Capcom released nothing less than 69 images from the PS3 version of Lost Planet - Extreme Condition. Beware though, they show a lot of things from the first four missions of the game.

PS3 ingame images

  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
  • Lots of Lost Planet PS3 images - PS3 ingame images
Kudgel - Bernard Pavot
Commented on 2008-01-08 10:51:58
I just realised LOST is an anagram for LOTS. Well played, Blim!
In reply to
Commented on 2008-01-08 11:04:22
Looking better, but still rough compared to 360
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Commented on 2008-01-08 12:37:32
Very hit and miss....just like the 360 version
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Commented on 2008-01-08 13:31:08
I wonder how come they haven't released a demo on PSN yet. The Live demo was online months before the game came out
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Commented on 2008-01-08 13:58:49
I dont wanna rain on the ps3 parade, but Ive got this game on 360 and even on my SD TV the 360 version looks better.. whats up with that? or am i mistaken? the game is very good though.. except the save function.. i hope theyll fix that!
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Commented on 2008-01-08 14:25:04 In reply to jaxcellent
Posted by jaxcellent
I dont wanna rain on the ps3 parade, but Ive got this game on 360 and even on my SD TV the 360 version looks better.. whats up with that? or am i mistaken? the game is very good though.. except the save function.. i hope theyll fix that!
Yep this is true. Maybe the PS3 memory(ram) not being as large as 360 is to blame.
In reply to
Commented on 2008-01-08 14:43:38
Bullshit guys, just look at games like CoD4 or Uncharted, there the memory was enough.
It's just ported like shit.
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Commented on 2008-01-08 15:15:24
Oh god, here we go.
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Commented on 2008-01-08 15:17:12
looks good but not like 360 version
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Commented on 2008-01-08 15:24:13
I always loved how lost planet looks...both art and graphics are really nice. Too bad that the shitty game ruins it.
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Commented on 2008-01-08 15:24:36 In reply to jaxcellent
Posted by jaxcellent
I dont wanna rain on the ps3 parade, but Ive got this game on 360 and even on my SD TV the 360 version looks better.. whats up with that? or am i mistaken? the game is very good though.. except the save function.. i hope theyll fix that!
True, it's almost as if the original creators of the game just changed all the textures to JPG's and sent them over the internet to the PS3 creators.
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Commented on 2008-01-08 16:59:45
Old game, already have it...
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Commented on 2008-01-08 17:06:54
Looks good, almost the same. textures looks slightly lower res though.
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Commented on 2008-01-08 17:31:15
"lower res" ? loool

The textures are horrible. PS2 or Gamecube....
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Commented on 2008-01-08 18:18:19
Sloppy conversion ahoy.
Did capcom outsource the conversion job?
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Commented on 2008-01-08 18:27:14
Just looks like your average half-arsed port. They should know by now that porting from 360 to PS3 leads to loads of problems. They have already adapated this engine for PS3 use as DMC4 and Resi 5 use it. If they were serious about delivering a quality game they would have took the time to go back and rework the title for PS3.
To me, this just seems like Capcom are planning a multi-format sequel soon and want to rush the original out on PS3 so they know what its all about.
Also, like others have said, the games been out on 360 for ages and while it was fun a year ago, their are much better games out now...
In reply to
Commented on 2008-01-08 20:15:55
Textures look horrible, but better than the original shots. Jeez, talk about serious half-assing, I hope this port bites Capcom in the ass in Japan, the only reason why they are porting this game in the first place. C'mon Capcom, the game's only selling point when it came out on the 360 was its graphics. Take that away and this game has nothing. I know Capcom can do better, they know they can do better, but like EA, they only think about profits. That is the reason why it took four games for Capcom to actually move forward with the RE series to the next level of gameplay and the reason why DMC4 plays like DMC1-3.
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Commented on 2008-01-09 00:59:13
Still no per-pixel motion blur or AA? Capcom really isnt doing the PS3 crowd any services with this release. Just get it out and stop releasing more shots.

And the PS3 folks who are trying to justify it, think of this: mostly, textures only work in powers of two like this; 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048 and in some cases, combinations of those like 256x512 etc.

But 95% of the time if the texture is LOWER RES than it USED TO BE, it's half width and half height aka a QUARTER of the pixels.

Judging by these shots, Capcom isnt giving you half or two thirds.. you get a QUARTER of the texturing performance of the 360 version.

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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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