic3]

'66 Cobra 427 S/C [pic]
'67 GT500E [source] [pic] [pic2]

''07 Ultimate Aero TT [source]

'06 GSX Hayabusa 1300R Ltd. [source] [pic]
'06 GSX-R600 K6 [source] [pic]
'05 GSX-R1000 K5 [source]

Spyker [source]

'98 Impreza 22B STi [source] [pic]
'99 Impreza P1 [source]

'08 Roadster [source] [pic]

'67 2000GT [source]
'98 GT-one [pic] [pic2] [pic3] [pic4]
'93 Supra Turbo [pic] [pic2]

'05 Speed Triple [source] [pic]
'05 Trident "Slippery Sam" [source]

'04 Sagaris [pic] [pic2]

'06 GTR [pic] [pic2]

'05 GPR V12 [source]

'07 YZF-R1 [source]
'07 YZF-R6 [source] [pic]
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The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Since 6868 Days
I've found a few ingame pics (leipzig build, same as GDC ?) and the aliasing seems ok on some pics...
... but quite bad on others :
I really hope it's a compression issue or something.
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Fanboy officiel de Call of Duty 4

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 7085 Days
The St. Petersburg Rain video is 720p and directfeed and it has 4xMSAA. You can still see very minor aliasing (which is typically of 4xMSAA) but clearly has it enabled.
In reply to

The fans have spoken. Concerning the graphics of the Halo 3 Beta: "There's so many little effects and things going on that make this game pretty much 2nd only to Gears at the moment."

Since 6868 Days
Yeah but the pics I'm referring to are gameplay, while the St Petersburg video is replay (at best)...
Seems to be pretty hard to get rid of aliasing in racers, GT5 Prologue seem to have some as well.
Reflections, hoods and roofs seem to be quite difficult to render well...
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Fanboy officiel de Call of Duty 4

Since 6732 Days
Nice job Acert GSX-R 1000 video awesome rain looks so good. :)

Really need some more direct feed. :)
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Since 7043 Days
Changed my mind, im getting this.

The PGR series has always been fun.
I prefer it to Forza and GT.
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Alcohol and drugs and my biggest fans. They follow me where ever i go.

Since 6858 Days
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Posted by Acert93
And you seem to be missing the other side's point. PGR3 *does* take realistic physics domains -- like friction -- and then exaggerates them for the driving model. So there is an element of realism -- friction -- that is balanced for gameplay. You are looking for elements that are sim-like, instead of systems of rules and dependancies that are sim-like.
Quite possibly the worst example of realism that one could find, Outrun/NFS/Burnout all have physics domains like friction, but anyway, you've just practically agreed with me as like i said...
Posted by Jin187
Arcade Racing = Over exaggerated performance
Physics and realism are NOT the same thing, which is probably why you seem to be confused. Please feel free to state any other aspects of PGR3 that are simulated realistically.

I really dont see why your getting all defensive of the game as though i'm saying its a bad game because its an arcade racer, people like yourself find it fun because of its arcade nature, infact its not even trying to be anything else.
Since 6518 Days
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so PGR is arcade, its just at the bottom of the scale in terms of arcade racers since it far more punishing then most others out there (NFS, burnout, outrun etc)

maybe thats why i disslike the series, becasue its deemed an arcare racer, yet feels nothing like one.
Since 7006 Days
The bike racing is what turns me off, but I don't have to use them.

I think the bikes look horrible and should've never been added to the game. Other than that looks fantastic. It also has a great deal to do with a number of other games that are currently out and upcoming.
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

October 20th 2007 (A good day)

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic gay-ming monthly! amirite

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    Loakum Ugh….scratch that previous comment. The upcoming Game of Thrones video game is a F’in mobile phone game. Why can’t they came an open world GoT game, like Witcher 3 or God of War? (9 Weeks ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum By FAR, the upcoming Game of Thrones King’s Road was the Game of the Show! It plays like God of War Ragnarok! :) (11 Weeks ago)

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    Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Loakum *takes a large sip of victorious grape juice* ok….my PS5 pro arrived early! So much winning! :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (> 3 Months ago)

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Our PC video of Ninja Gaiden 2 Black

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Our Switch preview video of Xenoblade Chronicles X

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