Comic Books/Graphic Novels

Since 6769 Days
What comics are you currently enjoying/reading?

Your favs?
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Since 6824 Days
Y: The Last Man is my favourite by far. The whole series isn't very long, but goddamn it's good!
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Zapp Brannigan: If we can hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate.

Since 6782 Days
Walking dead, expensive to buy them all but there shit hot.
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GT: ManThatYouFear
Real Life: ThatTwat

Since 6769 Days
I've been reading one that I really recommend to everyone: Uncanny X-Force. Holy shit is this series awesome to read.
I got into it just for the art at first and just got into the story big time.

Animal Man is also great to read.
Joe Madeuria(sp) started doing Spiderman which is interesting.

Those two are the ones I read currently though.

Favs Dark Knight Returns, Watchmen, Walking Dead, X-Men (90's), Spiderman (90's and early 00's), Battle Chasers, Danger Girl, Popbot (most things Ashley Wood), anything by David Mack
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Since 6787 Days
Went to the London super comic convention earlier this year, was some good stuff there and I even met Stan Lee. :0
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Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Since 6769 Days
Just gonna plop this here, new Batman trailer
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Since 6782 Days
can be bought cheaper but this is awesome :D
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GT: ManThatYouFear
Real Life: ThatTwat

Since 4418 Days
I had to get The Walking Dead compendium 1. I´m at part 35 right now.
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Since 6596 Days
Posted by Tinks
Your favs?
Neil Gaiman's Sandman (Gaiman's the writer, various illustrators) - it's so incredibly good that my eyes are full of tears of joy whenever I think about the experience of reading them.

I first read it in library, then bought the entire series hardcover.
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Since 4859 Days
I like Mike Mignola's work, primarily Hellboy. They're the only graphic novels I read at the moment, really.
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Since 4243 Days
I've been account one that I absolutely acclaim to everyone: Uncanny X-Force. Holy bits is this alternation alarming to read.
I got into it aloof for the art at aboriginal and aloof got into the adventure big time.
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Kristin Jenson

Since 6769 Days
Yeah the series is ballin
Remender is an awesome writer. I just wish the art would keep pace
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Since 5547 Days
Im reading:

The New 52 Superman and Batman, Superman is kinda boring but I like it and Batman is incredible.
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Real Madrid C.F. fan.

Since 683 Days
I can't be bothered to read too much IRL comics nowadays, since I'm leaning more on reading webcomics, and online comic strips now, also manga online I guess? has a ton of korean + english original comics that I like. 🤩
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