Now that most of the fans have completed Metal Gear Solid 4 from head to toe and know all the dialogues by heart, it's time to please ourselves with gameplay videos showcasing the best moments of this already classic fourth and last episode of the Metal Gear Solid saga. More details after the jump.


Fans can rejoice ! We are now June 12th, 2008 (in Europe at least :p) and Metal Gear Solid 4 is officially available in every good shop of the civilized world. About our traditionnal First 10 Minutes, we offer you the long introduction cut-scene of the game as well as three gameplay clips from the 1st Act. The shorter one showcases some combat in the streets of the Bagdad-like city you start your journey in, the second one a memorable attack of the Frogs - very powerful bionic foes that jump like frogs and walk on the walls - in an abandoned hotel, and finally a moderately discreet sneaking sequence in Liquid's camp. Enjoy !
Update2: All the files are finally online.


Only a month left before trying Metal Gear Solid 4. To better cope with the wait, we are offering you these new images in high definition, some of them taken from a japanese event.

The images contain some spoilers


Here comes a new trailer which has plenty of spoilers (in my opinion anyway) for Metal Gear Solid 4, an exclusive Playstation 3 title. As usual, it is very classy. We can't wait to get our hands on this gem next month!


Konami released yet another strange video of Metal Gear Solid 4, this one celebrating the 10th year of the first MGS release by showing a snowy level in the game after showing the PS1 and Gamecube games and even the SSBM level. So is Kojima just toying with us, or will we get to play this level?


I don't really know where this came from, but someone posted this new trailer of Metal Gear Solid 4 on earlier today, and as always it's plain awesome.


We spotted a big bunch of new Metal Gear Solid 4 screenshots over our friends at, which just returned from Japan where Konami allowed them to spend three days on Hideo Kojima's baby. Along with a full blown preview, they confirm that the game will get a worldwide launch on June, 12th. Rendez-vous taken !


Here at Gamersyde, saying we don't like April fool's jokes would be a dramatic understatement. Nevertheless, it would be even more foolish to skip this very nice (and weird) video of an imaginary cross-over between Metal Gear Solid 4 and Assassin's Creed, produced by Ubisoft and Konami themselves - especially knowing that besides the Altaïr joke, the video features real never seen before gameplay from Hideo Kojima's next game.


Konami releases six vaguely new images of Metal Gear Solid 4. I'm almost sure I've already seen this gallery somewhere, but we never newsed it here anyway so at least it shouldn't be completely worthless.


Our friends over at Gaming-Age asked us to host a long Metal Gear Solid 4 gameplay video for them, and we gladly complied of course. This was filmed during the CES a few weeks ago, and is definitely not the way the game should be played!
Check out their CES report too!


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    EzioAltair hi (2 Days ago)

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    Loakum *takes a sip of grape juice* The Great Awakening is happening…. (> 3 Months ago)

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    gigantor21 We getting any Tekken 8 demo footage? (> 3 Months ago)

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    dc_coder_84 Playing Half-Life 1 with ray tracing mod on Linux, yay ;) (> 3 Months ago)

  • nostradamus

    nostradamus MS-Bethesda-ABK does have some ring to it. My oh my, (> 3 Months ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum Sony’s PlayStation Showcase was weaksauce….except for 5 great upcoming games. (> 3 Months ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum *takes a sip of grape juice* Ah…such a good vintage. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood Download is now functional again on Gamersyde. Sorry for the past 53 days or so when it wasn't. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood GSY is getting some nice content at 3 pm CEST with our July podcast and some videos of the Deus Ex Mankind Divided preview build. :) (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood For once we'll be live at 4:30 pm CEST. Blim should not even be tired! (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood More Quantum Break coverage coming in a few hours, 9:00 a.m CEST. (> 3 Months ago)

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    Driftwood We'll have a full review up for Firewatch at 7 pm CET. Videos will only be tomorrow though. (> 3 Months ago)

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